

Related Docs: object Image | package scrimage

class Image extends MutableAwtImage

An immutable Image backed by an AWT BufferedImage.

An Image represents an abstraction that allow operations such as resize, scale, rotate, flip, trim, pad, cover, fit.

All operations on an image are read only or return a cloned instance of this image. For operations that can be performed without a copying step, see MutableImage.

Linear Supertypes
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By inheritance
  1. Image
  2. MutableAwtImage
  3. AwtImage
  4. AnyRef
  5. Any
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Instance Constructors

  1. new Image(awt: BufferedImage, metadata: ImageMetadata)

Value Members

  1. final def !=(arg0: Any): Boolean

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  2. final def ##(): Int

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  3. final def ==(arg0: Any): Boolean

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  4. def affineTransform(tx: AffineTransform): BufferedImage

    Applies an affine transform in place.

    Applies an affine transform in place.

  5. def argb: Array[Array[Int]]

    Returns the ARGB components for all pixels in this image

    Returns the ARGB components for all pixels in this image


    an array containing ARGB components in that order.

    Definition Classes
  6. def argb(x: Int, y: Int): Array[Int]

    Returns the ARGB components for the pixel at the given coordinates

    Returns the ARGB components for the pixel at the given coordinates


    the x coordinate of the pixel component to grab


    the y coordinate of the pixel component to grab


    an array containing ARGB components in that order.

    Definition Classes
  7. final def asInstanceOf[T0]: T0

    Definition Classes
  8. def autocrop(color: Color): Image

    Crops an image by removing cols and rows that are composed only of a single given color.

    Crops an image by removing cols and rows that are composed only of a single given color.

    Eg, if an image had a 20 pixel row of white at the top, and this method was invoked with Color.White then the image returned would have that 20 pixel row removed.

    This method is useful when images have an abudance of a single colour around them.


    the color to match


  9. val awt: BufferedImage

    Definition Classes
  10. def blank: Image

    Creates an empty Image with the same dimensions of this image.

    Creates an empty Image with the same dimensions of this image.


    a new Image that is a clone of this image but with uninitialized data

  11. final def blank(w: Int, h: Int, color: Option[Color] = None): Image

    Creates an empty image of the same concrete type as this type with the given dimensions.

    Creates an empty image of the same concrete type as this type with the given dimensions. If the optional color is specified then the background pixels will all be set to that color.

  12. def bound(width: Int, height: Int): Image

    Returns an image that is no larger than the given width and height.

    Returns an image that is no larger than the given width and height.

    If the current image is already within the given dimensions then the same image will be returned. If not, then a scaled image, with the same aspect ratio as the original, and with dimensions inside the constraints will be returned.


    the maximum width


    the maximum height


    the constrained image.

  13. def brightness(factor: Double): Image

    Returns a new Image with the brightness adjusted.

  14. def bytes(implicit writer: ImageWriter): Array[Byte]

  15. lazy val center: (Int, Int)

    The centre coordinates for the image as an (x, y) tuple.

    The centre coordinates for the image as an (x, y) tuple.

    Definition Classes
  16. def clone(): AnyRef

    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  17. def col(x: Int): Array[Pixel]


    the pixels for the column identified by the x co-ordinate. 0 indexed.

    Definition Classes
  18. def color(x: Int, y: Int): RGBColor

    Returns the color at the given coordinates.

    Returns the color at the given coordinates.


    the RGBColor value at the coords

    Definition Classes
  19. def colours: Set[RGBColor]

    Returns a set of the distinct colours used in this image.

    Returns a set of the distinct colours used in this image.


    the set of distinct Colors

    Definition Classes
  20. def composite(composite: Composite, applicative: Image): Image

    Apply the given image with this image using the given composite.

    Apply the given image with this image using the given composite. The original image is unchanged.


    the composite to use. See com.sksamuel.scrimage.Composite.


    the image to apply with the composite.


    A new image with the given image applied using the given composite.

  21. def contains(color: Color): Boolean

    Returns true if a pixel with the given color exists

    Returns true if a pixel with the given color exists


    the pixel colour to look for.


    true if there exists at least one pixel that has the given pixels color

    Definition Classes
  22. def contrast(factor: Double): Image

  23. def contrastInPlace(factor: Double): Unit

    Definition Classes
  24. def copy: Image

    Creates a new image with the same data as this image.

