Class GitDataClient

  • public class GitDataClient
    extends Object
    Reference Api client
    • Method Detail

      • createTagReference

        public CompletableFuture<Reference> createTagReference​(String tag,
                                                               String sha)
        Create a git tag reference. It must not include the refs/tags.
        tag - tag name
        sha - commit to tag
      • createAnnotatedTag

        public CompletableFuture<Tag> createAnnotatedTag​(String tag,
                                                         String sha,
                                                         String tagMessage,
                                                         String taggerName,
                                                         String taggerEmail)
        Create an annotated tag. First it would create a tag reference and then create annotated tag
        tag - tag name
        sha - commit to tag
        tagMessage - message
        taggerName - name of the tagger
        taggerEmail - email of the tagger