

package nodes

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. case class Http(boundAddress: Seq[String], publishAddress: String) extends Product with Serializable

  2. case class MemoryStats(totalInBytes: Long, freeInBytes: Long, usedInBytes: Long, freePercent: Int, usedPercent: Int) extends Product with Serializable

  3. case class NodeInfo(name: String, transportAddress: String, host: String, ip: String, version: String, buildHash: String, totalIndexingBuffer: Long, roles: Seq[String], settingsAsMap: Map[String, AnyRef], os: OsInfo, process: Process, transport: Transport, http: Http, threadPools: Map[String, ThreadPool]) extends Product with Serializable

  4. case class NodeInfoResponse(clusterName: String, nodes: Map[String, NodeInfo]) extends Product with Serializable

  5. case class NodeStats(name: String, transportAddress: String, host: String, ip: Seq[String], os: Option[OsStats]) extends Product with Serializable

  6. trait NodesImplicits extends AnyRef

  7. case class NodesStatsResponse(clusterName: String, nodes: Map[String, NodeStats]) extends Product with Serializable

  8. case class OsInfo(refreshIntervalInMillis: Long, name: String, arch: String, version: String, availableProcessors: Int, allocatedProcessors: Int) extends Product with Serializable

  9. case class OsStats(cpuPercent: Int, loadAverage: Double, mem: MemoryStats, swap: SwapStats) extends Product with Serializable

  10. case class Process(refreshIntervalInMillis: Long, id: String, mlockall: Boolean) extends Product with Serializable

  11. case class SwapStats(totalInBytes: Long, freeInBytes: Long, usedInBytes: Long) extends Product with Serializable

  12. case class ThreadPool(type: String, keepAlive: Option[String], min: Long, max: Long, queue_size: Long) extends Product with Serializable

  13. case class Transport(boundAddress: Seq[String], publishAddress: String) extends Product with Serializable
