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accept(T) - Method in interface com.swoval.functional.Consumer
Performs the operation on the given argument.
accept(T) - Method in interface com.swoval.functional.Filter
Accept only some instances of T.
addCacheObserver(FileTreeDataViews.CacheObserver<T>) - Method in interface com.swoval.files.FileTreeDataViews.ObservableCache
Add an observer of cache events.
addHook(int, Runnable) - Static method in class com.swoval.runtime.ShutdownHooks
Add a removable hook to run at shutdown.
addObserver(FileTreeViews.Observer<? super T>) - Method in interface com.swoval.files.FileTreeViews.Observable
Add an observer of events.
AllPass - Static variable in class com.swoval.functional.Filters
An instance of Filter that accepts any object.
apply(TypedPath) - Method in interface com.swoval.files.FileTreeDataViews.Converter
Convert the typedPath to a value.


cached(Path, int, boolean) - Static method in class com.swoval.files.FileTreeViews
Make a new DirectoryView that caches the file tree but has no data value associated with each value.
cached(Path, FileTreeDataViews.Converter<T>, int, boolean) - Static method in class com.swoval.files.FileTreeDataViews
Make a new DirectoryView that caches the file tree but has no data value associated with each value.
close() - Method in interface com.swoval.files.apple.FileEventMonitor
Handle all exceptions.
close() - Method in interface com.swoval.files.PathWatcher
Catch any exceptions in subclasses.
ClosedFileEventMonitorException - Exception in com.swoval.files.apple
Exception that is thrown when the user attempts to create or stop a stream for a closed FileEventMonitor.
ClosedFileEventMonitorException() - Constructor for exception com.swoval.files.apple.ClosedFileEventMonitorException
com.swoval.concurrent - package com.swoval.concurrent
Provides a simple ThreadFactory that names threads
com.swoval.files - package com.swoval.files
Provides classes for monitoring directories for file system updates.
com.swoval.files.apple - package com.swoval.files.apple
Provides apple specific directory monitoring utilities
com.swoval.functional - package com.swoval.functional
Provides functional interfaces/classes from scala and/or jdk > 1.8.
com.swoval.logging - package com.swoval.logging
Provides a simple debug logger.
com.swoval.runtime - package com.swoval.runtime
Provides packages for interacting with the runtime environment.
Consumer<T> - Interface in com.swoval.functional
Represents an operation that takes an input and returns no result.
Create - Static variable in class com.swoval.files.PathWatchers.Event.Kind
A new file was created.
Create() - Constructor for class com.swoval.files.apple.Flags.Create
Create(int) - Constructor for class com.swoval.files.apple.Flags.Create
createStream(Path, long, TimeUnit, Flags.Create) - Method in interface com.swoval.files.apple.FileEventMonitor
Start monitoring a path.
CreateStreamException - Exception in com.swoval.files.apple
Exception that is thrown when the system is unable to create a file event stream.
CreateStreamException(String) - Constructor for exception com.swoval.files.apple.CreateStreamException


debug(String) - Method in interface com.swoval.logging.Logger
Print a debug message.
DEBUG - Static variable in class com.swoval.logging.Loggers.Level
Delete - Static variable in class com.swoval.files.PathWatchers.Event.Kind
The file was deleted.
DirectoryView - Interface in com.swoval.files
A repository for a directory.


Either<L,​R> - Class in com.swoval.functional
Represents a value that can be one of two types.
Either.Left<L,​R> - Class in com.swoval.functional
A left projected Either.
Either.NotLeftException - Exception in com.swoval.functional
An error that is thrown if an attempt is made to project an Either to Either.Left when the object is actually an instance of Either.Right.
Either.NotRightException - Exception in com.swoval.functional
An error that is thrown if an attempt is made to project an Either to Either.Right when the object is actually an instance of Either.Left.
Either.Right<L,​R> - Class in com.swoval.functional
A right projected Either.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.swoval.files.PathWatchers.Event
equals(Object) - Method in class com.swoval.files.PathWatchers.Event.Kind
equals(Object) - Method in class com.swoval.functional.Either
equals(Object) - Method in class com.swoval.functional.Either.Left
equals(Object) - Method in class com.swoval.functional.Either.Right
error(String) - Method in interface com.swoval.logging.Logger
Print an error message
Error - Static variable in class com.swoval.files.PathWatchers.Event.Kind
An error occurred processing the event.
ERROR - Static variable in class com.swoval.logging.Loggers.Level
Event() - Constructor for class com.swoval.files.apple.Flags.Event
Event(TypedPath, PathWatchers.Event.Kind) - Constructor for class com.swoval.files.PathWatchers.Event
EventIdsWrapped - Static variable in class com.swoval.files.apple.Flags.Event
exists() - Method in interface com.swoval.files.TypedPath
Does this path exist?


