



package feature

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class AliasTransformer[I <: FeatureType] extends UnaryTransformer[I, I]


    No-op (identity) alias feature transformer allowing renaming features without applying a transformation on values.

    No-op (identity) alias feature transformer allowing renaming features without applying a transformation on values.


    feature type

  2. class BinaryMapVectorizer[T <: OPMap[Boolean]] extends OPMapVectorizer[Boolean, T]


    Class for vectorizing BinaryMap features.

    Class for vectorizing BinaryMap features. Fills missing keys with args.defaultValue, which does not depend on the key, so getFillByKey returns an empty sequence.


    input feature type to vectorize into an OPVector

  3. final class BinaryMapVectorizerModel[T <: OPMap[Boolean]] extends OPMapVectorizerModel[Boolean, T]

  4. class BinaryVectorizer extends SequenceTransformer[Binary, OPVector] with VectorizerDefaults with TrackNullsParam


    Vectorizes Binary inputs where each input is transformed into 2 vector elements where the first element is [1 -> true] or [0 -> false] and the second element is [1 -> filled value] or [0 -> original value].

    Vectorizes Binary inputs where each input is transformed into 2 vector elements where the first element is [1 -> true] or [0 -> false] and the second element is [1 -> filled value] or [0 -> original value]. The vector representation for each input is concatenated into a final vector representation.


    Data: Seq[(Binary, Binary)] = ((Some(false), None)) => f1, f2 new BinaryVectorizer().setInput(f1, f2).setFillValue(10)

    will produce Array(0.0, 0.0, 10.0, 1.0)

  5. trait CleanTextFun extends AnyRef

  6. trait CleanTextMapFun extends CleanTextFun

  7. sealed trait DateListPivot extends EnumEntry with Serializable

  8. class DateListVectorizer[T <: OPList[Long]] extends SequenceTransformer[T, OPVector] with VectorizerDefaults with TrackNullsParam


    Converts a sequence of DateLists features into a vector feature.

    Converts a sequence of DateLists features into a vector feature. Can choose how to pivot the features

  9. class DateMapToUnitCircleVectorizer[T <: DateMap] extends SequenceEstimator[T, OPVector] with DateToUnitCircleParams with MapVectorizerFuns[Long, T]


    Following: Transforms a Date or DateTime field into a cartesian coordinate representation of an extracted time period on the unit circle

    Following: Transforms a Date or DateTime field into a cartesian coordinate representation of an extracted time period on the unit circle

    parameter timePeriod The time period to extract from the timestamp enum from: DayOfMonth, DayOfWeek, DayOfYear, HourOfDay, MonthOfYear, WeekOfMonth, WeekOfYear

    We extract the timePeriod from the timestamp and map this onto the unit circle containing the number of time periods equally spaced. For example, when timePeriod = HourOfDay, the timestamp 01/01/2018 6:37 maps to the point on the circle with angle radians = 2*math.Pi*6/24 We return the cartesian coordinates of this point: (math.cos(radians), math.sin(radians))

    The first time period always has angle 0.

    Note: We use the ISO week date format Monday is the first day of the week & the first week of the year is the week wit the first Monday after Jan 1.

  10. final class DateMapToUnitCircleVectorizerModel[T <: DateMap] extends SequenceModel[T, OPVector] with CleanTextMapFun


    Model for DateMapToUnitCircleVectorizer

    Model for DateMapToUnitCircleVectorizer


    DateMap type

  11. class DateMapVectorizer[T <: OPMap[Long]] extends OPMapVectorizer[Long, T]


    Class for vectorizing DateMap features.

    Class for vectorizing DateMap features. Fills missing keys with args.defaultValue, which does not depend on the key, so getFillByKey returns an empty sequence.


    input feature type to vectorize into an OPVector

  12. final class DateMapVectorizerModel[T <: OPMap[Long]] extends OPMapVectorizerModel[Long, T]

  13. trait DateToUnitCircleParams extends Params

  14. class DateToUnitCircleTransformer[T <: Date] extends SequenceTransformer[T, OPVector] with DateToUnitCircleParams


    Following: Transforms a Date or DateTime field into a cartesian coordinate representation of an extracted time period on the unit circle

    Following: Transforms a Date or DateTime field into a cartesian coordinate representation of an extracted time period on the unit circle

    parameter timePeriod The time period to extract from the timestamp enum from: DayOfMonth, DayOfWeek, DayOfYear, HourOfDay, MonthOfYear, WeekOfMonth, WeekOfYear

    We extract the timePeriod from the timestamp and map this onto the unit circle containing the number of time periods equally spaced. For example, when timePeriod = HourOfDay, the timestamp 01/01/2018 6:37 maps to the point on the circle with angle radians = 2*math.Pi*6/24 We return the cartesian coordinates of this point: (math.cos(radians), math.sin(radians))

    The first time period always has angle 0.

