All Classes and Interfaces

Abstract base for classes that implement the parsing of the edmx model.
Builder of OData serializer options.
Default implementation of the EDMX parsing.
An implementation of the EDMX parsing that uses the MTX Sidecar or the Model Provider to retrieve the EDMX files.
Maps data which is in an EDMX-defined structure to CSN-defined structure and vice versa.
Describes the EDMX flavour used together with Universal CSN.
Support "filtering on leaf level" - retain only those rows from the input set which belong to a group of dimensions where aggregated values match a given filter.
Options for the navigation property serializers.
Builder of OData serializer options.
First turns an ODataRequest into a CdsODataRequest and passes it to the ODataProcessor.
Implements all supported Olingo Processors and delegates requests to the ODataProcessor
Turns EDMX entities or properties into Maps or Objects, according to the EDMX-defined structure.
Options for the primitive serializers.
Builder of OData serializer options.
Extracts data from request bodys with different content types and returns the data as a Map.
Abstract builder for both complex types and entities.
Options for the Complex2Json and Entity2Json serializers.
Builder of OData serializer options.
Abstract builder for both collections of complex types and entities.
Options for the collections of complex type and entity serializers.
Builder of OData serializer options.
Utils to map Olingo types to CAP Java types and vice versa.