Interface Group.Service

    • Method Detail

      • withNewMask

        Group.Mask withNewMask()
        Description copied from interface: Maskable
        Overwrite the existing mask on this service with a new one and return it
        Specified by:
        withNewMask in interface Maskable
      • withMask

        Group.Mask withMask()
        Description copied from interface: Maskable
        Use the existing mask on this service or create it if not present
        Specified by:
        withMask in interface Maskable
      • getObject

        Group getObject()
        Each product item category must be tied to a category group. These category groups describe how a particular product item category is categorized. For example, the disk0, disk1, ... disk11 can be categorized as Server and Attached Services. There are different groups for each of this product item category depending on the function of the item product in the subject category.
        See Also: