

package core

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait Resolver[F[_], A] extends AnyRef

    Entity allowing to fetch and validate schemas for entities of A Resolvers supposed to be implemented as separate artifacts

  2. case class SchemaCriterion(vendor: String, name: String, format: String, model: Option[Int] = scala.None, revision: Option[Int] = scala.None, addition: Option[Int] = scala.None) extends Product with Serializable

    Class to filter Schemas by SchemaKey

  3. case class SchemaKey(vendor: String, name: String, format: String, version: SchemaVer) extends Product with Serializable

    Entity describing schema of data.

  4. case class SchemaMap(vendor: String, name: String, format: String, version: Full) extends Product with Serializable

    Entity describing a schema object itself Has known SchemaVer, extracted from self Schema's subobject Duality of SchemaKey

  5. sealed trait SchemaVer extends AnyRef

    Class holding semantic version for Schema

  6. case class SelfDescribingData[D](schema: SchemaKey, data: D) extends Product with Serializable

    Container for Self-describing data Used to eliminate need of Option container when extracting SchemaKey with ExtractSchemaKey type class

  7. case class SelfDescribingSchema[S](self: SchemaMap, schema: S) extends Product with Serializable

    Container for Self-describing Schema Used to eliminate need of Option container when extracting SchemaMap with ExtractSchemaMap type class

  8. trait syntax extends AnyRef

Value Members

  1. object SchemaCriterion extends Serializable

    Companion object containing alternative constructor for a SchemaCriterion

  2. object SchemaKey extends Serializable

    Companion object contains a custom constructor for an Iglu SchemaKey.

  3. object SchemaMap extends Serializable

  4. object SchemaVer

  5. object syntax extends syntax

  6. package typeclasses