    Creates a new image with the same data as this image. Any operations to the copied image will not write back to the original.


    A copy of this image.

  25. def count(p: (Pixel) ⇒ Boolean): Int

    Counts the number of pixels that are true for the given predicate

    Counts the number of pixels that are true for the given predicate


    a predicate


    the number of pixels that evaluated true

    Definition Classes
  26. def count(color: Color): Int

    Counts the number of pixels with the given colour.

    Counts the number of pixels with the given colour.


    the colour to detect.


    the number of pixels that matched the colour of the given pixel

    Definition Classes
  27. lazy val count: Int

    Returns the number of pixels in the image.

    Returns the number of pixels in the image.


    the number of pixels

    Definition Classes
  28. def cover(targetWidth: Int, targetHeight: Int, scaleMethod: ScaleMethod = Bicubic, position: Position = Center): Image

    Returns a copy of the canvas with the given dimensions where the original image has been scaled to completely cover the new dimensions whilst retaining the original aspect ratio.

    Returns a copy of the canvas with the given dimensions where the original image has been scaled to completely cover the new dimensions whilst retaining the original aspect ratio.

    If the new dimensions have a different aspect ratio than the old image then the image will be cropped so that it still covers the new area without leaving any background.


    the target width


    the target height


    the type of scaling method to use. Defaults to Bicubic


    where to position the image inside the new canvas


    a new Image with the original image scaled to cover the new dimensions

  29. lazy val dimensions: (Int, Int)

    A tuple of the (width, height)

    A tuple of the (width, height)

    Definition Classes
  30. def empty: AwtImage

    Returns a new AWT BufferedImage with the same dimensions and same AWT type.

    Returns a new AWT BufferedImage with the same dimensions and same AWT type. The data is uninitialized.

    Definition Classes
  31. final def eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  32. def equals(other: Any): Boolean

    Definition Classes
    AwtImage → AnyRef → Any
  33. def exists(p: (Pixel) ⇒ Boolean): Boolean

    Returns true if the predicate is true for at least one pixel on the image.

    Returns true if the predicate is true for at least one pixel on the image.


    a predicate


    true if p holds for at least one pixel

    Definition Classes
  34. def fastscale(targetWidth: Int, targetHeight: Int): BufferedImage

    Returns a new AWT Image scaled using nearest-neighbour.

    Returns a new AWT Image scaled using nearest-neighbour.

    Definition Classes
  35. def fill(color: Color = Color.White): Image

    Creates a new Image with the same dimensions of this image and with all the pixels initialized to the given color.

    Creates a new Image with the same dimensions of this image and with all the pixels initialized to the given color.


    a new Image with the same dimensions as this

  36. def fillInPlace(color: Color): Unit

    Fills all pixels the given color on the existing image.

    Fills all pixels the given color on the existing image.

    Definition Classes
  37. def filter(filter: Filter): Image

    Creates a copy of this image with the given filter applied.

    Creates a copy of this image with the given filter applied. The original (this) image is unchanged.


    the filter to apply. See com.sksamuel.scrimage.Filter.


    A new image with the given filter applied.

  38. def filter(filters: Filter*): Image

    Apply a sequence of filters in sequence.

    Apply a sequence of filters in sequence. This is sugar for image.filter(filter1).filter(filter2)....


    the sequence filters to apply


    the result of applying each filter in turn

  39. def finalize(): Unit

    Definition Classes
    @throws( classOf[java.lang.Throwable] )
  40. def fit(canvasWidth: Int, canvasHeight: Int, color: Color = White, scaleMethod: ScaleMethod = Bicubic, position: Position = Center): Image

    Returns a copy of this image with the given dimensions where the original image has been scaled to fit completely inside the new dimensions whilst retaining the original aspect ratio.

    Returns a copy of this image with the given dimensions where the original image has been scaled to fit completely inside the new dimensions whilst retaining the original aspect ratio.


    the target width


    the target height


    the color to use as the "padding" colour should the scaled original not fit exactly inside the new dimensions


    the algorithm to use for the scaling operation. See ScaleMethod.


    where to position the image inside the new canvas


    a new Image with the original image scaled to fit inside

  41. def flipX: Image

    Flips this image horizontally.

