Interface MxType.Service

All Superinterfaces:
Maskable, ResourceRecord.Service, ResultLimitable, Service
Enclosing class:

public static interface MxType.Service
extends ResourceRecord.Service
The SoftLayer_Dns_Domain_ResourceRecord_MxType service controls the creation, modification, and deletion of MX records within a domain hosted on SoftLayer's DNS servers. It exists separately from the SoftLayer_Dns_Domain_ResourceRecord to provide control for MX priority in addition to host, data, and time-to-live.
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • asAsync

      Description copied from interface: Service
      Get an async version of this service
      Specified by:
      asAsync in interface ResourceRecord.Service
      Specified by:
      asAsync in interface Service
    • withNewMask

      MxType.Mask withNewMask()
      Description copied from interface: Maskable
      Overwrite the existing mask on this service with a new one and return it
      Specified by:
      withNewMask in interface Maskable
      Specified by:
      withNewMask in interface ResourceRecord.Service
    • withMask

      MxType.Mask withMask()
      Description copied from interface: Maskable
      Use the existing mask on this service or create it if not present
      Specified by:
      withMask in interface Maskable
      Specified by:
      withMask in interface ResourceRecord.Service
    • setMask

      void setMask​(MxType.Mask mask)
    • createObject

      @ApiMethod MxType createObject​(MxType templateObject)
      createObject creates a new MX record. The ''host'' property of the templateObject parameter is scrubbed to remove all non-alpha numeric characters except for "@", "_", ".", "*", and "-". The ''data'' property of the templateObject parameter is scrubbed to remove all non-alphanumeric characters for "." and "-". Creating an MX record updates the serial number of the domain the resource record is associated with.
      See Also:
    • createObjectsForMxType

      @ApiMethod("createObjects") List<ResourceRecord> createObjectsForMxType​(List<ResourceRecord> templateObjects)
      Create multiple MX records on a domain. This follows the same logic as ''createObject'. The serial number of the domain associated with this MX record is updated upon creation.

      ''createObjects'' returns Boolean ''true'' on successful creation or ''false'' if it was unable to create a resource record.
      See Also:
    • deleteObjectForMxType

      @ApiMethod(value="deleteObject", instanceRequired=true) Boolean deleteObjectForMxType()
      Delete a domain's MX record. '''This cannot be undone.''' Be wary of running this method. If you remove a resource record in error you will need to re-create it by creating a new SoftLayer_Dns_Domain_ResourceRecord_MxType object. The serial number of the domain associated with this MX record is updated upon deletion.

      ''deleteObject'' returns Boolean ''true'' on successful deletion or ''false'' if it was unable to remove a resource record.
      See Also:
    • deleteObjectsForMxType

      @ApiMethod("deleteObjects") Boolean deleteObjectsForMxType​(List<MxType> templateObjects)
      Remove multiple MX records from a domain. This follows the same logic as ''deleteObject'' and '''cannot be undone'''. The serial number of the domain associated with this MX record is updated upon deletion.

      ''deleteObjects'' returns Boolean ''true'' on successful deletion or ''false'' if it was unable to remove a resource record.
      See Also:
    • editObject

      @ApiMethod(instanceRequired=true) Boolean editObject​(MxType templateObject)
      editObject edits an existing MX resource record. The ''host'' property of the templateObject parameter is scrubbed to remove all non-alpha numeric characters except for "@", "_", ".", "*", and "-". The ''data'' property of the templateObject parameter is scrubbed to remove all non-alphanumeric characters for "." and "-". Editing an MX record updates the serial number of the domain the record is associated with.

      ''editObject'' returns Boolean ''true'' on a successful edit or ''false'' if it was unable to edit the resource record.
      See Also:
    • editObjectsForMxType

      @ApiMethod("editObjects") Boolean editObjectsForMxType​(List<MxType> templateObjects)
      Edit multiple MX records on a domain. This follows the same logic as ''createObject'. The serial number of the domain associated with this MX record is updated upon creation.

      ''createObjects'' returns Boolean ''true'' on successful creation or ''false'' if it was unable to create a resource record.
      See Also:
    • getObjectForMxType

      @ApiMethod(value="getObject", instanceRequired=true) MxType getObjectForMxType()
      getObject retrieves the SoftLayer_Dns_Domain_ResourceRecord_MxType object whose ID number corresponds to the ID number of the init parameter passed to the SoftLayer_Dns_Domain_ResourceRecord_MxType service. You can only retrieve resource records belonging to domains that are assigned to your SoftLayer account.
      See Also: