

package io

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By inheritance
  1. io
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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Type Members

  1. class BlockJsonTokenIterator extends AbstractBufferedIterator[JsonToken]

    Convert a character-stream into a token-stream.

  2. class CompactJsonWriter extends JsonWriter

    An object that will write com.rojoma.json.v3.ast.JValues in a non-human-friendly "compact" format with no spaces or newlines.

  3. case class EndOfArrayEvent()(position: Position) extends JsonEvent with Product with Serializable

  4. case class EndOfObjectEvent()(position: Position) extends JsonEvent with Product with Serializable

  5. class EventJsonReader extends JsonReader

    Parses a token-stream into a com.rojoma.json.v3.ast.JValue.

  6. type FieldCache = (String, Int) ⇒ String

    A function for use in caching objects' field names, for memory reduction.

    A function for use in caching objects' field names, for memory reduction. In most places, this defaults to identity. In however, a is used because it is already known that the entire datum will be read into memory at once.

    The parameters are the field names and the depth of nesting at which it occurs.

  7. case class FieldEvent(name: String)(position: Position) extends JsonEvent with Product with Serializable

  8. class FixedSetFieldCache extends (String, Int) ⇒ String

    A cache of keys that are known ahead of time.

  9. class FusedBlockJsonEventIterator extends AbstractBufferedIterator[JsonEvent]

    Turns a raw character-stream into an event stream, checking for JSON well-formedness.

  10. class FusedBlockJsonReader extends JsonReader

  11. class HashMapFieldCache extends (String, Int) ⇒ String

  12. case class IdentifierEvent(text: String)(position: Position) extends JsonEvent with Product with Serializable

  13. sealed abstract class JValueGenerator extends AnyRef

  14. class JsonBadParse extends JsonReaderException with JsonReadException

    This exception should never be thrown if using the standard JsonEventIterator.

  15. sealed abstract class JsonEOF extends JsonReaderException

  16. sealed abstract class JsonEvent extends AnyRef

  17. sealed abstract class JsonEventGenerator extends AnyRef

  18. class JsonEventIterator extends AbstractBufferedIterator[JsonEvent]

    Turns a raw token-stream into an event stream, checking for JSON well-formedness.

  19. trait JsonLexException extends JsonReaderException

  20. class JsonLexerEOF extends JsonEOF with JsonLexException

  21. class JsonNumberOutOfRange extends JsonReaderException with JsonLexException

  22. trait JsonParseException extends JsonReaderException

  23. class JsonParserEOF extends JsonEOF with JsonParseException

  24. trait JsonReadException extends JsonReaderException

  25. trait JsonReader extends AnyRef

  26. abstract class JsonReaderException extends Exception

  27. sealed abstract class JsonToken extends AnyRef

  28. sealed abstract class JsonTokenGenerator extends AnyRef

  29. class JsonTokenIterator extends AbstractBufferedIterator[JsonToken]

    Convert a character-stream into a token-stream.

  30. class JsonUnexpectedCharacter extends JsonReaderException with JsonLexException

  31. class JsonUnexpectedToken extends JsonReaderException with JsonParseException

  32. class JsonUnknownIdentifier extends JsonReaderException with JsonParseException

  33. trait JsonWriter extends AnyRef

    An object that can serialize com.rojoma.json.v3.ast.JValues.

  34. sealed abstract class MalformedEventStreamException extends RuntimeException

  35. class NoSuchTokenException extends NoSuchElementException

  36. case class NumberEvent(number: String)(position: Position) extends JsonEvent with Product with Serializable

  37. final class Position extends AnyVal

  38. class PrettyJsonWriter extends JsonWriter

    An object that will write com.rojoma.json.v3.ast.JValues in a human-friendly indented format.

  39. sealed abstract class SimpleJsonToken extends JsonToken

  40. case class StartOfArrayEvent()(position: Position) extends JsonEvent with Product with Serializable

  41. case class StartOfObjectEvent()(position: Position) extends JsonEvent with Product with Serializable

  42. case class StringEvent(string: String)(position: Position) extends JsonEvent with Product with Serializable

  43. case class TokenCloseBrace()(position: Position) extends SimpleJsonToken with Product with Serializable

  44. case class TokenCloseBracket()(position: Position) extends SimpleJsonToken with Product with Serializable

  45. case class TokenColon()(position: Position) extends SimpleJsonToken with Product with Serializable

  46. case class TokenComma()(position: Position) extends SimpleJsonToken with Product with Serializable

  47. case class TokenIdentifier(text: String)(position: Position) extends SimpleJsonToken with Product with Serializable

  48. case class TokenNumber(number: String)(position: Position) extends SimpleJsonToken with Product with Serializable

  49. case class TokenOpenBrace()(position: Position) extends SimpleJsonToken with Product with Serializable

  50. case class TokenOpenBracket()(position: Position) extends SimpleJsonToken with Product with Serializable

  51. case class TokenString(text: String)(position: Position) extends JsonToken with Product with Serializable

Value Members

  1. object CompactJsonWriter

  2. object EventJsonReader

  3. object EventTokenIterator extends (Iterator[JsonEvent]) ⇒ Iterator[JsonToken]

    A function which converts an Iterator[JsonEvent] into an Iterator[JsonToken].

  4. val IdentityFieldCache: (String, Int) ⇒ String

  5. object JValueEventIterator extends (JValue) ⇒ Iterator[JsonEvent]

    A function which converts a JValue into an Iterator[JsonEvent].

  6. object JValueGenerator

  7. object JsonEvent

  8. object JsonEventGenerator

  9. object JsonEventIterator

  10. object JsonLexException extends Serializable

  11. object JsonParseException extends Serializable

  12. object JsonReadException extends Serializable

  13. object JsonReader

  14. object JsonReaderException extends Serializable

  15. object JsonToken

  16. object JsonTokenGenerator

  17. object MalformedEventStreamException extends Serializable

  18. object Position

  19. object PrettyJsonWriter

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
