
public class Address
extends Entity
See Also:
  • Field Details

    • address1

      @ApiProperty(canBeNullOrNotSet=true) protected String address1
      Line 1 of the address - typically the number and street address the MDMS device will be delivered to
    • address1Specified

      protected boolean address1Specified
    • address2

      @ApiProperty(canBeNullOrNotSet=true) protected String address2
      Line 2 of the address
    • address2Specified

      protected boolean address2Specified
    • addressAttention

      @ApiProperty(canBeNullOrNotSet=true) protected String addressAttention
      First and last name of the customer on the shipping address
    • addressAttentionSpecified

      protected boolean addressAttentionSpecified
    • addressNickname

      @ApiProperty(canBeNullOrNotSet=true) protected String addressNickname
      The datacenter name where the MDMS device will be shipped to
    • addressNicknameSpecified

      protected boolean addressNicknameSpecified
    • city

      @ApiProperty(canBeNullOrNotSet=true) protected String city
      The shipping address city
    • citySpecified

      protected boolean citySpecified
    • companyName

      @ApiProperty(canBeNullOrNotSet=true) protected String companyName
      Name of the company device is being shipped to
    • companyNameSpecified

      protected boolean companyNameSpecified
    • country

      @ApiProperty(canBeNullOrNotSet=true) protected String country
      The shipping address country
    • countrySpecified

      protected boolean countrySpecified
    • postalCode

      @ApiProperty(canBeNullOrNotSet=true) protected String postalCode
      The shipping address postal code
    • postalCodeSpecified

      protected boolean postalCodeSpecified
    • state

      @ApiProperty(canBeNullOrNotSet=true) protected String state
      The shipping address state
    • stateSpecified

      protected boolean stateSpecified
  • Constructor Details

    • Address

      public Address()
  • Method Details

    • getAddress1

      public String getAddress1()
    • setAddress1

      public void setAddress1​(String address1)
    • isAddress1Specified

      public boolean isAddress1Specified()
    • unsetAddress1

      public void unsetAddress1()
    • getAddress2

      public String getAddress2()
    • setAddress2

      public void setAddress2​(String address2)
    • isAddress2Specified

      public boolean isAddress2Specified()
    • unsetAddress2

      public void unsetAddress2()
    • getAddressAttention

      public String getAddressAttention()
    • setAddressAttention

      public void setAddressAttention​(String addressAttention)
    • isAddressAttentionSpecified

      public boolean isAddressAttentionSpecified()
    • unsetAddressAttention

      public void unsetAddressAttention()
    • getAddressNickname

      public String getAddressNickname()
    • setAddressNickname

      public void setAddressNickname​(String addressNickname)
    • isAddressNicknameSpecified

      public boolean isAddressNicknameSpecified()
    • unsetAddressNickname

      public void unsetAddressNickname()
    • getCity

      public String getCity()
    • setCity

      public void setCity​(String city)
    • isCitySpecified

      public boolean isCitySpecified()
    • unsetCity

      public void unsetCity()
    • getCompanyName

      public String getCompanyName()
    • setCompanyName

      public void setCompanyName​(String companyName)
    • isCompanyNameSpecified

      public boolean isCompanyNameSpecified()
    • unsetCompanyName

      public void unsetCompanyName()
    • getCountry

      public String getCountry()
    • setCountry

      public void setCountry​(String country)
    • isCountrySpecified

      public boolean isCountrySpecified()
    • unsetCountry

      public void unsetCountry()
    • getPostalCode

      public String getPostalCode()
    • setPostalCode

      public void setPostalCode​(String postalCode)
    • isPostalCodeSpecified

      public boolean isPostalCodeSpecified()
    • unsetPostalCode

      public void unsetPostalCode()
    • getState

      public String getState()
    • setState

      public void setState​(String state)
    • isStateSpecified

      public boolean isStateSpecified()
    • unsetState

      public void unsetState()