
public class Option
extends Entity
An option found within a [[SoftLayer_Container_Hardware_Configuration (type)]] structure.
See Also:
  • Field Details

    • itemPrice

      @ApiProperty(canBeNullOrNotSet=true) protected Price itemPrice

      Provides hourly and monthly costs (if either are applicable), and a description of the option.
    • itemPriceSpecified

      protected boolean itemPriceSpecified
    • preset

      @ApiProperty(canBeNullOrNotSet=true) protected Preset preset

      Provides a description of a fixed configuration preset with monthly and hourly costs.
    • presetSpecified

      protected boolean presetSpecified
    • template

      @ApiProperty(canBeNullOrNotSet=true) protected Hardware template

      Provides a fragment of the request with the properties and values that must be sent when creating a server with the option.
    • templateSpecified

      protected boolean templateSpecified
  • Constructor Details

    • Option

      public Option()
  • Method Details

    • getItemPrice

      public Price getItemPrice()
    • setItemPrice

      public void setItemPrice​(Price itemPrice)
    • isItemPriceSpecified

      public boolean isItemPriceSpecified()
    • unsetItemPrice

      public void unsetItemPrice()
    • getPreset

      public Preset getPreset()
    • setPreset

      public void setPreset​(Preset preset)
    • isPresetSpecified

      public boolean isPresetSpecified()
    • unsetPreset

      public void unsetPreset()
    • getTemplate

      public Hardware getTemplate()
    • setTemplate

      public void setTemplate​(Hardware template)
    • isTemplateSpecified

      public boolean isTemplateSpecified()
    • unsetTemplate

      public void unsetTemplate()