Type members


trait EventPropBuilder[EP[Ev <: DomEvent], DomEvent]

This trait builds event prop objects which are typically found on the left hand side of the onEvent := callback syntax.

This trait builds event prop objects which are typically found on the left hand side of the onEvent := callback syntax.

See also:

Type Params

Base type for DOM events (dom.Event in Scala JS)



trait HtmlAttrBuilder[A[_]]

This trait builds attribute objects which are typically found on the left hand side of the htmlAttr := value syntax.

This trait builds attribute objects which are typically found on the left hand side of the htmlAttr := value syntax.

See also:

Type Params

HTML Attribute, canonically com.raquo.domtypes.generic.keys.HtmlAttr

trait HtmlTagBuilder[T[_ <: DomHtmlElement], -DomHtmlElement]

HtmlTagBuilder is a builder of HTML Tags, which themselves are builders of HTML Elements. #factoryfactory

HtmlTagBuilder is a builder of HTML Tags, which themselves are builders of HTML Elements. #factoryfactory

trait PropBuilder[P[_, _]]

This trait builds objects representing properties, which are typically on the left hand side of the prop := value syntax.

This trait builds objects representing properties, which are typically on the left hand side of the prop := value syntax.

See also:

Type Params

DOM Property, canonically com.raquo.domtypes.generic.keys.Prop

trait ReflectedHtmlAttrBuilder[RA[_, _]]

This trait builds objects representing reflected attributes which are typically on the left hand side of the reflectedAttr := value syntax.

This trait builds objects representing reflected attributes which are typically on the left hand side of the reflectedAttr := value syntax.

Reflected attributes are explained in the README file.

Also see com.raquo.domtypes.generic.defs.reflectedAttrs.ReflectedHtmlAttrs for a summary of reflected attributes. Basically it's a subset of HTML attributes that are fully mirrored as DOM properties, so typically you don't want to load both an attribute and a property of the same name.

Type Params

Reflected Attribute, canonically either com.raquo.domtypes.generic.keys.HtmlAttr or com.raquo.domtypes.generic.keys.Prop depending on whether you want to build properties or attributes

trait StyleBuilders[StyleSetter]

This trait contains functionality for creating Styles and Style Setters.

This trait contains functionality for creating Styles and Style Setters.

If extending or instantiating this trait, you will need to override implicit defs. See the SimpleStyleBuilder trait in Scala DOM Builder project for an example of that.

Type Params

– represents an operation of setting a certain CSS style property to a certain value. Often a subtype of com.raquo.domtypes.generic.Modifier

trait SvgAttrBuilder[A[_]]

This trait builds attribute objects which are typically found on the left hand side of the svgAttr := value syntax.

This trait builds attribute objects which are typically found on the left hand side of the svgAttr := value syntax.

See also:

Type Params

SVG Attribute, canonically com.raquo.domtypes.generic.keys.SvgAttr

trait SvgTagBuilder[T[_ <: DomSvgElement], -DomSvgElement]

SvgTagBuilder is a builder of SVG Tags, which themselves are builders of SVG Elements. #factoryfactory

SvgTagBuilder is a builder of SVG Tags, which themselves are builders of SVG Elements. #factoryfactory

class Tag[+Element](val name: String, val void: Boolean)

Tag represents an Element builder

Tag represents an Element builder