Class Response

public class Response
extends Entity
The SoftLayer_Survey_Response data type contains general information relating to a single SoftLayer survey response.
See Also:
  • Field Details

    • surveyAnswer

      @ApiProperty protected Answer surveyAnswer
      The survey answer that this response was to.
    • otherAnswer

      @ApiProperty(canBeNullOrNotSet=true) protected String otherAnswer
      The user typed response for the [[SoftLayer_Survey_Answer|Survey Answer]] that a response is associated with.
    • otherAnswerSpecified

      protected boolean otherAnswerSpecified
    • surveyAnswerId

      @ApiProperty(canBeNullOrNotSet=true) protected Long surveyAnswerId
      The Id of the [[SoftLayer_Survey_Answer|Survey Answer]] that a response was made for.
    • surveyAnswerIdSpecified

      protected boolean surveyAnswerIdSpecified
  • Constructor Details

    • Response

      public Response()
  • Method Details

    • getSurveyAnswer

      public Answer getSurveyAnswer()
    • setSurveyAnswer

      public void setSurveyAnswer​(Answer surveyAnswer)
    • getOtherAnswer

      public String getOtherAnswer()
    • setOtherAnswer

      public void setOtherAnswer​(String otherAnswer)
    • isOtherAnswerSpecified

      public boolean isOtherAnswerSpecified()
    • unsetOtherAnswer

      public void unsetOtherAnswer()
    • getSurveyAnswerId

      public Long getSurveyAnswerId()
    • setSurveyAnswerId

      public void setSurveyAnswerId​(Long surveyAnswerId)
    • isSurveyAnswerIdSpecified

      public boolean isSurveyAnswerIdSpecified()
    • unsetSurveyAnswerId

      public void unsetSurveyAnswerId()