Interface Rule.Service

  • All Superinterfaces:
    Maskable, ResultLimitable, Service
    Enclosing class:

    public static interface Rule.Service
    extends Service
    The SoftLayer_Network_Firewall_Update_Request_Rule service accesses information relating to a SoftLayer network firewall update request rule. This rule is a member of a [[SoftLayer Network Firewall Update Request]]. Use the [[SoftLayer Network Component Firewall]] service to view current rules. Use the [[SoftLayer Network Firewall Template]] service to pull SoftLayer recommended rule set templates.
    See Also:
    • Method Detail

      • withNewMask

        Rule.Mask withNewMask()
        Description copied from interface: Maskable
        Overwrite the existing mask on this service with a new one and return it
        Specified by:
        withNewMask in interface Maskable
      • withMask

        Rule.Mask withMask()
        Description copied from interface: Maskable
        Use the existing mask on this service or create it if not present
        Specified by:
        withMask in interface Maskable
      • createObject

        Rule createObject​(Rule templateObject)
        Create a new firewall update request. The SoftLayer_Network_Firewall_Update_Request object passed to this function must have at least one rule.

        ''createObject'' returns a Boolean ''true'' on successful object creation or ''false'' if your firewall update request was unable to be created..
        See Also:
      • getObject

        Rule getObject()
        getObject returns a SoftLayer_Network_Firewall_Update_Request_Rule object. You can only get historical objects for servers attached to your account that have a network firewall enabled. createObject inserts a new SoftLayer_Network_Firewall_Update_Request_Rule object. Use the SoftLayer_Network_Firewall_Update_Request to create groups of rules for an update request.
        See Also:
      • validateRule

        Void validateRule​(Rule rule,
                          Long applyToComponentId,
                          Long applyToAclId)
        Validate the supplied firewall request rule against the object it will apply to. For IPv4 rules, pass in an instance of SoftLayer_Network_Firewall_Update_Request_Rule. for IPv6 rules, pass in an instance of SoftLayer_Network_Firewall_Update_Request_Rule_Version6. The ID of the applied to object can either be applyToComponentId (an ID of a SoftLayer_Network_Component_Firewall) or applyToAclId (an ID of a SoftLayer_Network_Firewall_Module_Context_Interface_AccessControlList). One, and only one, of applyToComponentId and applyToAclId can be specified.

        If validation is successful, nothing is returned. If validation is unsuccessful, an exception is thrown explaining the nature of the validation error.
        See Also: