All Classes and Interfaces

An abstract base class for all CDS-related Mojos (Maven Old Java Object)
Adds an integration test module to the CAP Java project.
Add a custom handler, a unit test, and CDS sample files to the CAP Java project.
Call mvn cds:addSample or mvn to add sample classes and CDS files.

Note: This goal can only be executed from the command line.

Add a target platform dependency (cds-starter-${targetPlatform}) to the service module dependencies of the CAP Java project.
This class extracts *.zip and tar.gz archives to a given destination directory.
Performs an initial CDS build (same as mvn cds:build) and then watches for changes in the CDS model.
Perform a CDS build with Java class generation executing the following goals of the cds-maven-plugin in this order: cds:install-node cds:install-cdsdk cds:cds cds:generate The list of goals and their order is fixed.
Execute CDS commands on the CAP Java project.
Call mvn cds:cds or mvn on the command line to execute all configured CDS commands of the project in current directory.

Several CDS commands can be configured in one execution block and they’re executed in the specified order.
This interface provides access to the logger used by all CDS Mojos.
Delete generated files and directories of the previous build from the CAP Java project.
Call mvn cds:clean or mvn to execute cleaning from the command line.

This goal deletes the following files and directories from the resource directory of the CAP Java project: file: src/main/resources/**/csn.json file: src/main/resources/**/schema.sql directory: src/main/resources/**/edmx/ directory: ${codeOutputDirectory}
Watches a directory, including the sub-tree, for changes on files.
An interface used to listen on file changed events.
Used to download the Node archive from a given download URL.
Generates Java POJOs for type-safe access to the CDS model.

This goal scans the resource directory for a csn.json file and uses it for Java source code generation.
Display help information on cds-maven-plugin.
Call mvn cds:help -Ddetail=true -Dgoal=<goal-name> to display parameter details.
Install the @sap/cds-dk into a CAP Java project.
By default, this goal looks for an already installed @sap/cds-dk and skips installation if it was found.
Download a Node.js distribution and install it on the local file system.
If the requested version is already installed, the download and installation is skipped.

This goal also considers proxy configurations in the ~/.m2/settings.xml.
A Node.js archive cache resolver using the local Maven repository as storage.
Execute an npm command on the CAP Java project.
Execute an npx command on the CAP Java project.
This enum contains all supported platforms.
A utility class to manipulate pom.xml files.
A class to execute subprocesses with a given command line in a specified working directory.
This class represents a semantic version information.
This service creates files and Java classes from templates.
Holds key and value of a template variable.
A helper class providing utility methods.
Prints detailed version information about the CAP Java project on the console.
Call cds:version or mvn to get detailed version information.

This goal shows the following version information about the CAP Java project and build environment: version of CAP Java SDK including CDS4J console output of command line cds version version and location of Apache Maven version and location of Java runtime OS information
Starts a CAP Java application and watches for changes in the CDS model.