
Type members


class EventProp[Ev](val name: String) extends Key

This class represents an HTML Element Event Property. Meaning the key that can be set, not a key-value pair.

This class represents an HTML Element Event Property. Meaning the key that can be set, not a key-value pair.

An example would be an "onclick" property.

Type Params

type of DOM Events that the event handler callback for this event prop accepts

class HtmlAttr[V](val name: String, val codec: Codec[V, String]) extends Key

This class represents an HTML Element Attribute. Meaning the key that can be set, not the whole a key-value pair.

This class represents an HTML Element Attribute. Meaning the key that can be set, not the whole a key-value pair.

Type Params

type of values that this Attribute can be set to

abstract class Key

This class represents a Key typically found on the left hand side of the key-value pair key := value

This class represents a Key typically found on the left hand side of the key-value pair key := value

Example would be a particular Attribute or a Property (without the corresponding value), e.g. "href"

class Prop[V, DomV](val name: String, val codec: Codec[V, DomV]) extends Key

This class represents a DOM Element Property. Meaning the key that can be set, not a key-value pair.

This class represents a DOM Element Property. Meaning the key that can be set, not a key-value pair.

Note: following the Javascript DOM Spec, Properties are distinct from Attributes even when they share a name.

Type Params

type of values that this Property holds in the native Javascript DOM


type of values that this Property can be set to

class Style[V](val name: String) extends Key

This class represents a CSS Style property. Meaning the key that can be set, not a key-value pair.

This class represents a CSS Style property. Meaning the key that can be set, not a key-value pair.

Type Params

type of values that this CSS property can be set to (in addition to String, which is a sort of an escape hatch)

Value Params

CSS property name, e.g. "background-color"

class SvgAttr[V](val name: String, val codec: Codec[V, String], val namespace: Option[String]) extends Key

This class represents an Svg Element Attribute. Meaning the key that can be set, not the whole a key-value pair.

This class represents an Svg Element Attribute. Meaning the key that can be set, not the whole a key-value pair.

Type Params

type of values that this Attribute can be set to