FileEvent - Class in com.swoval.files.apple
Simple wrapper around the event provided by the apple file system event callback.
FileEvent(String, int) - Constructor for class com.swoval.files.apple.FileEvent
FileEventMonitor - Interface in com.swoval.files.apple
FileEventMonitors - Class in com.swoval.files.apple
FileEventMonitors.Handle - Interface in com.swoval.files.apple
A handle for a file event stream that can be cancelled using FileEventMonitor.stopStream(com.swoval.files.apple.FileEventMonitors.Handle).
FileEventMonitors.Handles - Class in com.swoval.files.apple
Provides an invalid handle that indicates that either registration of a stream was unsucessful or the stream has been made redundant by a stream for a different path that covers the path for which the stream was created.
fileName - Variable in class com.swoval.files.apple.FileEvent
FileTreeDataView<T> - Interface in com.swoval.files
A repository for which each Path has an associated data value.
FileTreeDataViews - Class in com.swoval.files
Provides functional interfaces for processing and managing instances of FileTreeDataView.
FileTreeDataViews.CacheObserver<T> - Interface in com.swoval.files
Provides callbacks to run when different types of file events are detected by the cache.
FileTreeDataViews.Converter<R> - Interface in com.swoval.files
Converts a Path into an arbitrary value to be cached.
FileTreeDataViews.Entry<T> - Interface in com.swoval.files
Container class for CachedDirectoryImpl entries.
FileTreeDataViews.ObservableCache<T> - Interface in com.swoval.files
A file tree cache that can be monitored for events.
FileTreeRepositories - Class in com.swoval.files
Provides factory methods for generating instances of FileTreeRepository.
FileTreeRepository<T> - Interface in com.swoval.files
Provides an in memory cache of portions of the file system.
FileTreeView - Interface in com.swoval.files
Lists all of the children of a particular directory up to a specified depth.
FileTreeViews - Class in com.swoval.files
Provides static methods returning instances of the various view interfaces defined throughout this package.
FileTreeViews.Observable<T> - Interface in com.swoval.files
Provides an api for subscribing and unsubscribing to events.
FileTreeViews.Observer<T> - Interface in com.swoval.files
Generic Observer for an FileTreeViews.Observable.
Filter<T> - Interface in com.swoval.functional
Generic Filter functional interface.
Filters - Class in com.swoval.functional
Provides a generic AllPass filter.
flags() - Method in class com.swoval.files.apple.FileEvent
flags(Event) - Static method in class com.swoval.files.apple.Flags.Event
Flags - Class in com.swoval.files.apple
The flags for creating a file event stream.
Flags() - Constructor for class com.swoval.files.apple.Flags
Flags.Create - Class in com.swoval.files.apple
Wrapper around the apple file events FsEventStreamCreateFlags.
Flags.Event - Class in com.swoval.files.apple
Wrapper around the file system event flags.
fromString(String) - Static method in class com.swoval.logging.Loggers.Level