    Note: We use the ISO week date format Monday is the first day of the week & the first week of the year is the week wit the first Monday after Jan 1.

  15. class DecisionTreeNumericBucketizer[N, I2 <: OPNumeric[N]] extends BinaryEstimator[RealNN, I2, OPVector] with DecisionTreeNumericBucketizerParams with VectorizerDefaults with TrackInvalidParam with TrackNullsParam with NumericBucketizerMetadata with AllowLabelAsInput[OPVector]


    Smart bucketizer for numeric values based on a Decision Tree classifier.

    Smart bucketizer for numeric values based on a Decision Tree classifier.


    numeric feature type value


    numeric feature type

  16. final class DecisionTreeNumericBucketizerModel[I2 <: OPNumeric[_]] extends BinaryModel[RealNN, I2, OPVector] with AllowLabelAsInput[OPVector]

  17. trait DecisionTreeNumericBucketizerParams extends AnyRef

  18. class DecisionTreeNumericMapBucketizer[N, I2 <: OPMap[N]] extends BinaryEstimator[RealNN, I2, OPVector] with DecisionTreeNumericBucketizerParams with VectorizerDefaults with TrackInvalidParam with TrackNullsParam with NumericBucketizerMetadata with MapPivotParams with CleanTextMapFun with AllowLabelAsInput[OPVector]


    Smart bucketizer for numeric map values based on a Decision Tree classifier.

    Smart bucketizer for numeric map values based on a Decision Tree classifier.


    numeric feature type value


    numeric map feature type

  19. final class DecisionTreeNumericMapBucketizerModel[I2 <: OPMap[_]] extends BinaryModel[RealNN, I2, OPVector] with CleanTextMapFun with AllowLabelAsInput[OPVector]

  20. class DropIndicesByTransformer extends UnaryTransformer[OPVector, OPVector]


    Allows columns to be dropped from a feature vector based on properties of the metadata about what is contained in each column (will work only on vectors) created with OpVectorMetadata

  21. class FillMissingWithMean[N, I <: OPNumeric[N]] extends UnaryEstimator[I, RealNN]


    Fill missing values with mean for any numeric feature

  22. final class FillMissingWithMeanModel[I <: OPNumeric[_]] extends UnaryModel[I, RealNN]

  23. class FilterMap[I <: OPMap[_]] extends UnaryTransformer[I, I] with MapPivotParams with TextParams with CleanTextMapFun


    Filters maps by keys provided in a whiteList or blackList

    Filters maps by keys provided in a whiteList or blackList


    input feature type

  24. class GeolocationMapVectorizer extends SequenceEstimator[GeolocationMap, OPVector] with MapVectorizerFuns[Seq[Double], GeolocationMap] with TrackNullsParam

  25. final class GeolocationMapVectorizerModel extends SequenceModel[GeolocationMap, OPVector] with CleanTextMapFun

  26. class GeolocationVectorizer extends SequenceEstimator[Geolocation, OPVector] with VectorizerDefaults with TrackNullsParam with GeolocationFunctions


    Converts a sequence of Geolocation features into a vector feature.

    Converts a sequence of Geolocation features into a vector feature. Can choose to fill null values with the mean or a constant

  27. final class GeolocationVectorizerModel extends SequenceModel[Geolocation, OPVector] with VectorizerDefaults

  28. case class HashingFunctionParams(hashWithIndex: Boolean, prependFeatureName: Boolean, numFeatures: Int, numInputs: Int, maxNumOfFeatures: Int, binaryFreq: Boolean, hashAlgorithm: HashAlgorithm, hashSpaceStrategy: HashSpaceStrategy) extends Product with Serializable


    Hashing Parameters

    Hashing Parameters


    if true, include indices when hashing a feature that has them (OPLists or OPVectors)


    if true, prepends a input feature name to each token of that feature


    number of features (hashes) to generate


    number of inputs


    max number of features (hashes)


    if true, term frequency vector will be binary such that non-zero term counts will be set to 1.0


    hash algorithm to use


    strategy to determine whether to use shared hash space for all included features

  29. sealed abstract class Inclusion extends EnumEntry with Serializable

  30. sealed trait IndexToStringHandleInvalid extends EnumEntry with Serializable

  31. class IntegralMapVectorizer[T <: OPMap[Long]] extends OPMapVectorizer[Long, T]


    Class for vectorizing IntegralMap features.