    Flips this image horizontally.


    The result of flipping this image horizontally.

  42. def flipY: Image

    Flips this image vertically.

    Flips this image vertically.


    The result of flipping this image vertically.

  43. def forWriter(writer: ImageWriter): WriteContext

  44. def forall(f: (Int, Int, Pixel) ⇒ Boolean): Boolean

    Returns true if the predicate is true for all pixels in the image.

    Returns true if the predicate is true for all pixels in the image.


    a predicate function that accepts 3 parameters - the x,y coordinate and the pixel at that coordinate


    true if f holds for at least one pixel

    Definition Classes
  45. def foreach(f: (Int, Int, Pixel) ⇒ Unit): Unit

    Executes the given side effecting function on each pixel.

    Executes the given side effecting function on each pixel.


    a function that accepts 3 parameters - the x,y coordinate and the pixel at that coordinate

    Definition Classes
  46. final def getClass(): Class[_]

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  47. def hashCode(): Int

    Definition Classes
    AwtImage → AnyRef → Any
  48. lazy val height: Int

    Definition Classes
  49. final def isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean

    Definition Classes
  50. def iterator: Iterator[Pixel]

    Returns the pixels of the image as an iterator.

    Returns the pixels of the image as an iterator. The iterator is the most efficient way to lazily iterator over the pixels as the pixels will only be fetched from the raster as needed.


    the iterator

    Definition Classes
  51. def map(f: (Int, Int, Pixel) ⇒ Pixel): Image

    Maps the pixels of this image into another image by applying the given function to each pixel.

    Maps the pixels of this image into another image by applying the given function to each pixel.

    The function accepts three parameters: x,y,p where x and y are the coordinates of the pixel being transformed and p is the pixel at that location.


    the function to transform pixel x,y with existing value p into new pixel value p' (p prime)


  52. def mapInPlace(f: (Int, Int, Pixel) ⇒ Pixel): Unit

    Maps the pixels of this image into another image by applying the given function to each pixel.

    Maps the pixels of this image into another image by applying the given function to each pixel.

    The function accepts three parameters: x,y,p where x and y are the coordinates of the pixel being transformed and p is the pixel at that location.


    the function to transform pixel x,y with existing value p into new pixel value p' (p prime)

    Definition Classes
  53. def max(maxW: Int, maxH: Int): Image

    Returns a new image that is scaled to fit the specified bounds while retaining the same aspect ratio as the original image.

    Returns a new image that is scaled to fit the specified bounds while retaining the same aspect ratio as the original image. The dimensions of the returned image will be the same as the result of the scaling operation. That is, no extra padding will be added to match the bounded width and height. For an operation that will scale an image as well as add padding to fit the dimensions perfectly, then use fit()

    Requesting a bound of 200,200 on an image of 300,600 will result in a scale to 100,200. Eg, the original image will be scaled down to fit the bounds.

    Requesting a bound of 150,200 on an image of 150,150 will result in the same image being returned. Eg, the original image cannot be scaled up any further without exceeding the bounds.

    Requesting a bound of 300,300 on an image of 100,150 will result in a scale to 200,300.

    Requesting a bound of 100,1000 on an image of 50,50 will result in a scale to 100,100.


    the maximum width


    the maximum height


    A new image that is the result of the binding.

  54. val metadata: ImageMetadata

  55. final def ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  56. final def notify(): Unit

    Definition Classes
  57. final def notifyAll(): Unit

    Definition Classes
  58. def offset(x: Int, y: Int): Int

    Definition Classes
  59. def op(op: BufferedImageOp): Image

  60. def output(path: Path)(implicit writer: ImageWriter): Path

  61. def output(file: File)(implicit writer: ImageWriter): File

  62. def output(path: String)(implicit writer: ImageWriter): Path

  63. def overlay(overlayImage: AwtImage, x: Int = 0, y: Int = 0): Image

    Returns a new image that is the result of overlaying the given image over this image.

    Returns a new image that is the result of overlaying the given image over this image. That is, the existing image ends up being "under" the image parameter. The x / y parameters determine where the (0,0) coordinate of the overlay should be placed.

