Interface CqnMatchPredicate

All Superinterfaces:
CqnExpression, CqnPredicate, CqnToken, CqnValue, JSONizable

public interface CqnMatchPredicate extends CqnPredicate
Predicate that tests whether any|all elements of an entity set match a given condition
  • Method Details

    • ref

      The referenced entity set
      the referenced entity set
    • predicate

      Optional<CqnPredicate> predicate()
      The condition to test for
      the condition to test for
    • quantifier

      Whether all or any elements need to fulfill the condition
      whether all or any elements need to fulfill the condition
    • accept

      default void accept(CqnVisitor visitor)
      Dispatches the handling of this CqnMatchPredicate to a given visitor. Neither the ref nor filter predicate is traversed.
      Specified by:
      accept in interface CqnExpression
      Specified by:
      accept in interface CqnToken
      visitor - the CqnVisitor