

package druid

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By inheritance
  1. druid
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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Type Members

  1. sealed trait AggregationSpec extends AnyRef

  2. case class AlphaNumericTopNMetricSpec(type: String, previousStop: String) extends TopNMetricSpec with Product with Serializable

  3. case class ArithmeticPostAggregationSpec(type: String, name: String, fn: String, fields: List[PostAggregationSpec], ordering: Option[String]) extends PostAggregationSpec with Product with Serializable

    In SQL this is an expression involving at least 1 aggregation expression

  4. case class BoundFilterSpec(type: String, dimension: String, lower: Option[String], lowerStrict: Option[Boolean], upper: Option[String], upperStrict: Option[Boolean], alphaNumeric: Boolean) extends FilterSpec with Product with Serializable

  5. class BrokerPartition extends DruidPartition

  6. case class CardinalityAggregationSpec(type: String, name: String, fieldNames: List[String], byRow: Boolean) extends AggregationSpec with Product with Serializable

    In SQL a count(distinct dimColumn) is translated to this Spec.

  7. trait CloseableIterator[+A] extends Iterator[A]

  8. case class ComparisonHavingSpec(type: String, aggregation: String, value: Double) extends Product with Serializable

  9. case class ConstantPostAggregationSpec(type: String, name: String, value: Double) extends PostAggregationSpec with Product with Serializable

  10. class DateTimeConditionExtractor extends AnyRef

    Return (DruidColumn, ComparisonOperator, DateTimeValue)

  11. case class DateTimeGroupingElem(outputName: String, druidColumn: DruidColumn, formatToApply: String, tzForFormat: Option[String], pushedExpression: Expression, inputFormat: Option[String] = scala.None) extends Product with Serializable

  12. class DateTimeWithZoneExtractor extends AnyRef

    Extract expressions of the form: - dateTime(dimCol) - withZone(dateTime(dimCol))

  13. case class DefaultDimensionSpec(type: String, dimension: String, outputName: String) extends DimensionSpec with Product with Serializable

    In SQL these are columns being grouped on.

  14. class DefaultSource extends RelationProvider with Logging

  15. sealed trait DimensionSpec extends AnyRef

    As defined in

  16. class DruidColumnExtractor extends AnyRef

  17. class DruidDataSourceException extends Exception

  18. case class DruidOperatorAttribute(exprId: ExprId, name: String, dataType: DataType, tf: String = null) extends Product with Serializable

  19. abstract class DruidPartition extends Partition

  20. case class DruidQuery(q: QuerySpec, queryHistoricalServer: Boolean, numSegmentsPerQuery: Int, intervalSplits: List[Interval], outputAttrSpec: Option[List[DruidOperatorAttribute]]) extends Product with Serializable

  21. case class DruidQueryBuilder(drInfo: DruidRelationInfo, queryIntervals: QueryIntervals, dimensions: List[DimensionSpec] = immutable.this.Nil, limitSpec: Option[LimitSpec] = scala.None, havingSpec: Option[HavingSpec] = scala.None, granularitySpec: Either[String, GranularitySpec] = ..., filterSpec: Option[FilterSpec] = scala.None, aggregations: List[AggregationSpec] = immutable.this.Nil, postAggregations: Option[List[PostAggregationSpec]] = scala.None, projectionAliasMap: Map[String, String] = ..., outputAttributeMap: Map[String, (Expression, DataType, DataType, String)] = ..., avgExpressions: Map[Expression, (String, String)] = ..., aggExprToLiteralExpr: Map[Expression, Expression] = ..., aggregateOper: Option[Aggregate] = scala.None, curId: AtomicLong = ...) extends Product with Serializable

  22. class DruidRDD extends RDD[InternalRow]

  23. case class DruidRelation(info: DruidRelationInfo, dQuery: Option[DruidQuery])(sqlContext: SQLContext) extends BaseRelation with TableScan with Product with Serializable

  24. case class DurationGranularitySpec(type: String, duration: Long) extends GranularitySpec with Product with Serializable

  25. case class ExtractionDimensionSpec(type: String, dimension: String, outputName: String, extractionFn: ExtractionFunctionSpec) extends DimensionSpec with Product with Serializable

  26. case class ExtractionFilterSpec(type: String, dimension: String, value: String, extractionFn: InExtractionFnSpec) extends FilterSpec with Product with Serializable

  27. sealed trait ExtractionFunctionSpec extends AnyRef

  28. case class FieldAccessPostAggregationSpec(type: String, fieldName: String) extends PostAggregationSpec with Product with Serializable

  29. sealed trait FilterSpec extends AnyRef

  30. case class FilteredAggregationSpec(type: String, name: String, filter: SelectorFilterSpec, aggregator: AggregationSpec) extends AggregationSpec with Product with Serializable

    In SQL this is an aggregation on an If condition.