get() - Static method in class com.swoval.files.RegisterableWatchServices
get() - Method in class com.swoval.functional.Either
Get the right projected value of the either.
get(boolean) - Static method in class com.swoval.files.PathWatchers
Create a PathWatcher for the runtime platform.
get(FileTreeDataViews.Converter<T>, boolean) - Static method in class com.swoval.files.FileTreeRepositories
Create a file tree repository.
get(FileTreeDataViews.Converter<T>, boolean, boolean, Logger) - Static method in class com.swoval.files.FileTreeRepositories
Create a file tree repository.
get(Consumer<FileEvent>, Consumer<String>) - Static method in class com.swoval.files.apple.FileEventMonitors
get(Path) - Static method in class com.swoval.files.TypedPaths
Returns a typed path for the given path.
getDefault(boolean) - Static method in class com.swoval.files.FileTreeViews
Returns the default FileTreeView for the runtime platform.
getKind() - Method in class com.swoval.files.PathWatchers.Event
Returns the kind of event.
getLevel() - Method in interface com.swoval.logging.Logger
Returns the level for this Logger.
getLogger() - Static method in class com.swoval.logging.Loggers
getMaxDepth() - Method in interface com.swoval.files.DirectoryView
Returns the maximum depth of children of subdirectories to include below the path specified by DirectoryView.getTypedPath().
getNative(boolean) - Static method in class com.swoval.files.FileTreeViews
Returns an instance of FileTreeView that uses native jni functions to improve performance compared to the FileTreeView returned by FileTreeViews.getNio(boolean).
getNio(boolean) - Static method in class com.swoval.files.FileTreeViews
Returns an instance of FileTreeView that uses only apis available in java.nio.file.
getOrElse(Either<?, ? extends T>, T) - Static method in class com.swoval.functional.Either
Get the right projected value of the either or a provided default value.
getPath() - Method in interface com.swoval.files.DirectoryView
Return the path of the root directory.
getPath() - Method in interface com.swoval.files.TypedPath
Return the path.
getTypedPath() - Method in interface com.swoval.files.DirectoryView
Return the typed path of the root directory.
getTypedPath() - Method in interface com.swoval.files.FileTreeDataViews.Entry
Returns the TypedPath associated with this entry.
getTypedPath() - Method in class com.swoval.files.PathWatchers.Event
Return the TypedPath associated with this Event.
getValue() - Method in class com.swoval.files.apple.Flags.Create
getValue() - Method in interface com.swoval.files.FileTreeDataViews.Entry
Return the value associated with this entry.
getValue() - Method in class com.swoval.functional.Either.Left
Returns the wrapped value
getValue() - Method in class com.swoval.functional.Either.Right
Returns the wrapped value.


hasFileEvents() - Method in class com.swoval.files.apple.Flags.Create
hashCode() - Method in class com.swoval.files.PathWatchers.Event
hashCode() - Method in class com.swoval.files.PathWatchers.Event.Kind
hashCode() - Method in class com.swoval.functional.Either
hashCode() - Method in class com.swoval.functional.Either.Left
hashCode() - Method in class com.swoval.functional.Either.Right
hasIgnoreSelf() - Method in class com.swoval.files.apple.Flags.Create
hasMarkSelf() - Method in class com.swoval.files.apple.Flags.Create
hasNoDefer() - Method in class com.swoval.files.apple.Flags.Create
hasUseCFTypes() - Method in class com.swoval.files.apple.Flags.Create
hasUseExtendedData() - Method in class com.swoval.files.apple.Flags.Create
hasWatchRoot() - Method in class com.swoval.files.apple.Flags.Create
HistoryDone - Static variable in class com.swoval.files.apple.Flags.Event


