
public class AllocationStatus
extends Entity
This data type represents the structure to hold the allocation properties of a [[SoftLayer_Virtual_DedicatedHost]].
See Also:
  • Field Details

    • cpuAllocated

      @ApiProperty(canBeNullOrNotSet=true) protected Long cpuAllocated
      Number of allocated CPU cores on the specified dedicated host.
    • cpuAllocatedSpecified

      protected boolean cpuAllocatedSpecified
    • cpuAvailable

      @ApiProperty(canBeNullOrNotSet=true) protected Long cpuAvailable
      Number of available CPU cores on the specified dedicated host.
    • cpuAvailableSpecified

      protected boolean cpuAvailableSpecified
    • cpuCount

      @ApiProperty(canBeNullOrNotSet=true) protected Long cpuCount
      Total number of CPU cores on the dedicated host.
    • cpuCountSpecified

      protected boolean cpuCountSpecified
    • diskAllocated

      @ApiProperty(canBeNullOrNotSet=true) protected Long diskAllocated
      Amount of allocated disk space on the specified dedicated host.
    • diskAllocatedSpecified

      protected boolean diskAllocatedSpecified
    • diskAvailable

      @ApiProperty(canBeNullOrNotSet=true) protected Long diskAvailable
      Amount of available disk space on the specified dedicated host.
    • diskAvailableSpecified

      protected boolean diskAvailableSpecified
    • diskCapacity

      @ApiProperty(canBeNullOrNotSet=true) protected Long diskCapacity
      Total amount of disk capacity on the dedicated host.
    • diskCapacitySpecified

      protected boolean diskCapacitySpecified
    • guestCount

      @ApiProperty(canBeNullOrNotSet=true) protected Long guestCount
      Number of allocated guests on the specified dedicated host.
    • guestCountSpecified

      protected boolean guestCountSpecified
    • memoryAllocated

      @ApiProperty(canBeNullOrNotSet=true) protected Long memoryAllocated
      Amount of allocated memory on the specified dedicated host.
    • memoryAllocatedSpecified

      protected boolean memoryAllocatedSpecified
    • memoryAvailable

      @ApiProperty(canBeNullOrNotSet=true) protected Long memoryAvailable
      Amount of available memory on the specified dedicated host.
    • memoryAvailableSpecified

      protected boolean memoryAvailableSpecified
    • memoryCapacity

      @ApiProperty(canBeNullOrNotSet=true) protected Long memoryCapacity
      Total amount of memory capacity on the dedicated host.
    • memoryCapacitySpecified

      protected boolean memoryCapacitySpecified
  • Constructor Details

    • AllocationStatus

      public AllocationStatus()
  • Method Details

    • getCpuAllocated

      public Long getCpuAllocated()
    • setCpuAllocated

      public void setCpuAllocated​(Long cpuAllocated)
    • isCpuAllocatedSpecified

      public boolean isCpuAllocatedSpecified()
    • unsetCpuAllocated

      public void unsetCpuAllocated()
    • getCpuAvailable

      public Long getCpuAvailable()
    • setCpuAvailable

      public void setCpuAvailable​(Long cpuAvailable)
    • isCpuAvailableSpecified

      public boolean isCpuAvailableSpecified()
    • unsetCpuAvailable

      public void unsetCpuAvailable()
    • getCpuCount

      public Long getCpuCount()
    • setCpuCount

      public void setCpuCount​(Long cpuCount)
    • isCpuCountSpecified

      public boolean isCpuCountSpecified()
    • unsetCpuCount

      public void unsetCpuCount()
    • getDiskAllocated

      public Long getDiskAllocated()
    • setDiskAllocated

      public void setDiskAllocated​(Long diskAllocated)
    • isDiskAllocatedSpecified

      public boolean isDiskAllocatedSpecified()
    • unsetDiskAllocated

      public void unsetDiskAllocated()
    • getDiskAvailable

      public Long getDiskAvailable()
    • setDiskAvailable

      public void setDiskAvailable​(Long diskAvailable)
    • isDiskAvailableSpecified

      public boolean isDiskAvailableSpecified()
    • unsetDiskAvailable

      public void unsetDiskAvailable()
    • getDiskCapacity

      public Long getDiskCapacity()
    • setDiskCapacity

      public void setDiskCapacity​(Long diskCapacity)
    • isDiskCapacitySpecified

      public boolean isDiskCapacitySpecified()
    • unsetDiskCapacity

      public void unsetDiskCapacity()
    • getGuestCount

      public Long getGuestCount()
    • setGuestCount

      public void setGuestCount​(Long guestCount)
    • isGuestCountSpecified

      public boolean isGuestCountSpecified()
    • unsetGuestCount

      public void unsetGuestCount()
    • getMemoryAllocated

      public Long getMemoryAllocated()
    • setMemoryAllocated

      public void setMemoryAllocated​(Long memoryAllocated)
    • isMemoryAllocatedSpecified

      public boolean isMemoryAllocatedSpecified()
    • unsetMemoryAllocated

      public void unsetMemoryAllocated()
    • getMemoryAvailable

      public Long getMemoryAvailable()
    • setMemoryAvailable

      public void setMemoryAvailable​(Long memoryAvailable)
    • isMemoryAvailableSpecified

      public boolean isMemoryAvailableSpecified()
    • unsetMemoryAvailable

      public void unsetMemoryAvailable()
    • getMemoryCapacity

      public Long getMemoryCapacity()
    • setMemoryCapacity

      public void setMemoryCapacity​(Long memoryCapacity)
    • isMemoryCapacitySpecified

      public boolean isMemoryCapacitySpecified()
    • unsetMemoryCapacity

      public void unsetMemoryCapacity()