All Classes and Interfaces

Constants of supported data modification and configuration change actions.
Annotation to register a handler for the AFTER phase of an event on a specific service and entity.
A ApplicationInfo provides the access to the application specific environment properties.
Provider for the ApplicationInfo
The interface for the technical service which indicates application's lifecycle events.
An ApplicationService is a CqnService that is backed by an actual service definition within the CdsModel.
Attachment name and identifier in case the audit log event is triggered by the download or display of some attachments or files
An attribute that was read or modified.
Defines the audit log service API.
The AuthenticationInfo provides access to the authorization of the current request.
A AuthenticationInfoProvider provides the AuthenticationInfo of the request.
Technical service for checking authorization on service or entity level for the current user.
Representation of a Basic authentication
Annotation to register a handler for the BEFORE phase of an event on a specific service and entity.
The specialized EventContext to be used for CqnService.EVENT_CREATE
The specialized EventContext to be used for CqnService.EVENT_DELETE
Provides properties, service bindings and other configuration options.
A provider of tenant and feature toggle dependent CDS models.
Properties that control the CDS runtime
Properties for drafts.
The specialized EventContext to be used for CqnService.EVENT_READ
Interface for Protocol Adapters to get access to Service instances and CdsModel.
Can be implemented by classes loaded through ExtendedServiceLoader.
The specialized EventContext to be used for CqnService.EVENT_UPDATE
The specialized EventContext to be used for CqnService.EVENT_UPSERT
An attribute that has been modified
A ChangeSetContext defines the transactional boundaries around one or multiple Service.emit( calls.
Interface to access ChangeSetContext objects.
Listener interface to get notified when a ChangeSetContext is closed successfully or cancelled.
A ChangeSetMember links a certain resource to a ChangeSetContext.
A ChangeSetMember wrapper for a given TransactionManager
Describes the content of a CloudEvents structured message
Factory to create various objects for API interfaces.
The interface defining the consumption API of a CqnService.
Data access interface for logging successful and unsuccessful access to any sensitive personal data.
Data access interface for logging successful and unsuccessful access to any sensitive personal data.
Data modification interface for logging successful and unsuccessful modification to any sensitive personal data.
Data modification interface for logging successful and unsuccessful modification to any sensitive personal data.
The object where the accessed or modified personal data that is being audit logged is contained.
The descriptor of DataSource objects
Interface for providers of DataSourceDescriptor.
Interface for classes that create DataSource objects.
The data subject whom the accessed personal data that is being audit logged belongs to.
Implements steps during subscriptions, upgrades and unsubscription of tenants
Interface for the DraftAdministrativeData of a draft enabled entity.
Interface for a draft enabled entity.
An ApplicationService that handles draft enabled entities.
EventContext for the event ApplicationLifecycleService.EVENT_ERROR_RESPONSE, that allows to handle transformation of exceptions and messages to an error response
Error response generated by the event handler.
An ErrorStatus is used by ServiceException to identify certain error types.
This enum implements ErrorStatus, which is the interface required by ServiceException.
The EventContext provides information about the event that is emitted via Service.emit(EventContext).
Marker interface for annotation-based handler registration.
Annotation to be used on class level to specify the event which matches the interface of a deviated EventContext.
Loads implementations of classes via Java's ServiceLoader and provides the CdsRuntime to these if requested through the CdsRuntimeAware interface.
A service that is used to manage model extensions.
Interface that provides information about a specific feature toggle.
Class that provides information about features of the application that can be enabled or disabled at runtime.
A provider of the FeatureTogglesInfo for a RequestContext.
This class is experimental and should not be used.
Functional interface for programmatic handler registration on Service instances.
Annotation to define the order of event handler methods within an event phase
Representation of an OAuth2 JWT Token authentication
Representation of a JwtTokenAuthenticationInfo which additionally provides a forward token.
A generic key-value pair.
A LocalizedMessageProvider is capable to build localized messages based on string formats in the application's resource bundles.
Messages can be used to pass additional information along with the response.
Severity levels.
API to create Messages with different severity within the RequestContext.
EventContext for the event MessagingService.EVENT_MESSAGING_ERROR, that allows to handle acknowledgement of a message on the messaging channel
Messaging service.
Interface to modify the values of the ParameterInfo used in a RequestContext.
Interface to modify the values of a UserInfo used in a RequestContext..
Annotation to register a handler for the ON phase of an event on a specific service and entity.
Describes the message stored and again published by the OutboxService
Defines the outbox service API.
Interface to access request-specific information.
A ParameterInfoProvider provides the ParameterInfo for a RequestContext if not provided explicitly.
The EventContext used for the PdfService.EVENT_EXPORT event.
PDF export service
The interface defining the consumption API of the PersistenceService.
The interface exposing configuration properties.
A RemoteService is a CqnService that is backed by an actual service definition within the CdsModel.
Interface to provide access to request-specific information.
Interface to access RequestContext objects.
RequestContextRunner is the main entry to spawn a new RequestContext with adapted UserInfo or ParameterInfo.
The Service is the root consumption API that every Service instance offers.
Use ServiceBinding instead.
Use ServiceBinding instead.
Provider for available ServiceBindings
The ServiceCatalog provides access to the Service instances and their consumption API.
ServiceException is the central unchecked exception thrown by the framework and Handler when an error occurs during event processing via Service.emit(EventContext) It extends RuntimeException with an ErrorStatus, which indicates an internal error code and a mapping to an HTTP status code.
Helper methods for creating (localized) messages in ServiceException.
Annotation to be used on class level to specify the default Service, which should be used when registering annotation-based handlers.
Tenant info
Interface for a Service that provides tenant information.
Describes the topic message of the MessagingService
Interface to abstract on TransactionManager instances provided by different frameworks.
Interface to fetch user and authorization information.
A UserInfoProvider provides the UserInfo for a RequestContext if not provided explicitly.