    Class for vectorizing IntegralMap features. Fills missing keys with the mode for that key.


    input feature type to vectorize into an OPVector

  32. final class IntegralMapVectorizerModel[T <: OPMap[Long]] extends OPMapVectorizerModel[Long, T]

  33. class IntegralVectorizer[T <: Integral] extends SequenceEstimator[T, OPVector] with VectorizerDefaults with TrackNullsParam


    Converts a sequence of Integral features into a vector feature.

    Converts a sequence of Integral features into a vector feature. Can choose to fill null values with the mean or a constant

  34. final class IntegralVectorizerModel[T <: Integral] extends SequenceModel[T, OPVector] with VectorizerDefaults

  35. class IsValidPhoneDefaultCountry extends UnaryTransformer[Phone, Binary] with PhoneParams


    Transformer to determine if a phone numbers is valid when no country code is available.

    Transformer to determine if a phone numbers is valid when no country code is available. The default locale will be used for validation. All phone numbers with less than 2 characters will be categorized as invalid All phone numbers that starts with "+" will be evaluated with international formatting

    Returns binary feature true if phone is valid false if invalid and none if phone number is none

  36. class IsValidPhoneMapDefaultCountry extends UnaryTransformer[PhoneMap, BinaryMap] with PhoneParams


    Transformer to determine if a map of phone numbers is valid when no country code is available.

    Transformer to determine if a map of phone numbers is valid when no country code is available. The default locale will be used for validation. All phone numbers with less than 2 characters will be categorized as invalid All phone numbers that starts with "+" will be evaluated with international formatting

    Returns binary map feature true if phone is valid false if invalid and none if phone number is none

  37. class IsValidPhoneNumber extends BinaryTransformer[Phone, Text, Binary] with PhoneCountryParams


    Determine whether a phone number is valid given the country's regional code.

    Determine whether a phone number is valid given the country's regional code. By default the regional code will be checked against those provided in Google's PhoneNumber library. If the input regional code is not found, the default locale will be used for validation.

    If the User provided a Country name to code mapping, the phone number can only be validated against the input mapping. This transformer will first match on regional code, failing that, it will select the country with the closest Q-Distance.

    All phone numbers with less than 2 characters will be categorized as invalid

    All phone numbers that starts with "+" will be evaluated with international formatting

    Returns binary feature true if phone is valid false if invalid and none if phone number is none

  38. class JaccardSimilarity extends BinaryTransformer[MultiPickList, MultiPickList, RealNN]


    Calculates the Jaccard Similarity between two sets.

    Calculates the Jaccard Similarity between two sets. If both inputs are empty, Jaccard Similarity is defined as 1.0

  39. class LangDetector[T <: Text] extends UnaryTransformer[T, RealMap]


    Transformer that detects the language of the text

  40. trait LanguageDetectionParams extends Params

  41. trait MapPivotParams extends Params

  42. trait MapStringPivotHelper extends SaveOthersParams

  43. trait MapVectorizerFuns[A, T <: OPMap[A]] extends VectorizerDefaults with MapPivotParams with CleanTextMapFun

  44. trait MaxCardinalityParams extends Params

  45. class MimeTypeDetector extends UnaryTransformer[Base64, Text] with MimeTypeDetectorParams


    Detects MIME type for Base64 encoded binary data.

  46. class MimeTypeMapDetector extends UnaryTransformer[Base64Map, PickListMap] with MimeTypeDetectorParams


    Detects MIME type for Base64Map encoded binary data.

