

package redshift

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. case class AddColumn(columnName: String, columnType: DataType, default: Option[Default], encode: Option[CompressionEncoding], nullability: Option[Nullability]) extends AlterTableStatement with Product with Serializable

  2. case class AddConstraint(tableConstraint: TableConstraint) extends AlterTableStatement with Product with Serializable

  3. case class AlterTable(tableName: String, statement: AlterTableStatement) extends Statement with Product with Serializable

    Class holding data to alter some table with single AlterTableStatement

  4. sealed trait AlterTableStatement extends Ddl

    Sum-type to represent some statement

  5. case class Begin(isolationLevel: Option[IsolationLevel.type], permission: Option[Permission]) extends Statement with Product with Serializable

  6. case class Column(columnName: String, dataType: DataType, columnAttributes: Set[ColumnAttribute] = ..., columnConstraints: Set[ColumnConstraint] = ...) extends Ddl with Product with Serializable

    Class holding all information about Redshift's column

  7. sealed trait ColumnAttribute extends Ddl

    column_attributes are: [ DEFAULT default_expr ] [ IDENTITY ( seed, step ) ] [ ENCODE encoding ] [ DISTKEY ] [ SORTKEY ]

  8. sealed trait ColumnConstraint extends Ddl

    column_constraints are: [ { NOT NULL | NULL } ] [ { UNIQUE | PRIMARY KEY } ] [ REFERENCES reftable [ ( refcolumn ) ] ]

  9. case class CommentBlock(lines: Vector[String], prepend: Int = 0) extends Statement with Product with Serializable

    Class representing comment block in Ddl file Can be rendered into file along with other Ddl-statements

  10. case class CommentOn(tableName: String, comment: String) extends Statement with Product with Serializable

    COMMENT ON { TABLE object_name | COLUMN object_name.

  11. case class CompressionEncoding(value: CompressionEncodingValue) extends ColumnAttribute with Product with Serializable

    Compression encodings http://docs.

  12. sealed trait CompressionEncodingValue extends Ddl

  13. case class CreateSchema(schemaName: String) extends Statement with Product with Serializable

  14. case class CreateTable(tableName: String, columns: List[Column], tableConstraints: Set[TableConstraint] = ..., tableAttributes: Set[TableAttribute] = ...) extends Statement with Product with Serializable

    Class holding all information about Redshift's table

  15. sealed trait DataType extends Ddl

    Data types http://docs.

  16. trait Ddl extends AnyRef

    Base class for everything that can be represented as Redshift DDL

  17. case class Default(value: String) extends ColumnAttribute with Product with Serializable

  18. case class DistKeyTable(columnName: String) extends TableAttribute with Product with Serializable

  19. case class Diststyle(diststyle: DiststyleValue) extends TableAttribute with Product with Serializable

  20. sealed trait DiststyleValue extends Ddl

  21. case class DropColumn(columnName: String, mode: Option[DropMode]) extends Ddl with Product with Serializable

  22. case class DropConstraint(constraintName: String, mode: Option[DropMode]) extends AlterTableStatement with Product with Serializable

  23. case class DropMode(value: DropModeValue) extends Ddl with Product with Serializable

  24. sealed trait DropModeValue extends Ddl

  25. case class ForeignKeyTable(columns: NonEmptyList[String], reftable: RefTable) extends TableConstraint with Product with Serializable

  26. case class Identity(seed: Int, step: Int) extends ColumnAttribute with Product with Serializable

  27. case class KeyConstaint(value: KeyConstraintValue) extends ColumnConstraint with Product with Serializable

  28. sealed trait KeyConstraintValue extends Ddl

  29. case class Nullability(value: NullabilityValue) extends ColumnConstraint with Product with Serializable

  30. sealed trait NullabilityValue extends Ddl

  31. case class OwnerTo(newOwner: String) extends AlterTableStatement with Product with Serializable

  32. sealed trait Permission extends Ddl

  33. case class PrimaryKeyTable(columns: NonEmptyList[String]) extends TableConstraint with Product with Serializable

  34. case class ProductType(warnings: List[String]) extends DataType with Product with Serializable

    These predefined data types assembles into usual Redshift data types, but can store additional information such as warnings.

