

package formatter

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait AnnotationFormatter extends AnyRef

  2. trait CaseClauseFormatter extends AnyRef

  3. trait CommentFormatter extends AnyRef

  4. case class EnsureNewlineAndIndent(indentLevel: Int, relativeTo: Option[Token] = scala.None) extends IntertokenFormatInstruction with Product with Serializable

    Ensures that the interttoken region ends with NEWLINE INDENT.

  5. trait ExprFormatter extends AnyRef

  6. case class FormatResult(predecessorFormatting: Map[Token, IntertokenFormatInstruction], inferredNewlineFormatting: Map[Token, IntertokenFormatInstruction], xmlRewrites: Map[Token, String]) extends Product with Serializable

  7. sealed trait FormatterDirective extends AnyRef

  8. class FormatterDirectiveParser extends JavaTokenParsers

  9. case class FormatterState(indentLevel: Int = 0, indentRelativeToTokenOption: Option[Token] = scala.None, inSingleLineBlock: Boolean = false, expressionBreakHappened: Boolean = false) extends Product with Serializable

  10. trait HasHiddenTokenInfo extends AnyRef

  11. sealed abstract class IntertokenFormatInstruction extends AnyRef

  12. case class PlaceAtColumn(indentLevel: Int, spaces: Int, relativeTo: Option[Token] = scala.None) extends IntertokenFormatInstruction with Product with Serializable

    Places the token at spaces number of spaces after the indent level, padding with spaces if necessary

  13. abstract class ScalaFormatter extends HasFormattingPreferences with TypeFormatter with AnnotationFormatter with ExprFormatter with HasHiddenTokenInfo with TemplateFormatter with XmlFormatter with CaseClauseFormatter with CommentFormatter

  14. trait SpecificFormatter extends AnyRef

  15. trait TemplateFormatter extends AnyRef

  16. case class ToggleFormatting(onOrOff: Boolean) extends FormatterDirective with Product with Serializable

  17. case class ToggleOption(onOrOff: Boolean, optionName: String) extends FormatterDirective with Product with Serializable

  18. trait TypeFormatter extends AnyRef

  19. trait XmlFormatter extends AnyRef

Value Members

  1. object Alignment

  2. object Compact extends IntertokenFormatInstruction with Product with Serializable

    Packs the comments together as compactly as possible, eliminating as much non-comment whitespace as possible while ensuring that the lexer produces the same tokens.

  3. object CompactEnsuringGap extends IntertokenFormatInstruction with Product with Serializable

    Like "Compact", but ensures there is either some comment or a single space.

  4. object CompactPreservingGap extends IntertokenFormatInstruction with Product with Serializable

    Like "Compact", but will keep at least a single space if there was whitespace before

  5. object FormatResult extends Serializable

  6. object FormatterDirectiveParser

  7. object NoFormatResult extends FormatResult

  8. object ScalaFormatter

  9. package preferences