  47. trait MinSupportParam extends Params

  48. class MultiPickListMapVectorizer[T <: OPMap[Set[String]]] extends SequenceEstimator[T, OPVector] with VectorizerDefaults with PivotParams with MapPivotParams with TextParams with MapStringPivotHelper with CleanTextMapFun with MinSupportParam with TrackNullsParam


    Converts a sequence of KeyMultiPickList features into a vector keeping the top K most common occurrences of each key in the maps for that feature (ie the final vector has length k * number of keys * number of features).

    Converts a sequence of KeyMultiPickList features into a vector keeping the top K most common occurrences of each key in the maps for that feature (ie the final vector has length k * number of keys * number of features). Each key found will also generate an other column which will capture values that do not make the cut or where not seen in training. Note that any keys not seen in training will be ignored.

  49. final class MultiPickListMapVectorizerModel[T <: OPMap[Set[String]]] extends SequenceModel[T, OPVector] with VectorizerDefaults with CleanTextMapFun

  50. class NameEntityRecognizer[T <: Text] extends UnaryTransformer[T, MultiPickListMap] with LanguageDetectionParams


    Name Entity NameEntityType text recognizer.

    Name Entity NameEntityType text recognizer.

    Note: when providing your own the analyzer/splitter/tagger make sure they can work together, for instance OpenNLP models require their own analyzers to be provided when tokenizing. The returned feature type is a MultiPickListMap which contains sets of entities for all the tokens


    text feature type

  51. class NumericBucketizer[I1 <: OPNumeric[_]] extends UnaryTransformer[I1, OPVector] with VectorizerDefaults with NumericBucketizerParams with NumericBucketizerMetadata


    Numeric Bucketizer

    Numeric Bucketizer


    numeric feature type

  52. trait NumericBucketizerParams extends TrackInvalidParam with TrackNullsParam

  53. sealed trait NumericMapDefaultParam extends Params

  54. class OPCollectionHashingVectorizer[T <: OPCollection] extends SequenceTransformer[T, OPVector] with VectorizerDefaults with PivotParams with CleanTextFun with HashingFun with HashingVectorizerParams


    Generic hashing vectorizer to convert features of type OPCollection into Vectors

    Generic hashing vectorizer to convert features of type OPCollection into Vectors

    In more details: It tries to hash entries in the collection using the specified hashing algorithm to build a single vector. If the desired number of features (= hash space size) for all features combined is larger than Integer.Max (the maximal index for a vector), then all the features use the same hash space. There are also options for the user to hash indices with collections where that makes sense (OPLists and OPVectors), and to force a shared hash space, even if the number of feature is not high enough to require it.

  55. sealed abstract class OPCollectionTransformer[I <: FeatureType, O <: FeatureType, ICol <: OPCollection, OCol <: OPCollection] extends UnaryTransformer[ICol, OCol]


    Abstract base class for a set of transformer wrappers that allow unary transformers between non-collection types to be used on collection types.

    Abstract base class for a set of transformer wrappers that allow unary transformers between non-collection types to be used on collection types. For example, we can use a UnaryLambdaTransformer[Email, Integer] on a map's values, creating a UnaryLambdaTransformer[EmailMap, IntegralMap]. This base class will be inherited by concrete classes for OPMaps, OPList, and OPSets (in order to enforce not allowing these collection types to be transformed into each other, eg. no MultiPickList to RealMap transformations).

    The OP type hierarchy does not allow direct type checking of such transformer wrappers (eg. Real#Value is Option[Double] and RealMap#Value is Map[String, Double], so there's no way to enforce that a RealMap can only hold what is contained in a Real) since the types themselves are not created with typetags for performance reasons. However, we can still enforce that operations like building a UnaryLambdaTransformer[RealMap, StringMap] from a UnaryLambdaTransformer[Real, Integer] is not possible by using the Spark types in validateTypes.


    input feature type for supplied non-collection transformer


    output feature type for supplied non-collection transformer


    input feature type for desired collection transformer


    output feature type for desired collection transformer

  56. abstract class OPMapVectorizer[A, T <: OPMap[A]] extends SequenceEstimator[T, OPVector] with MapVectorizerFuns[Double, RealMap] with NumericMapDefaultParam with TrackNullsParam


    Base class for vectorizing OPMap[A] features.

