
Members list

Type members


Base class for tests that need parsing help

Base class for tests that need parsing help


trait Matchers
trait Explicitly
trait MatcherWords
trait Tolerance
class AnyWordSpec
trait AnyWordSpecLike
trait Documenting
trait Alerting
trait Notifying
trait Informing
trait CanVerb
trait MustVerb
trait ShouldVerb
trait TestRegistration
trait TestSuite
trait Suite
trait Serializable
trait Assertions
trait TripleEquals
trait TripleEqualsSupport
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
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Known subtypes
trait ParsingTestBase extends AnyWordSpec, Matchers


trait Matchers
trait Explicitly
trait MatcherWords
trait Tolerance
class AnyWordSpec
trait AnyWordSpecLike
trait Documenting
trait Alerting
trait Notifying
trait Informing
trait CanVerb
trait MustVerb
trait ShouldVerb
trait TestRegistration
trait TestSuite
trait Suite
trait Serializable
trait Assertions
trait TripleEquals
trait TripleEqualsSupport
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
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Known subtypes
abstract class RiddlFilesTestBase extends ValidatingTest


class ParsingTest
trait Matchers
trait Explicitly
trait MatcherWords
trait Tolerance
class AnyWordSpec
trait AnyWordSpecLike
trait Documenting
trait Alerting
trait Notifying
trait Informing
trait CanVerb
trait MustVerb
trait ShouldVerb
trait TestRegistration
trait TestSuite
trait Suite
trait Serializable
trait Assertions
trait TripleEquals
trait TripleEqualsSupport
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
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abstract class RunCommandOnExamplesTest[OPT <: CommandOptions, CMD <: CommandPlugin[OPT]](val commandName: String) extends AnyWordSpec, Matchers, BeforeAndAfterAll

Test Setup for running a command on the riddl-examples repos.

Test Setup for running a command on the riddl-examples repos.

This testkit helper allows you to create a test that runs a command on all the examples in the riddl-examples repo. It will download the riddl-examples repo, unzip it, and run the command on each example. The command is run in a temporary directory, and the output is compared to the expected output in the example.

Type parameters


The class for the Command


The class for the Options of the command

Value parameters


The name of the command to run.


trait BeforeAndAfterAll
trait SuiteMixin
trait Matchers
trait Explicitly
trait MatcherWords
trait Tolerance
class AnyWordSpec
trait AnyWordSpecLike
trait Documenting
trait Alerting
trait Notifying
trait Informing
trait CanVerb
trait MustVerb
trait ShouldVerb
trait TestRegistration
trait TestSuite
trait Suite
trait Serializable
trait Assertions
trait TripleEquals
trait TripleEqualsSupport
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
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abstract class RunCommandSpecBase extends AnyWordSpec, Matchers

A base class for specs that just want to run a command

A base class for specs that just want to run a command


trait Matchers
trait Explicitly
trait MatcherWords
trait Tolerance
class AnyWordSpec
trait AnyWordSpecLike
trait Documenting
trait Alerting
trait Notifying
trait Informing
trait CanVerb
trait MustVerb
trait ShouldVerb
trait TestRegistration
trait TestSuite
trait Suite
trait Serializable
trait Assertions
trait TripleEquals
trait TripleEqualsSupport
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
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object TestParser


trait Product
trait Mirror
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type
case class TestParser(input: RiddlParserInput, throwOnError: Boolean) extends TopLevelParser, Matchers


trait Serializable
trait Product
trait Equals
trait Matchers
trait Explicitly
trait MatcherWords
trait MustVerb
trait Tolerance
trait Assertions
trait TripleEquals
trait TripleEqualsSupport
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
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abstract class ValidatingTest extends ParsingTest

Convenience functions for tests that do validation

Convenience functions for tests that do validation


class ParsingTest
trait Matchers
trait Explicitly
trait MatcherWords
trait Tolerance
class AnyWordSpec
trait AnyWordSpecLike
trait Documenting
trait Alerting
trait Notifying
trait Informing
trait CanVerb
trait MustVerb
trait ShouldVerb
trait TestRegistration
trait TestSuite
trait Suite
trait Serializable
trait Assertions
trait TripleEquals
trait TripleEqualsSupport
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
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Known subtypes