Interface Pod.Service

All Superinterfaces:
Maskable, ResultLimitable, Service
Enclosing class:

public static interface Pod.Service
extends Service
SoftLayer_Network_Pod refers to a portion of a data center that share a Backend Customer Router (BCR) and usually a front-end counterpart known as a Frontend Customer Router (FCR). A Pod primarily denotes a logical location within the network and the physical aspects that support networks. This is in contrast to representing a specific physical location.

A ``Pod`` is identified by a ``name``, which is unique. A Pod name follows the format 'dddnn.podii', where 'ddd' is a data center code, 'nn' is the data center number, 'pod' is a literal string and 'ii' is a two digit, left-zero- padded number which corresponds to a Backend Customer Router (BCR) of the desired data center. Examples:
  • dal09.pod01 = Dallas 9, Pod 1 (ie. bcr01)
  • sjc01.pod04 = San Jose 1, Pod 4 (ie. bcr04)
  • ams01.pod01 = Amsterdam 1, Pod 1 (ie. bcr01)
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • asAsync

      Pod.ServiceAsync asAsync()
      Description copied from interface: Service
      Get an async version of this service
      Specified by:
      asAsync in interface Service
    • withNewMask

      Pod.Mask withNewMask()
      Description copied from interface: Maskable
      Overwrite the existing mask on this service with a new one and return it
      Specified by:
      withNewMask in interface Maskable
    • withMask

      Pod.Mask withMask()
      Description copied from interface: Maskable
      Use the existing mask on this service or create it if not present
      Specified by:
      withMask in interface Maskable
    • setMask

      void setMask​(Pod.Mask mask)
    • getAllObjects

      @ApiMethod List<Pod> getAllObjects()
      Filtering is supported for ``datacenterName`` and ``capabilities``. When filtering on capabilities, use the ``in`` operation. Pods fulfilling all capabilities provided will be returned. ``datacenterName`` represents an operation against ```, such as dal05 when referring to Dallas 5.


      List Pods in a specific datacenter.
       datacenterName.operation = 'dal06' 

      List Pods in a geographical area.
       datacenterName.operation = '^= dal' 

      List Pods in a region fulfilling capabilities.
       datacenterName.operation = '^= dal' capabilities.operation = 'in' capabilities.options = [ { name = data, value = [SOME_CAPABILITY, ANOTHER_CAPABILITY] } ] 
      See Also:
    • getCapabilities

      @ApiMethod(instanceRequired=true) List<String> getCapabilities()
      Provides the list of capabilities a Pod fulfills. See [[SoftLayer_Network_Pod/listCapabilities]] for more information on capabilities.
      See Also:
    • getObject

      @ApiMethod(instanceRequired=true) Pod getObject()
      Set the initialization parameter to the ``name`` of the Pod to retrieve.
      See Also:
    • listCapabilities

      @ApiMethod List<String> listCapabilities()
      A capability is simply a string literal that denotes the availability of a feature. Capabilities are generally self describing, but any additional details concerning the implications of a capability will be documented elsewhere; usually by the Service or Operation related to it.
      See Also: