

package util

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class AlternativeJsonKey extends Annotation with Annotation with ClassfileAnnotation

  2. class AutomaticJsonCodec extends Annotation with StaticAnnotation

  3. class AutomaticJsonDecode extends Annotation with StaticAnnotation

  4. class AutomaticJsonEncode extends Annotation with StaticAnnotation

  5. case class InternalTag(fieldName: String, removeTagForSubcodec: Boolean = true) extends TagType with Product with Serializable

    Specifies that the base codec should add (and possibly remove) an extra field to the objects generated by the subclasses' com.rojoma.json.v3.codec.JsonEncodes and com.rojoma.json.v3.codec.JsonDecodes (and they must be objects).

  6. abstract class JArrayProducer extends AnyRef

  7. final class JValueProducer extends AnyRef

  8. class JsonCaseInsensitiveEnum extends Annotation with Annotation with ClassfileAnnotation

  9. class JsonKey extends Annotation with Annotation with ClassfileAnnotation

  10. class JsonKeyStrategy extends Annotation with Annotation with ClassfileAnnotation

  11. class JsonTag extends Annotation with Annotation with ClassfileAnnotation

  12. class LazyCodec extends Annotation with Annotation with ClassfileAnnotation

  13. sealed abstract class NoTag extends AnyRef

    Specifies that the base codec should not affect the subclasses' com.rojoma.json.v3.codec.JsonEncodes and com.rojoma.json.v3.codec.JsonDecodes at all and that the decoder should simply try each codec in turn, in the order they were provided to the builder, until it finds one that succeeds.

  14. class NoTagSimpleHierarchyCodecBuilder[Root <: AnyRef] extends AnyRef

  15. class NoTagSimpleHierarchyDecodeBuilder[Root <: AnyRef] extends AnyRef

  16. class NoTagSimpleHierarchyEncodeBuilder[Root <: AnyRef] extends AnyRef

  17. class NullForNone extends Annotation with Annotation with ClassfileAnnotation

  18. class SimpleHierarchyCodecBuilder[Root <: AnyRef] extends AnyRef

  19. class SimpleHierarchyDecodeBuilder[Root <: AnyRef] extends AnyRef

  20. class SimpleHierarchyEncodeBuilder[Root <: AnyRef] extends AnyRef

  21. class Strategy extends Enum[Strategy]

  22. case class TagAndValue(typeField: String, valueField: String) extends TagType with Product with Serializable

    Specifies that the base codec should wrap the value generated by subclasses' com.rojoma.json.v3.codec.JsonEncodes and com.rojoma.json.v3.codec.JsonDecodes in another object containing two fields; one for the type-tag and one for the actual value.

  23. sealed abstract class TagType extends AnyRef

    Specifies the mechanism for distinguishing among subclasses in a hierarchy with a tag.

  24. final class WrappedCharArray extends AnyRef

    A container for a slice of an Array[Char] which promises to allow only read-only access to that array.

  25. class WrappedCharArrayIterator extends AbstractBufferedIterator[Char]

Value Members

  1. object ArrayIteratorEncode

    Converting iterators-of-jsonables to iterators that represent JArrays, without holding onto the contents of the iterator.

  2. object AutomaticHierarchyCodecBuilder

  3. object AutomaticHierarchyDecodeBuilder

  4. object AutomaticHierarchyEncodeBuilder

  5. object AutomaticJsonCodecBuilder

  6. object AutomaticJsonDecodeBuilder

  7. object AutomaticJsonEncodeBuilder

  8. object JArrayProducer

  9. object JValueProducer

  10. object JsonArrayIterator

    Helper for reading lazily reading objects out of a source of JsonEvents representing a JSON array.

  11. object JsonUtil

  12. object NoTag extends NoTag with Product with Serializable

  13. object SimpleHierarchyCodecBuilder

  14. object SimpleHierarchyDecodeBuilder

  15. object SimpleHierarchyEncodeBuilder

  16. object SimpleJsonCodecBuilder

  17. object TagToValue extends TagType with Product with Serializable

    Specifies that the base codec should wrap the value generated by subclasses' com.rojoma.json.v3.codec.JsonEncodes and com.rojoma.json.v3.codec.JsonDecodes in another object containing a single field, which is the tag for that subclass.

  18. object WrappedCharArray

  19. object WrapperFieldCodec

  20. object WrapperFieldDecode

  21. object WrapperFieldEncode

  22. object WrapperJsonCodec

    Creates a combined com.rojoma.json.v3.codec.JsonEncode and com.rojoma.json.v3.codec.JsonDecode for a simple wrapper type.

  23. object WrapperJsonDecode

    Creates a com.rojoma.json.v3.codec.JsonDecode for a simple wrapper type.

  24. object WrapperJsonEncode

    Creates a com.rojoma.json.v3.codec.JsonEncode for a simple wrapper type.
