

package salesforce

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class DataWriter extends Serializable

    Writer responsible for writing the objects into Salesforce Wave It uses Partner External Metadata SOAP API to write the dataset

  2. case class DatasetRelation(waveAPI: WaveAPI, forceAPI: ForceAPI, query: String, userSchema: StructType, sqlContext: SQLContext, resultVariable: Option[String], pageSize: Int, encodeFields: Option[String], inferSchema: Boolean) extends BaseRelation with TableScan with Product with Serializable

    Relation class for reading data from Salesforce and construct RDD

  3. class DefaultSource extends RelationProvider with SchemaRelationProvider with CreatableRelationProvider

    Default source for Salesforce wave data source.

  4. class SFObjectWriter extends Serializable

    Write class responsible for update Salesforce object using data provided in dataframe First column of dataframe contains Salesforce Object Next subsequent columns are fields to be updated

Value Members

  1. object InferSchema

    Utility to InferSchema from the provided Sample

  2. object Utils extends Serializable

    Utility to construct metadata and repartition RDD

  3. package examples

  4. package metadata