    Base class for vectorizing OPMap[A] features. Individual vectorizers for different feature types need to implement the getFillByKey function (which calculates any fill values that differ by key - means, modes, etc.) and the makeModel function (which specifies which type of model will be returned).


    value type for underlying map


    input feature type to vectorize into an OPVector

  57. sealed abstract class OPMapVectorizerModel[A, I <: OPMap[A]] extends SequenceModel[I, OPVector] with CleanTextMapFun

  58. sealed case class OPMapVectorizerModelArgs(allKeys: Seq[Seq[String]], fillByKey: Seq[Map[String, Double]], shouldCleanKeys: Boolean, shouldCleanValues: Boolean, defaultValue: Double, trackNulls: Boolean = TransmogrifierDefaults.TrackNulls) extends Product with Serializable


    OPMap vectorizer model arguments

    OPMap vectorizer model arguments


    all keys per feature


    fill values for features


    should clean map keys


    should clean map values


    default value to replace with


    add column to track null values for each map key

  59. class OpCountVectorizer extends OpEstimatorWrapper[TextList, OPVector, CountVectorizer, CountVectorizerModel]


    Wrapper around spark ml CountVectorizer for use with OP pipelines

  60. class OpIndexToString extends OpTransformerWrapper[RealNN, Text, IndexToString]


    OP wrapper for

    OP wrapper for


    A transformer that maps a feature of indices back to a new feature of corresponding text values. The index-string mapping is either from the ML attributes of the input feature, or from user-supplied labels (which take precedence over ML attributes).

    See also

    OpStringIndexer for converting text into indices

  61. class OpIndexToStringNoFilter extends UnaryTransformer[RealNN, Text] with SaveOthersParams


    A transformer that maps a feature of indices back to a new feature of corresponding text values.

    A transformer that maps a feature of indices back to a new feature of corresponding text values. The index-string mapping is either from the ML attributes of the input feature, or from user-supplied labels (which take precedence over ML attributes).

    See also

    OpStringIndexerNoFilter for converting text into indices

  62. class OpLDA extends OpEstimatorWrapper[OPVector, OPVector, LDA, LDAModel]


    Wrapper around spark ml LDA (Latent Dirichlet Allocation) for use with OP pipelines

  63. abstract class OpOneHotVectorizer[T <: FeatureType] extends SequenceEstimator[T, OPVector] with VectorizerDefaults with PivotParams with CleanTextFun with SaveOthersParams with TrackNullsParam with MinSupportParam with OneHotFun


    Converts a sequence of features into a vector keeping the top K most common occurrences of each feature (ie the final vector has length K * number of inputs).

    Converts a sequence of features into a vector keeping the top K most common occurrences of each feature (ie the final vector has length K * number of inputs). Plus an additional column for "other" values - which will capture values that do not make the cut or values not seen in training, and an additional column for empty values unless null tracking is disabled.

  64. abstract class OpOneHotVectorizerModel[T <: FeatureType] extends SequenceModel[T, OPVector] with VectorizerDefaults with CleanTextFun with OneHotModelFun[T]

  65. class OpScalarStandardScaler extends UnaryEstimator[RealNN, RealNN]


    Wraps Spark's native StandardScaler, which operates on vectors, to enable it to operate directly on scalars.

  66. final class OpScalarStandardScalerModel extends UnaryModel[RealNN, RealNN]

  67. class OpSetVectorizer[T <: OPSet[_]] extends OpOneHotVectorizer[T]


    Converts a sequence of OpSet features into a vector keeping the top K most common occurrences of each feature (ie the final vector has length K * number of inputs).

    Converts a sequence of OpSet features into a vector keeping the top K most common occurrences of each feature (ie the final vector has length K * number of inputs). Plus an additional column for "other" values - which will capture values that do not make the cut or values not seen in training, and an additional column for empty values unless null tracking is disabled.

  68. final class OpSetVectorizerModel[T <: OPSet[_]] extends OpOneHotVectorizerModel[T]

  69. class OpStringIndexer[T <: Text] extends OpEstimatorWrapper[T, RealNN, StringIndexer, StringIndexerModel]


    OP wrapper for

    OP wrapper for


    A label indexer that maps a text column of labels to an ML feature of label indices. The indices are in [0, numLabels), ordered by label frequencies. So the most frequent label gets index 0.

    See also

    OpIndexToString for the inverse transformation

  70. class OpStringIndexerNoFilter[I <: Text] extends UnaryEstimator[I, RealNN] with SaveOthersParams


    A label indexer that maps a text column of labels to an ML feature of label indices.