    If the image to render exceeds the boundaries of the source image, then the excess pixels will be ignored.


    a new Image with the given image overlaid.

  64. def overlayInPlace(overlay: BufferedImage, x: Int = 0, y: Int = 0): Unit

    Applies the given image over the current buffer.

    Applies the given image over the current buffer.

    Definition Classes
  65. def pad(size: Int, color: Color = X11Colorlist.White): Image

    Creates a new image which is the result of this image padded with the given number of pixels on each edge.

    Creates a new image which is the result of this image padded with the given number of pixels on each edge.

    Eg, requesting a pad of 30 on an image of 250,300 will result in a new image with a canvas size of 310,360


    the number of pixels to add on each edge


    the background of the padded area.


    A new image that is the result of the padding

  66. def padTo(targetWidth: Int, targetHeight: Int, color: Color = X11Colorlist.White): Image

    Creates a new image which is the result of this image padded to the canvas size specified.

    Creates a new image which is the result of this image padded to the canvas size specified. If this image is already larger than the specified pad then the sizes of the existing image will be used instead.

    Eg, requesting a pad of 200,200 on an image of 250,300 will result in keeping the 250,300.

    Eg2, requesting a pad of 300,300 on an image of 400,250 will result in the width staying at 400 and the height padded to 300.


    the size of the output canvas width


    the size of the output canvas height


    the background of the padded area.


    A new image that is the result of the padding

  67. def padWith(left: Int, top: Int, right: Int, bottom: Int, color: Color = White): Image

    Creates a new image by adding the given number of columns/rows on left, top, right and bottom.

    Creates a new image by adding the given number of columns/rows on left, top, right and bottom.


    the number of columns/pixels to add on the left


    the number of rows/pixels to add to the top


    the number of columns/pixels to add on the right


    the number of rows/pixels to add to the bottom


    the background of the padded area.


    A new image that is the result of the padding operation.

  68. def patch(x: Int, y: Int, patchWidth: Int, patchHeight: Int): Array[Pixel]

    Definition Classes
  69. def patches(patchWidth: Int, patchHeight: Int): IndexedSeq[() ⇒ Array[Pixel]]

    Returns all the patches of a given size in the image, assuming pixel alignment (no subpixel extraction).

    Returns all the patches of a given size in the image, assuming pixel alignment (no subpixel extraction).

    The patches are returned as a sequence of pixel matrices closures

    Definition Classes
  70. def pixel(p: (Int, Int)): Pixel

    Returns the pixel at the given coordinate.

    Returns the pixel at the given coordinate.


    the pixel as an integer tuple


    the pixel

    Definition Classes
  71. def pixel(x: Int, y: Int): Pixel

    Returns the pixel at the given coordinates.

    Returns the pixel at the given coordinates.


    the x coordinate of the pixel to grab


    the y coordinate of the pixel to grab


    the Pixel at the location

    Definition Classes
  72. def pixels(x: Int, y: Int, w: Int, h: Int): Array[Pixel]

    Returns a rectangular region within the given boundaries as a single dimensional array of integers.

    Returns a rectangular region within the given boundaries as a single dimensional array of integers.

    Eg, pixels(10, 10, 30, 20) would result in an array of size 600 with the first row of the region in indexes 0,..,29, second row 30,..,59 etc.


    the start x coordinate


    the start y coordinate


    the width of the region


    the height of the region


    an Array of pixels for the region

    Definition Classes
  73. def pixels: Array[Pixel]

    Returns all the pixels for the image

    Returns all the pixels for the image


    an array of pixels for this image

    Definition Classes
  74. lazy val points: Seq[(Int, Int)]

    Definition Classes
  75. lazy val radius: Int

    The radius of the image defined as the centre to the corners.

    The radius of the image defined as the centre to the corners.

    Definition Classes
  76. lazy val ratio: Double


    Returns the aspect ratio for this image.

    Definition Classes
  77. def removeTransparency(color: java.awt.Color): Image

  78. def removeTransparency(color: Color): Image

    Returns a new image with the transarency replaced with the given color.

  79. def removetrans(color: java.awt.Color): Unit

    Definition Classes
  80. def rescale(factor: Double): Unit

    Mutates this image by scaling all pixel values by the given factor (brightness in other words).