  35. case class RedshiftChar(size: Int) extends DataType with Product with Serializable

  36. case class RedshiftDecimal(precision: Option[Int], scale: Option[Int]) extends DataType with Product with Serializable

  37. case class RedshiftVarchar(size: Int) extends DataType with Product with Serializable

  38. case class RefTable(reftable: String, refcolumn: Option[String]) extends Ddl with Product with Serializable

    Reference table.

  39. case class RenameColumn(columnName: String, newName: String) extends AlterTableStatement with Product with Serializable

  40. case class RenameTo(newName: String) extends AlterTableStatement with Product with Serializable

  41. case class SortKeyTable(sortstyle: Option[Sortstyle], columns: NonEmptyList[String]) extends TableAttribute with Product with Serializable

  42. sealed trait Sortstyle extends Ddl

  43. trait Statement extends Ddl with Product with Serializable

    Trait for *independent* SQL DDL statements.

  44. sealed trait TableAttribute extends Ddl

    table_attributes are: [ DISTSTYLE { EVEN | KEY | ALL } ] [ DISTKEY ( column_name ) ] [ [COMPOUND | INTERLEAVED ] SORTKEY ( column_name [, .

  45. sealed trait TableConstraint extends Ddl

    table_constraints are: [ UNIQUE ( column_name [, .

  46. case class UniqueKeyTable(columns: NonEmptyList[String]) extends TableConstraint with Product with Serializable

Value Members

  1. object All extends DiststyleValue with Product with Serializable

  2. object ByteDictEncoding extends CompressionEncodingValue with Product with Serializable

  3. object CascadeDrop extends DropModeValue with Product with Serializable

  4. object CommentBlock extends Serializable

  5. object CompoundSortstyle extends Sortstyle with Product with Serializable

  6. object Delta32kEncoding extends CompressionEncodingValue with Product with Serializable

  7. object DeltaEncoding extends CompressionEncodingValue with Product with Serializable

  8. object DistKey extends ColumnAttribute with Product with Serializable

  9. object Empty extends Statement with Product with Serializable

  10. object End extends Statement with Product with Serializable

  11. object Even extends DiststyleValue with Product with Serializable

  12. object InterleavedSortstyle extends Sortstyle with Product with Serializable

  13. object IsolationLevel extends Ddl with Product with Serializable

  14. object Key extends DiststyleValue with Product with Serializable

  15. object LzoEncoding extends CompressionEncodingValue with Product with Serializable

  16. object Mostly16Encoding extends CompressionEncodingValue with Product with Serializable

  17. object Mostly32Encoding extends CompressionEncodingValue with Product with Serializable

  18. object Mostly8Encoding extends CompressionEncodingValue with Product with Serializable

  19. object NotNull extends NullabilityValue with Product with Serializable

  20. object Null extends NullabilityValue with Product with Serializable

  21. object PrimaryKey extends KeyConstraintValue with Product with Serializable

  22. object RawEncoding extends CompressionEncodingValue with Product with Serializable

  23. object ReadOnly extends Permission with Product with Serializable

  24. object ReadWriteIsolation extends Permission with Product with Serializable

  25. object RedshiftBigInt extends DataType with Product with Serializable

  26. object RedshiftBoolean extends DataType with Product with Serializable

  27. object RedshiftDouble extends DataType with Product with Serializable

  28. object RedshiftInteger extends DataType with Product with Serializable

  29. object RedshiftReal extends DataType with Product with Serializable

  30. object RedshiftSmallInt extends DataType with Product with Serializable

  31. object RedshiftTimestamp extends DataType with Product with Serializable

  32. object RestrictDrop extends DropModeValue with Product with Serializable

  33. object RunLengthEncoding extends CompressionEncodingValue with Product with Serializable

  34. object SortKey extends ColumnAttribute with Product with Serializable

  35. object Text255Encoding extends CompressionEncodingValue with Product with Serializable

  36. object Text32KEncoding extends CompressionEncodingValue with Product with Serializable

  37. object Unique extends KeyConstraintValue with Product with Serializable

  38. package generators