    A label indexer that maps a text column of labels to an ML feature of label indices. The indices are in [0, numLabels), ordered by label frequencies. So the most frequent label gets index 0.

    See also

    OpIndexToStringNoFilter for the inverse transformation

  71. final class OpStringIndexerNoFilterModel[I <: Text] extends UnaryModel[I, RealNN]

  72. class OpTextPivotVectorizer[T <: Text] extends OpOneHotVectorizer[T]


    Converts a sequence of Text features into a vector keeping the top K most common occurrences of each feature (ie the final vector has length K * number of inputs).

    Converts a sequence of Text features into a vector keeping the top K most common occurrences of each feature (ie the final vector has length K * number of inputs). Plus an additional column for "other" values - which will capture values that do not make the cut or values not seen in training, and an additional column for empty values unless null tracking is disabled.

  73. final class OpTextPivotVectorizerModel[T <: Text] extends OpOneHotVectorizerModel[T]

  74. class OpWord2Vec extends OpEstimatorWrapper[TextList, OPVector, Word2Vec, Word2VecModel]


    Wrapper around spark ml word2vec for use with OP pipelines

  75. class ParsePhoneDefaultCountry extends UnaryTransformer[Phone, Phone] with PhoneParams


    Transformer to determine if a phone numbers is valid when no country code is available.

    Transformer to determine if a phone numbers is valid when no country code is available. The default locale will be used for validation. All phone numbers with less than 2 characters will be categorized as invalid All phone numbers that starts with "+" will be evaluate with international formatting

    Returns stripped number if number is valid. And None other wise.

  76. class ParsePhoneNumber extends BinaryTransformer[Phone, Text, Phone] with PhoneCountryParams


    Determine whether a phone number is valid given the country's regional code.

    Determine whether a phone number is valid given the country's regional code. By default the regional code will be checked against those provided in Google's PhoneNumber library. If the input regional code is not found, the default locale will be used for validation.

    If the User provided a Country name to code mapping, the phone number can only be validated against the input mapping. This transformer will first match on regional code, failing that, it will select the country with the closest Q-Distance.

    All phone numbers with less than 2 characters will be categorized as invalid

    All phone numbers that starts with "+" will be evaluated with international formatting

    Returns stripped number if number is valid. And None other wise.

  77. class PercentileCalibrator extends UnaryEstimator[RealNN, RealNN]


    Wraps around

  78. final class PercentileCalibratorModel extends UnaryModel[RealNN, RealNN]

  79. trait PhoneCountryParams extends PhoneParams

  80. trait PhoneParams extends Params

  81. trait PivotParams extends TextParams

  82. class RealMapVectorizer[T <: OPMap[Double]] extends OPMapVectorizer[Double, T]


    Class for vectorizing RealMap features.

    Class for vectorizing RealMap features. Fills missing keys with the mean for that key.


    input feature type to vectorize into an OPVector

  83. final class RealMapVectorizerModel[T <: OPMap[Double]] extends OPMapVectorizerModel[Double, T]

  84. class RealNNVectorizer extends SequenceTransformer[RealNN, OPVector] with VectorizerDefaults


    Converts a sequence of real non nullable features into a vector feature

  85. class RealVectorizer[T <: Real] extends SequenceEstimator[T, OPVector] with VectorizerDefaults with TrackNullsParam


    Converts a sequence of Nullable Numeric features into a vector feature.

    Converts a sequence of Nullable Numeric features into a vector feature. Can choose to fill null values with the mean or a constant

  86. final class RealVectorizerModel[T <: Real] extends SequenceModel[T, OPVector] with VectorizerDefaults

  87. trait SaveOthersParams extends Params

  88. class SetNGramSimilarity extends NGramSimilarity[MultiPickList]


    Compute char ngram distance for MultiPickList features.

  89. case class SmartTextFeatureInfo(key: String, isCategorical: Boolean, topValues: Array[String]) extends JsonLike with Product with Serializable


    Info about each feature within a text map

    Info about each feature within a text map


    name of a feature


    indicate whether a feature is categorical or not


    most common values of a feature (only for categoricals)

  90. class SmartTextMapVectorizer[T <: OPMap[String]] extends SequenceEstimator[T, OPVector] with PivotParams with CleanTextFun with SaveOthersParams with TrackNullsParam with MinSupportParam with TextTokenizerParams with HashingVectorizerParams with MapHashingFun with OneHotFun with MapStringPivotHelper with MapVectorizerFuns[String, OPMap[String]] with MaxCardinalityParams


    Convert a sequence of text map features into a vector by detecting categoricals that are disguised as text.

