

package typeclasses

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait AttachSchemaKey[E] extends ExtractSchemaKey[E]

    This type class can be instantiated for any type E which after attaching SchemaKey to it will remain same E (like Self-describing JSON - same JValue before and after).

  2. trait AttachSchemaMap[E] extends ExtractSchemaMap[E]

    This type class can be instantiated for any type E which after attaching SchemaKey to it will remain same E (like Self-describing JSON - same JValue before and after).

  3. trait ExtractSchemaKey[E] extends AnyRef

    This type class can be instantiated for any type E which can bear its description as SchemaKey

  4. trait ExtractSchemaMap[E] extends AnyRef

    This type class can be instantiated for any type E which can bear its description as SchemaKey

  5. trait NormalizeData[D] extends AnyRef

    Type class to render data into it base type D and lowest-level (String) common for all aps

  6. trait NormalizeSchema[S] extends AnyRef

    Type class to render Schema into its base type S and lowest-level (String) common for all aps

  7. trait StringifyData[D] extends AnyRef

    Type class to render container with Schema to String

  8. trait StringifySchema[S] extends AnyRef

    Type class to render container with Schema to String

  9. trait ToData[E] extends AnyRef

    Mixin for AttachSchemaKey marking that this particular instance of AttachSchemaKey intended for extraction data, not Schemas

  10. trait ToSchema[E] extends AnyRef

    Mixin for AttachSchemaKey marking that this particular instance intended for extraction Schemas, not instances
