



package lsh

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. lsh
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait Joiner extends AnyRef

  2. class Lsh extends Joiner with Serializable


    Lsh implementation as described in 'Randomized Algorithms and NLP: Using Locality Sensitive Hash Function for High Speed Noun Clustering' by Ravichandran et al.

    Lsh implementation as described in 'Randomized Algorithms and NLP: Using Locality Sensitive Hash Function for High Speed Noun Clustering' by Ravichandran et al. See original publication for a detailed description of the parameters.

    See also

  3. class NearestNeighbours extends Joiner with Serializable


    Brute force O(n2) method to compute exact nearest neighbours. As this is a very expensive computation O(n2) an additional sample parameter may be passed such that neighbours are just computed for a random fraction.

  4. class QueryHamming extends QueryJoiner with Serializable


    Implementation based on approximated cosine distances.

    Implementation based on approximated cosine distances. The cosine distances are approximated using hamming distances which are way faster to compute. The catalog matrix is broadcasted. This implementation is therefore suited for tasks where the catalog matrix is very small compared to the query matrix.

  5. trait QueryJoiner extends AnyRef

  6. class QueryLsh extends QueryJoiner with Serializable


    Standard Lsh implementation.

    Standard Lsh implementation. The queryMatrix is hashed multiple times and exact hash matches are searched for in the dbMatrix. These candidates are used to compute the cosine distance.

  7. class QueryNearestNeighbours extends QueryJoiner with Serializable


    Brute force O(size(query) * size(catalog)) method to compute exact nearest neighbours for rows in the query matrix.

    Brute force O(size(query) * size(catalog)) method to compute exact nearest neighbours for rows in the query matrix. As this is a very expensive computation, additional sample parameters may be passed such that neighbours are just computed for a random fraction of the data set.

  8. final case class Signature(index: Long, vector: Vector, bitSet: BitSet) extends Ordered[Signature] with Product with Serializable


    An id with it's hash encoding and original vector.

  9. class SlidingRDD[T] extends RDD[Array[T]]


    Represents an RDD from grouping items of its parent RDD in fixed size blocks by passing a sliding window over them.

    Represents an RDD from grouping items of its parent RDD in fixed size blocks by passing a sliding window over them. The ordering is first based on the partition index and then the ordering of items within each partition. This is similar to sliding in Scala collections, except that it becomes an empty RDD if the window size is greater than the total number of items. It needs to trigger a Spark job if the parent RDD has more than one partitions. To make this operation efficient, the number of items per partition should be larger than the window size and the window size should be small, e.g., 2.

    See also



  10. class SlidingRDDPartition[T] extends Partition with Serializable


    NOTE: both classes are copied from mllib and slightly modified since these classes are mllib private! Modified lines are marked with comments

  11. final case class SparseSignature(index: Long, bitSet: BitSet) extends Ordered[SparseSignature] with Product with Serializable


    An id with it's hash encoding.

  12. trait VectorDistance extends Serializable


    interface defining similarity measurement between 2 vectors

Value Members

  1. object Cosine extends VectorDistance


    implementation of VectorDistance that computes cosine similarity between two vectors

  2. object Main

  3. def bitSetComparator(a: BitSet, b: BitSet): Int


    Compares two bit sets according to the first different bit

  4. def bitSetIsEqual(vec1: BitSet, vec2: BitSet): Boolean


    Compares two bit sets for their equality

  5. def bitSetToString(bs: BitSet): String


    Returns a string representation of a BitSet

  6. def distinct(matrix: RDD[MatrixEntry]): RDD[MatrixEntry]


    Take distinct matrix entry values based on the indices only.

    Take distinct matrix entry values based on the indices only. The actual values are discarded.

  7. def hamming(vec1: BitSet, vec2: BitSet): Int


    Returns the hamming distance between two bit vectors

  8. def hammingToCosine(hammingDistance: Int, d: Double): Double


    Approximates the cosine distance of two bit sets using their hamming distance

  9. def localRandomMatrix(d: Int, numFeatures: Int): Matrix


    Returns a local k by d matrix with random gaussian entries mean=0.0 and std=1.0

    Returns a local k by d matrix with random gaussian entries mean=0.0 and std=1.0

    This is a k by d matrix as it is multiplied by the input matrix

  10. def matrixToBitSet(inputMatrix: IndexedRowMatrix, localRandomMatrix: Matrix): RDD[Signature]


    Converts a given input matrix to a bit set representation using random hyperplanes

  11. def matrixToBitSetSparse(inputMatrix: IndexedRowMatrix, localRandomMatrix: Matrix): RDD[SparseSignature]


    Converts a given input matrix to a bit set representation using random hyperplanes

  12. def vectorToBitSet(vector: Vector): BitSet


    Converts a vector to a bit set by replacing all values of x with sign(x)

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