    Convert a sequence of text map features into a vector by detecting categoricals that are disguised as text. A categorical will be represented as a vector consisting of occurrences of top K most common values of that feature plus occurrences of non top k values and a null indicator (if enabled). Non-categoricals will be converted into a vector using the hashing trick. In addition, a null indicator is created for each non-categorical (if enabled).

  91. final class SmartTextMapVectorizerModel[T <: OPMap[String]] extends SequenceModel[T, OPVector] with TextTokenizerParams with MapHashingFun with TextMapPivotVectorizerModelFun[OPMap[String]]

  92. case class SmartTextMapVectorizerModelArgs(allFeatureInfo: Seq[Seq[SmartTextFeatureInfo]], shouldCleanKeys: Boolean, shouldCleanValues: Boolean, shouldTrackNulls: Boolean, hashingParams: HashingFunctionParams) extends JsonLike with Product with Serializable


    Arguments for SmartTextMapVectorizerModel


    info about each feature with each text map


    should clean feature keys


    should clean feature values


    should track nulls


    hashing function params

  93. class SmartTextVectorizer[T <: Text] extends SequenceEstimator[T, OPVector] with PivotParams with CleanTextFun with SaveOthersParams with TrackNullsParam with MinSupportParam with TextTokenizerParams with HashingVectorizerParams with HashingFun with OneHotFun with MaxCardinalityParams


    Convert a sequence of text features into a vector by detecting categoricals that are disguised as text.

    Convert a sequence of text features into a vector by detecting categoricals that are disguised as text. A categorical will be represented as a vector consisting of occurrences of top K most common values of that feature plus occurrences of non top k values and a null indicator (if enabled). Non-categoricals will be converted into a vector using the hashing trick. In addition, a null indicator is created for each non-categorical (if enabled).

  94. final class SmartTextVectorizerModel[T <: Text] extends SequenceModel[T, OPVector] with TextTokenizerParams with HashingFun with OneHotModelFun[Text]

  95. case class SmartTextVectorizerModelArgs(isCategorical: Array[Boolean], topValues: Array[Seq[String]], shouldCleanText: Boolean, shouldTrackNulls: Boolean, hashingParams: HashingFunctionParams) extends JsonLike with Product with Serializable


    Arguments for SmartTextVectorizerModel


    is feature a categorical or not


    top values to each feature


    should clean text value


    should track nulls


    hashing function params

  96. sealed trait StringIndexerHandleInvalid extends EnumEntry with Serializable

  97. class TextListNullTransformer[T <: TextList] extends SequenceTransformer[T, OPVector] with VectorizerDefaults


    Creates null indicator columns for a sequence of input TextList features, originally for use as a separate stage in null tracking for hashed text features (easier to do outside the hashing vectorizer since we can make a null indicator column for each input feature without having to add lots of complex logic in the hashing vectorizer to deal with metadata for shared vs.

    Creates null indicator columns for a sequence of input TextList features, originally for use as a separate stage in null tracking for hashed text features (easier to do outside the hashing vectorizer since we can make a null indicator column for each input feature without having to add lots of complex logic in the hashing vectorizer to deal with metadata for shared vs. separate hash spaces.

  98. class TextMapHashingVectorizer[T <: OPMap[String]] extends OPMapVectorizer[String, T] with TextParams

  99. final class TextMapHashingVectorizerModel[T <: OPMap[String]] extends OPMapVectorizerModel[String, T] with TextTokenizerParams with HashingFun

  100. class TextMapNullEstimator[T <: OPMap[String]] extends SequenceEstimator[T, OPVector] with VectorizerDefaults with MapVectorizerFuns[String, T]


    Creates null indicator columns for a sequence of input TextMap features, originally for use as a separate stage in null tracking for hashed text features (easier to do outside the hashing vectorizer since we can make a null indicator column for each input feature without having to add lots of complex logic in the hashing vectorizer to deal with metadata for shared vs.

