
package authentication

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. case class AuthenticationFilter(strategy: AuthenticationStrategy) extends LazyProcessor with Product with Serializable

  2. trait AuthenticationStrategy extends AnyRef

    An AuthenticationStrategy is responsible for retriving a Principal for the current request.

    An AuthenticationStrategy is responsible for retriving a Principal for the current request. This Principal is then added as a property for the duration of the request.

    How the Principal is retrieved is dependent on the type of strategy used.

    For example, the BasicAuthenticationStrategy, named after HTTP Basic Auth, creates a Principal based on the credentials provided in the Authorization header. If no credentials are supplied an appropriate 401 is returned.

    A SessionAuthenticationStrategy looks up a Principal from the current session. The session would have been populated previously by some authenticating mechanism (login page for example).

    Another type of AuthenticationStrategy might be to use an API header key to lookup details from a key database.

    To implement a custom strategy, extend from AuthenticationStrategy populating the supplied request with a Principal, or returning an error response if appropriate.

  3. trait AuthenticationSupport extends AnyRef

  4. class BasicAuthenticationStrategy extends AuthenticationStrategy with ResponseBuilder

    An AuthorizationStrategy that uses HTTP Basic Auth.

    An AuthorizationStrategy that uses HTTP Basic Auth. Override and implement authorize to determine if the presented user/token are valid.

  5. class NoAccessAuthorizationStrategy extends AuthenticationStrategy with ResponseBuilder

  6. case class Principal(id: String) extends Product with Serializable

    A principal contains an identification for a user.

    A principal contains an identification for a user.


    a unique value identifying this principal in the underlying system. It could be a database id, a username, the login email, anything that uniquely identifies the user in the system.

  7. case class SessionAuthenticationStrategy(sessionKey: String = "principal")(implicit executor: ExecutionContext) extends AuthenticationStrategy with ResponseBuilder with Product with Serializable

    An AuthenticationStrategy that retrieves a Principal from the current session.

    An AuthenticationStrategy that retrieves a Principal from the current session. This Principal is then added to the request for downstream processing.

    The Principal must be set on the session by some step handled externally to this class, for example a login page.

    If no Principal is set on the current session then a 401 is returned.

    There must have been an appropriately configured SessionManager in the endpoint before authentication is attempted.


    is used to specify the key that the Principal is stored in inside the session.

  8. trait TokenSource extends AnyRef

  9. class TokenSourceSet extends TokenSource

  10. case class UserPassToken(username: String, password: String) extends Product with Serializable

Value Members

  1. object PrincipalPropertyKey extends PropertyKey[Principal] with Product with Serializable