info(String) - Method in interface com.swoval.logging.Logger
Print an informational message.
INFO - Static variable in class com.swoval.logging.Loggers.Level
INVALID - Static variable in class com.swoval.files.apple.FileEventMonitors.Handles
isCreated() - Method in class com.swoval.files.apple.FileEvent
isDirectory() - Method in interface com.swoval.files.TypedPath
Is the path represented by this a directory?
isFile() - Method in interface com.swoval.files.TypedPath
Is the path represented by this a regular file?
isFreeBSD() - Static method in class com.swoval.runtime.Platform
Returns true if running on freebsd.
isJVM() - Static method in class com.swoval.runtime.Platform
Returns true if the runtime is a java virtual machine.
isLeft() - Method in class com.swoval.functional.Either
Check whether this is a Left projection.
isLeft() - Method in class com.swoval.functional.Either.Left
isLeft() - Method in class com.swoval.functional.Either.Right
isLinux() - Static method in class com.swoval.runtime.Platform
Returns true if running on linux.
isMac() - Static method in class com.swoval.runtime.Platform
Returns true if running on a mac.
isModified() - Method in class com.swoval.files.apple.FileEvent
isNewFile() - Method in class com.swoval.files.apple.FileEvent
isRemoved() - Method in class com.swoval.files.apple.FileEvent
isRight() - Method in class com.swoval.functional.Either
Check whether this is a Right projection.
isRight() - Method in class com.swoval.functional.Either.Left
isRight() - Method in class com.swoval.functional.Either.Right
isSymbolicLink() - Method in interface com.swoval.files.TypedPath
Is the path represented by this a symbolic link?
isTouched() - Method in class com.swoval.files.apple.FileEvent
isWin() - Static method in class com.swoval.runtime.Platform
Returns true if running on windows.
ItemChangeOwner - Static variable in class com.swoval.files.apple.Flags.Event
ItemCloned - Static variable in class com.swoval.files.apple.Flags.Event
ItemCreated - Static variable in class com.swoval.files.apple.Flags.Event
ItemFinderInfoMod - Static variable in class com.swoval.files.apple.Flags.Event
ItemInodeMetaMod - Static variable in class com.swoval.files.apple.Flags.Event
ItemIsDir - Static variable in class com.swoval.files.apple.Flags.Event
ItemIsFile - Static variable in class com.swoval.files.apple.Flags.Event
ItemIsHardlink - Static variable in class com.swoval.files.apple.Flags.Event
ItemIsLastHardlink - Static variable in class com.swoval.files.apple.Flags.Event
ItemIsSymlink - Static variable in class com.swoval.files.apple.Flags.Event
ItemModified - Static variable in class com.swoval.files.apple.Flags.Event
ItemRemoved - Static variable in class com.swoval.files.apple.Flags.Event
ItemRenamed - Static variable in class com.swoval.files.apple.Flags.Event
ItemXattrMod - Static variable in class com.swoval.files.apple.Flags.Event


KernelDropped - Static variable in class com.swoval.files.apple.Flags.Event


left(T) - Static method in class com.swoval.functional.Either
Returns a left projected either.
leftProjection(Either<L, R>) - Static method in class com.swoval.functional.Either
Returns the Left projection for the provided Either or throws an exception if the Either is actually an instance of Either.Right.
list(int, Filter<? super TypedPath>) - Method in interface com.swoval.files.DirectoryView
List all of the files in the root directory, returning only those files that are accepted by the provided filter.
list(Path, int, Filter<? super TypedPath>) - Method in interface com.swoval.files.FileTreeDataView
List all of the files for the path, returning only those files that are accepted by the provided filter.
list(Path, int, Filter<? super TypedPath>) - Method in interface com.swoval.files.FileTreeView
List all of the files for the path, returning only those files that are accepted by the provided filter.
list(Path, int, Filter<? super TypedPath>) - Static method in class com.swoval.files.FileTreeViews
List the contents of a path.
listEntries(Path, int, Filter<? super FileTreeDataViews.Entry<T>>) - Method in interface com.swoval.files.FileTreeDataView
List all of the files for the path</code> that are accepted by the <code>filter.
loadPackaged() - Static method in class com.swoval.runtime.NativeLoader
Loads the swoval-files0 shared library.
Logger - Interface in com.swoval.logging
A simple logger.
Loggers - Class in com.swoval.logging
Loggers() - Constructor for class com.swoval.logging.Loggers
Loggers.Level - Class in com.swoval.logging


Modify - Static variable in class com.swoval.files.PathWatchers.Event.Kind
An existing file was modified.
Mount - Static variable in class com.swoval.files.apple.Flags.Event
MustScanSubDirs - Static variable in class com.swoval.files.apple.Flags.Event


NativeLoader - Class in com.swoval.runtime
Manages the loading of the swoval-files0 library.
NativeLoader() - Constructor for class com.swoval.runtime.NativeLoader
newThread(Runnable) - Method in class com.swoval.concurrent.ThreadFactory
None - Static variable in class com.swoval.files.apple.Flags.Event
NotLeftException() - Constructor for exception com.swoval.functional.Either.NotLeftException
NotRightException() - Constructor for exception com.swoval.functional.Either.NotRightException


