Package retrofit.http

Annotation Types Summary
Body Use this annotation on a service method param when you want to directly control the request body of a POST/PUT request (instead of sending in as request parameters or form-style request body).
DELETE Make a DELETE request to a REST path relative to base URL.
Field Named pair for a form-encoded request.
FormUrlEncoded Denotes that the request body will use form URL encoding.
GET Make a GET request to a REST path relative to base URL.
HEAD Make a HEAD request to a REST path relative to base URL.
Header Replaces the header with the the value of its target.
Headers Adds headers literally supplied in the value.
Multipart Denotes that the request body is multi-part.
Part Denotes a single part of a mutli-part request.
Path Named replacement in the URL path.
POST Make a POST request to a REST path relative to base URL.
PUT Make a PUT request to a REST path relative to base URL.
Query Query parameter appended to the URL.

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