Compose this RabbitErrorLogging with another, such that both error logging strategies are used on exception
Compose this RabbitErrorLogging with another, such that both error logging strategies are used on exception
Called by consumer to report an exception processing a message
Called by consumer to report an exception processing a message
The name of the message queue which threw the exception
A string describing the context in which the message was throw (IE: error while deserializing message)
The exception thrown by the consumer while attempting to unmarshall the message, or process the message
RabbitMQ specific unique identifier for the consumer
envelope Contains delivery attributes
Message headers, et. al
The binary, marshalled message
Tries to convert the body to a human-readable string; tries to use charset in contentEncoding
Tries to convert the body to a human-readable string; tries to use charset in contentEncoding
Reports consumer errors to Slf4j.