All Classes and Interfaces

GRAMMAR: search expression = boolean_term | boolean_term OR search_expression boolean_term = boolean_factor | boolean_factor AND boolean_term boolean_factor = [ NOT ] boolean_test boolean test = predicate | ( search_expression )
Singleton that caches cds model artifacts.
Contains configuration options for the CdsModelReader.
This class can be used to adapt a CDS model that was generated for OData in a way that it reflects the actual database objects and relations between them.
Internal API, use CQL.get(java.lang.String) instead.
Internal API, use CQL.get(java.lang.String) instead.
GRAMMAR: predicate = value pred_op value pred_op = '=' | '>' | '<' | '>=' | '<=' | '<>' | 'is' | 'in' | 'between' ` value = numericExpression | val numericExpression = numericTerm [ ( '+' | '-' ) numericTerm ]* numericTerm = numericPrimary [ ( '*' | '/' ) numericPrimary ]* numericPrimary = '(' numericExpression ')' | numericValue numericValue = NUM_VAL | PLAIN_NUM | REF | PARAM | FUNC val = STRING_VAL | PLAIN_STRING
Utility class for JSON serialization
Utility class for JSON deserialization
Represents a lazily loaded CDS data object.
Utility class to handle the locale settings
Stateful implementation of projection resolver.
Internal API, use CQL.refSegment(java.lang.String) instead.
Internal API, use CQL.refSegment(java.lang.String) instead.
Defines how JSON data is handled that does not correspond to declared CDS properties.
Internal API, use instead.
Internal API, use instead.
Internal API, use instead.
Parses and returns the comparable version object.