    Creates null indicator columns for a sequence of input TextMap features, originally for use as a separate stage in null tracking for hashed text features (easier to do outside the hashing vectorizer since we can make a null indicator column for each input feature without having to add lots of complex logic in the hashing vectorizer to deal with metadata for shared vs. separate hash spaces.

  101. final class TextMapNullModel[T <: OPMap[String]] extends SequenceModel[T, OPVector] with VectorizerDefaults with CleanTextMapFun with TextTokenizerParams

  102. class TextMapPivotVectorizer[T <: OPMap[String]] extends SequenceEstimator[T, OPVector] with VectorizerDefaults with PivotParams with MapPivotParams with TextParams with MapStringPivotHelper with CleanTextMapFun with MinSupportParam with TrackNullsParam


    Converts a sequence of KeyString features into a vector keeping the top K most common occurrences of each key in the maps for that feature (ie the final vector has length k * number of keys * number of features).

    Converts a sequence of KeyString features into a vector keeping the top K most common occurrences of each key in the maps for that feature (ie the final vector has length k * number of keys * number of features). Each key found will also generate an other column which will capture values that do not make the cut or where not seen in training. Note that any keys not seen in training will be ignored.

  103. final class TextMapPivotVectorizerModel[T <: OPMap[String]] extends SequenceModel[T, OPVector] with VectorizerDefaults with TextMapPivotVectorizerModelFun[T]

  104. class TextNGramSimilarity[T <: Text] extends NGramSimilarity[T]


    Compute char ngram distance for Text features.

  105. trait TextParams extends Params

  106. class TextTokenizer[T <: Text] extends UnaryTransformer[T, TextList] with TextTokenizerParams


    Transformer that takes anything of type Text or lower and returns a TextList of tokens extracted from that text

  107. trait TextTokenizerParams extends LanguageDetectionParams

  108. class ToOccurTransformer[I <: FeatureType] extends UnaryTransformer[I, RealNN]


    Transformer that converts input feature of type I into doolean feature using a user specified function that maps object type I to a Boolean

    Transformer that converts input feature of type I into doolean feature using a user specified function that maps object type I to a Boolean


    Object type to be mapped to a double (doolean).

  109. trait TrackInvalidParam extends Params


    Param that decides whether or not the values that are considered invalid are tracked

  110. trait TrackNullsParam extends Params


    Param that decides whether or not the values that were missing are tracked

  111. trait VectorizerDefaults extends OpPipelineStageBase

  112. class VectorsCombiner extends SequenceEstimator[OPVector, OPVector]


    Takes in a sequence of vectors and combines them into a single vector

  113. final class VectorsCombinerModel extends SequenceModel[OPVector, OPVector]


Value Members

  1. object DateListPivot extends Enum[DateListPivot] with Serializable


    Enumeration object that contains the option to pivot the DateList feature

    Enumeration object that contains the option to pivot the DateList feature

    1) SinceFirst - replace the feature by the number of days between the first event and reference date

    2) SinceLast - replace the feature by the number of days between the last event and reference date

    3) ModeDay - replace the feature by a pivot that indicates the mode of the day of the week Example : If the mode is Monday then it will return (1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)

    4) ModeMonth - replace the feature by a pivot that indicates the mode of the month

    5) ModeHour - replace the feature by a pivot that indicates the mode of the hour of the day.

  2. object DecisionTreeNumericBucketizer extends Product with Serializable

  3. object Inclusion extends Enum[Inclusion] with Serializable

  4. object IndexToStringHandleInvalid extends Enum[IndexToStringHandleInvalid] with Serializable

  5. object LangDetector extends Serializable

  6. object NGramSimilarity extends Serializable

  7. object NameEntityRecognizer extends Serializable

  8. object NumericBucketizer extends Serializable

  9. object OpIndexToStringNoFilter extends Serializable

  10. object OpStringIndexerNoFilter extends Serializable

  11. object PercentileCalibrator extends Product with Serializable

  12. object PhoneNumberParser extends Product with Serializable

  13. object SmartTextVectorizer extends Serializable

  14. object StringIndexerHandleInvalid extends Enum[StringIndexerHandleInvalid] with Serializable

  15. object TextMapHashingVectorizerNames

  16. object TextTokenizer extends Serializable

  17. object TikaHelper


    Tika helper

  18. object ToOccurTransformer extends Serializable

  19. object VectorizerUtils extends Product with Serializable

  20. object VectorsCombiner extends Product with Serializable

