Class Scale

  • @ApiType("SoftLayer_Scale_Policy_Action_Scale")
    public class Scale
    extends Action
    A policy action to scale a group. A group can be scaled to an absolute member number or by a relative amount using a fixed number or a percentage.
    See Also:
    • Field Detail

      • amountSpecified

        protected boolean amountSpecified
      • scaleType

        protected String scaleType
        The type of scale to perform. Possible values:

        * ABSOLUTE - Force the group to be set at a specific number of group members. This may include scaling up or
        down or not at all. If the amount is outside of the min/max range of the group, an error occurs.
        * PERCENT - Scale the group up or down based on the positive or negative percentage given in amount. The
        number is a percent of the current group member count. Any extra percent after the decimal point is always ignored. If the resulting amount is zero, -1 or 1 is used depending upon whether the percentage was negative or positive respectively.
        * RELATIVE - Scale the group up or down by the positive or negative value given in amount.
      • scaleTypeSpecified

        protected boolean scaleTypeSpecified
    • Constructor Detail

      • Scale

        public Scale()
    • Method Detail

      • getAmount

        public Long getAmount()
      • setAmount

        public void setAmount​(Long amount)
      • isAmountSpecified

        public boolean isAmountSpecified()
      • unsetAmount

        public void unsetAmount()
      • getScaleType

        public String getScaleType()
      • setScaleType

        public void setScaleType​(String scaleType)
      • isScaleTypeSpecified

        public boolean isScaleTypeSpecified()
      • unsetScaleType

        public void unsetScaleType()