    Mutates this image by scaling all pixel values by the given factor (brightness in other words).

    Definition Classes
  81. def resize(scaleFactor: Double, position: Position = Center, background: Color = White): Image

    Resize will resize the canvas, it will not scale the image.

    Resize will resize the canvas, it will not scale the image. This is like a "canvas resize" in Photoshop.


    the scaleFactor. 1 retains original size. 0.5 is half. 2 double. etc


    where to position the original image after the canvas size change. Defaults to centre.


    the color to use for expande background areas. Defaults to White.


    a new Image that is the result of resizing the canvas.

  82. def resizeTo(targetWidth: Int, targetHeight: Int, position: Position = Center, background: Color = X11Colorlist.White): Image

    Resize will resize the canvas, it will not scale the image.

    Resize will resize the canvas, it will not scale the image. This is like a "canvas resize" in Photoshop.

    If the dimensions are smaller than the current canvas size then the image will be cropped.

    The position parameter determines how the original image will be positioned on the new canvas.


    the target width


    the target height


    where to position the original image after the canvas size change


    the background color if the canvas was enlarged


    a new Image that is the result of resizing the canvas.

  83. def resizeToHeight(targetHeight: Int, position: Position = Center, background: Color = White): Image

    Resize will resize the canvas, it will not scale the image.

    Resize will resize the canvas, it will not scale the image. This is like a "canvas resize" in Photoshop.


    where to position the original image after the canvas size change


    a new Image that is the result of resizing the canvas.

  84. def resizeToWidth(targetWidth: Int, position: Position = Center, background: Color = White): Image

    Resize will resize the canvas, it will not scale the image.

    Resize will resize the canvas, it will not scale the image. This is like a "canvas resize" in Photoshop.


    where to position the original image after the canvas size change


    a new Image that is the result of resizing the canvas.

  85. def rgb: Array[Array[Int]]

    Definition Classes
  86. def rgb(x: Int, y: Int): Array[Int]

    Definition Classes
  87. def rotate(angle: Double): BufferedImage

    Returns a new AWT Image rotated with the given angle (in degrees)

    Returns a new AWT Image rotated with the given angle (in degrees)

    Definition Classes
  88. def rotateLeft: Image

    Returns a copy of this image rotated 90 degrees anti-clockwise (counter clockwise to US English speakers).

    Returns a copy of this image rotated 90 degrees anti-clockwise (counter clockwise to US English speakers).


  89. def rotateRight: Image

    Returns a copy of this image rotated 90 degrees clockwise.

    Returns a copy of this image rotated 90 degrees clockwise.


  90. def row(y: Int): Array[Pixel]


    the pixels in the row identified by the y coordinate. 0 indexed.

    Definition Classes
  91. def scale(scaleFactor: Double, scaleMethod: ScaleMethod = Bicubic): Image

    Scale will resize the canvas and the image.

    Scale will resize the canvas and the image. This is like a "image resize" in Photoshop.


    the target increase or decrease. 1 is the same as original.


    the type of scaling method to use.


    a new Image that is the result of scaling this image

  92. def scaleTo(targetWidth: Int, targetHeight: Int, scaleMethod: ScaleMethod = Bicubic): Image

    Scale will resize both the canvas and the image.

    Scale will resize both the canvas and the image. This is like a "image resize" in Photoshop.

    The size of the scaled instance are taken from the given width and height parameters.


    the target width


    the target height


    the type of scaling method to use. Defaults to SmoothScale


    a new Image that is the result of scaling this image

  93. def scaleToHeight(targetHeight: Int, scaleMethod: ScaleMethod = Bicubic): Image

    Scale will resize the canvas and scale the image to match.

    Scale will resize the canvas and scale the image to match. This is like a "image resize" in Photoshop.

    scaleToHeight will scale the image so that the new image has a height that matches the given targetHeight and the same aspect ratio as the original.

    Eg, an image of 200,300 with a scaleToHeight of 450 will result in a scaled image of 300,450


    the target height


    the type of scaling method to use.


    a new Image that is the result of scaling this image

  94. def scaleToWidth(targetWidth: Int, scaleMethod: ScaleMethod = Bicubic): Image

    Scale will resize the canvas and scale the image to match.