  31. case class FunctionAggregationSpec(type: String, name: String, fieldName: String) extends AggregationSpec with Product with Serializable

    In SQL an aggregation expression on a metric is translated to this Spec.

  32. sealed trait GranularitySpec extends AnyRef

  33. case class GroupByQuerySpec(queryType: String, dataSource: String, dimensions: List[DimensionSpec], limitSpec: Option[LimitSpec], having: Option[HavingSpec], granularity: Either[String, GranularitySpec], filter: Option[FilterSpec], aggregations: List[AggregationSpec], postAggregations: Option[List[PostAggregationSpec]], intervals: List[String]) extends QuerySpec with Product with Serializable

  34. case class GroupByQuerySpecWithSegIntervals(queryType: String, dataSource: String, dimensions: List[DimensionSpec], limitSpec: Option[LimitSpec], having: Option[HavingSpec], granularity: Either[String, GranularitySpec], filter: Option[FilterSpec], aggregations: List[AggregationSpec], postAggregations: Option[List[PostAggregationSpec]], intervals: SegmentIntervals) extends QuerySpec with Product with Serializable

  35. sealed trait HavingSpec extends AnyRef

  36. class HistoricalPartition extends DruidPartition

  37. case class HyperUniqueCardinalityPostAggregationSpec(type: String, name: String, fieldName: String) extends PostAggregationSpec with Product with Serializable

  38. case class InExtractionFnSpec(type: String, lookup: LookUpMap) extends ExtractionFunctionSpec with Product with Serializable

  39. case class InsensitiveContainsSearchQuerySpec(type: String, value: String) extends SearchQueryQuerySpec with Product with Serializable

  40. case class IntervalCondition(typ: IntervalConditionType.Value, dt: DateTime) extends Product with Serializable

  41. class IntervalConditionExtractor extends AnyRef

  42. case class InvertedTopNMetricSpec(type: String, metric: TopNMetricSpec) extends TopNMetricSpec with Product with Serializable

  43. case class JavaScriptExtractionFunctionSpec(type: String, function: String, injective: Boolean = false) extends ExtractionFunctionSpec with Product with Serializable

  44. case class JavascriptAggregationSpec(type: String, name: String, fieldNames: List[String], fnAggregate: String, fnCombine: String, fnReset: String) extends AggregationSpec with Product with Serializable

    In SQL this is an invocation on a special JSAgg function.

  45. case class JavascriptFilterSpec(type: String, dimension: String, function: String) extends FilterSpec with Product with Serializable

    In SQL an invocation on a special JSPredicate is translated to this FilterSpec.

  46. case class JavascriptPostAggregationSpec(type: String, name: String, fields: List[PostAggregationSpec], function: String) extends PostAggregationSpec with Product with Serializable

  47. case class LexiographicTopNMetricSpec(type: String, previousStop: String) extends TopNMetricSpec with Product with Serializable

  48. case class LimitSpec(type: String, limit: Int, columns: List[OrderByColumnSpec]) extends Product with Serializable

  49. case class LogicalBinaryOpHavingSpec(type: String, havingSpecs: List[HavingSpec]) extends Product with Serializable

  50. case class LogicalFilterSpec(type: String, fields: List[FilterSpec]) extends FilterSpec with Product with Serializable

  51. case class LookUpMap(type: String, map: Map[String, String]) extends Product with Serializable

  52. case class NotFilterSpec(type: String, field: FilterSpec) extends FilterSpec with Product with Serializable

  53. case class NotOpHavingSpec(type: String, havingSpec: HavingSpec) extends Product with Serializable

  54. case class NumericTopNMetricSpec(type: String, metric: String) extends TopNMetricSpec with Product with Serializable

  55. case class OrderByColumnSpec(dimension: String, direction: String) extends Product with Serializable

  56. case class PartialExtractionFunctionSpec(type: String, expr: String) extends ExtractionFunctionSpec with Product with Serializable

    In SQL this is a grouping expression of the form 'if col rlike regex then regex else null'

  57. case class PeriodGranularitySpec(type: String, period: String, timeZone: Option[String], origin: Option[String]) extends GranularitySpec with Product with Serializable

  58. sealed trait PostAggregationSpec extends AnyRef

  59. case class QueryIntervals(drInfo: DruidRelationInfo, intervals: List[com.github.nscala_time.time.Imports.Interval] = immutable.this.Nil) extends Product with Serializable

  60. sealed trait QuerySpec extends AnyRef

  61. case class RegexExtractionFunctionSpec(type: String, expr: String) extends ExtractionFunctionSpec with Product with Serializable

    In SQL this is an 'like' or rlike' predicate on a column being grouped on.

  62. case class RegexFilterSpec(type: String, dimension: String, pattern: String) extends FilterSpec with Product with Serializable

  63. case class SearchQueryExtractionFunctionSpec(type: String, query: String) extends ExtractionFunctionSpec with Product with Serializable

    In SQL this is a contains predicate on a column being grouped on.

  64. trait SearchQueryQuerySpec extends AnyRef

  65. case class SearchQuerySpec(queryType: String, dataSource: String, intervals: List[String], granularity: Either[String, GranularitySpec], filter: Option[FilterSpec], searchDimensions: List[String], query: SearchQueryQuerySpec, sort: Option[SortSearchQuerySpec]) extends QuerySpec with Product with Serializable

  66. case class SearchQuerySpecWithSegIntervals(queryType: String, dataSource: String, intervals: SegmentIntervals, granularity: Either[String, GranularitySpec], filter: Option[FilterSpec], searchDimensions: List[String], query: SearchQueryQuerySpec, sort: Option[SortSearchQuerySpec]) extends QuerySpec with Product with Serializable

  67. case class SegmentInterval(itvl: String, ver: String, part: Option[Int]) extends Product with Serializable

  68. case class SegmentIntervals(type: String, segments: List[SegmentInterval]) extends Product with Serializable

  69. case class SelectorFilterSpec(type: String, dimension: String, value: String) extends FilterSpec with Product with Serializable

  70. case class SortSearchQuerySpec(type: String) extends Product with Serializable

  71. class SparkIntervalConditionExtractor extends AnyRef

  72. class SparkNativeTimeElementExtractor extends AnyRef

  73. class TimeElementExtractor extends AnyRef

    Extract expressions that extract a dateTime element of a dimColumn that is parsed as Date For e.

  74. case class TimeFormatExtractionFunctionSpec(type: String, format: String, timeZone: Option[String], locale: Option[String]) extends ExtractionFunctionSpec with Product with Serializable

    In SQL this is a withTimeZone and field extraction functions applied to the time dimension columns.

  75. case class TimeParsingExtractionFunctionSpec(type: String, timeFormat: String, resultFormat: String) extends ExtractionFunctionSpec with Product with Serializable

  76. class TimeReferenceExtractor extends AnyRef

  77. case class TimeSeriesQuerySpec(queryType: String, dataSource: String, intervals: List[String], granularity: Either[String, GranularitySpec], filter: Option[FilterSpec], aggregations: List[AggregationSpec], postAggregations: Option[List[PostAggregationSpec]]) extends QuerySpec with Product with Serializable

  78. case class TimeSeriesQuerySpecWithSegIntervals(queryType: String, dataSource: String, granularity: Either[String, GranularitySpec], filter: Option[FilterSpec], aggregations: List[AggregationSpec], postAggregations: Option[List[PostAggregationSpec]], intervals: SegmentIntervals) extends QuerySpec with Product with Serializable

  79. sealed trait TopNMetricSpec extends AnyRef

  80. case class TopNQuerySpec(queryType: String, dataSource: String, intervals: List[String], granularity: Either[String, GranularitySpec], filter: Option[FilterSpec], aggregations: List[AggregationSpec], postAggregations: Option[List[PostAggregationSpec]], dimension: DimensionSpec, threshold: Int, metric: TopNMetricSpec) extends QuerySpec with Product with Serializable

Value Members

  1. object DateTimeExtractor

  2. object Debugging extends Logging

  3. object DefaultSource

  4. object DruidQueryBuilder extends Serializable

  5. object DruidValTransform

    conversion from Druid values to Spark values.

  6. object IntervalConditionType extends Enumeration

  7. object JavascriptFilterSpec extends Serializable

  8. object PeriodExtractor

  9. object QueryIntervals extends Serializable

  10. object SegmentIntervals extends Serializable

  11. object SparkNativeTimeElementExtractor

  12. object Utils extends Logging

  13. package client

  14. package jscodegen

  15. package metadata

  16. package query

  17. package tools

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