    Scale will resize the canvas and scale the image to match. This is like a "image resize" in Photoshop.

    scaleToWidth will scale the image so that the new image has a width that matches the given targetWidth and the height is determined by the original aspect ratio.

    Eg, an image of 200,300 with a scaleToWidth of 400 will result in a scaled image of 400,600


    the target width


    the type of scaling method to use.


    a new Image that is the result of scaling this image

  95. def setPixel(x: Int, y: Int, pixel: Pixel): Unit

    Definition Classes
  96. def subimage(x: Int, y: Int, w: Int, h: Int): Image

    Returns a new Image that is a subimage or region of the original image.

    Returns a new Image that is a subimage or region of the original image.


    the start x coordinate


    the start y coordinate


    the width of the subimage


    the height of the subimage


    a new Image that is the subimage

  97. def subpixel(x: Double, y: Double): Int

    Uses linear interpolation to get a sub-pixel.

    Uses linear interpolation to get a sub-pixel.

    Legal values for x and y are in [0, width) and [0, height), respectively.

    Definition Classes
  98. def subpixelSubimage(x: Double, y: Double, subWidth: Int, subHeight: Int): Image

    Extracts a subimage, but using subpixel interpolation.

  99. def subpixelSubimageCenteredAtPoint(x: Double, y: Double, xRadius: Double, yRadius: Double): Image

    Extract a patch, centered at a subpixel point.

  100. final def synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0

    Definition Classes
  101. def toNewBufferedImage: BufferedImage

    Returns a new AWT BufferedImage from this image using the same AWT type.

    Returns a new AWT BufferedImage from this image using the same AWT type.


    a new, non-shared, BufferedImage with the same data as this Image.

    Definition Classes
  102. def toPar: ParImage

  103. def toString(): String

    Definition Classes
    AwtImage → AnyRef → Any
  104. def translate(x: Int, y: Int, background: Color = Color.White): Image

    Returns an image that is the result of translating the image while keeping the same view window.

    Returns an image that is the result of translating the image while keeping the same view window. Eg, if translating by 10,5 then all pixels will move 10 to the right, and 5 down. This would mean 10 columns and 5 rows of background added to the left and top.


    a new Image with this image translated.

  105. def trim(left: Int, top: Int, right: Int, bottom: Int): Image

    Removes the given amount of pixels from each edge; like a crop operation.

    Removes the given amount of pixels from each edge; like a crop operation.


    the number of pixels to trim from the left


    the number of pixels to trim from the top


    the number of pixels to trim from the right


    the number of pixels to trim from the bottom


    a new Image with the dimensions width-trim*2, height-trim*2

  106. def trim(amount: Int): Image

    Removes the given amount of pixels from each edge; like a crop operation.

    Removes the given amount of pixels from each edge; like a crop operation.


    the number of pixels to trim from each edge


    a new Image with the dimensions width-trim*2, height-trim*2

  107. def underlay(underlayImage: Image, x: Int = 0, y: Int = 0): Image

    Returns a new Image that is the result of overlaying this image over the supplied image.

    Returns a new Image that is the result of overlaying this image over the supplied image. That is, the existing image ends up being "on top" of the image parameter. The x / y parameters determine where the (0,0) coordinate of the overlay should be placed.

    If the image to render exceeds the boundaries of the source image, then the excess pixels will be ignored.


    a new Image with the given image overlaid.

  108. final def wait(): Unit

    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  109. final def wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit

    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  110. final def wait(arg0: Long): Unit

    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  111. lazy val width: Int

    Definition Classes
  112. def wrapAwt(awt: BufferedImage, metadata: ImageMetadata): Image

  113. def wrapPixels(w: Int, h: Int, pixels: Array[Pixel], metadata: ImageMetadata): Image

  114. def zoom(factor: Double, method: ScaleMethod = ScaleMethod.Bicubic): Image

    Returns a new image that is the result of scaling this image but without changing the canvas size.

    Returns a new image that is the result of scaling this image but without changing the canvas size.

    This can be thought of as zooming in on a camera - the viewpane does not change but the image increases in size with the outer columns/rows being dropped as required.


    how much to zoom by


    how to apply the scaling method


    the zoomed image

Inherited from MutableAwtImage

Inherited from AwtImage

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