onCreate(FileTreeDataViews.Entry<T>) - Method in interface com.swoval.files.FileTreeDataViews.CacheObserver
Callback to fire when a new path is created.
onDelete(FileTreeDataViews.Entry<T>) - Method in interface com.swoval.files.FileTreeDataViews.CacheObserver
Callback to fire when a path is deleted.
onError(IOException) - Method in interface com.swoval.files.FileTreeDataViews.CacheObserver
Callback to fire when an error is encountered generating while updating a path.
onError(Throwable) - Method in interface com.swoval.files.FileTreeViews.Observer
Fired if the underlying FileTreeViews.Observable encounters an error
onNext(T) - Method in interface com.swoval.files.FileTreeViews.Observer
Callback that is invoked whenever a change is detected by the FileTreeViews.Observable.
onUpdate(FileTreeDataViews.Entry<T>, FileTreeDataViews.Entry<T>) - Method in interface com.swoval.files.FileTreeDataViews.CacheObserver
Callback to fire when a path is modified.
Overflow - Static variable in class com.swoval.files.PathWatchers.Event.Kind
The watching service overflowed so it may be necessary to poll.
OwnEvent - Static variable in class com.swoval.files.apple.Flags.Event


PathWatcher<T> - Interface in com.swoval.files
Watches directories for file changes.
PathWatchers - Class in com.swoval.files
Provides factory methods to create instances of PathWatcher.
PathWatchers.Event - Class in com.swoval.files
Container for PathWatcher events.
PathWatchers.Event.Kind - Class in com.swoval.files
An enum like class to indicate the type of file event.
Platform - Class in com.swoval.runtime
Provides some platform specific properties.
polling(boolean, long, TimeUnit) - Static method in class com.swoval.files.PathWatchers
Create a path watcher that periodically polls the file system to detect changes
polling(FileTreeDataViews.Converter<Long>, boolean, long, TimeUnit) - Static method in class com.swoval.files.PathWatchers
Create a path watcher that periodically polls the file system to detect changes


register(Path, int) - Method in interface com.swoval.files.FileTreeRepository
Register a path with the cache.
register(Path, int) - Method in interface com.swoval.files.PathWatcher
Register a path to monitor for file events.
register(Path, WatchEvent.Kind<?>...) - Method in interface com.swoval.files.RegisterableWatchService
Register a path for monitoring.
RegisterableWatchService - Interface in com.swoval.files
RegisterableWatchServices - Class in com.swoval.files
Provides a platform dependent implementation of RegisterableWatchService.
RegisterableWatchServices() - Constructor for class com.swoval.files.RegisterableWatchServices
removeHook(int) - Static method in class com.swoval.runtime.ShutdownHooks
Remove a shutdown hook that was added via addHook(int, Runnable).
removeObserver(int) - Method in interface com.swoval.files.FileTreeViews.Observable
Remove an observer.
right(T) - Static method in class com.swoval.functional.Either
Returns a right projected either.
rightProjection(Either<L, R>) - Static method in class com.swoval.functional.Either
Returns the Right projection for the provided Either or throws an exception if the Either is actually an instance of Either.Left.
RootChanged - Static variable in class com.swoval.files.apple.Flags.Event


setFileEvents() - Method in class com.swoval.files.apple.Flags.Create
setIgnoreSelf() - Method in class com.swoval.files.apple.Flags.Create
setMarkSelf() - Method in class com.swoval.files.apple.Flags.Create
setNoDefer() - Method in class com.swoval.files.apple.Flags.Create
setUseCFTypes() - Method in class com.swoval.files.apple.Flags.Create
setUseExtendedData() - Method in class com.swoval.files.apple.Flags.Create
setWatchRoot() - Method in class com.swoval.files.apple.Flags.Create
shouldLog(Logger, Loggers.Level) - Static method in class com.swoval.logging.Loggers
ShutdownHooks - Class in com.swoval.runtime
Provides an api for adding shutdown hooks.
ShutdownHooks() - Constructor for class com.swoval.runtime.ShutdownHooks
stopStream(FileEventMonitors.Handle) - Method in interface com.swoval.files.apple.FileEventMonitor


ThreadFactory - Class in com.swoval.concurrent
Provides a thread factory that names the threads with a given prefix.
ThreadFactory(String) - Constructor for class com.swoval.concurrent.ThreadFactory
Creates a new ThreadFactor with thread name prefix.
tmpDir() - Static method in class com.swoval.runtime.Platform
Returns the system temporary directory location
toString() - Method in class com.swoval.files.apple.FileEvent
toString() - Method in class com.swoval.files.PathWatchers.Event.Kind
toString() - Method in class com.swoval.files.PathWatchers.Event
toString() - Method in class com.swoval.functional.Either.Left
toString() - Method in class com.swoval.functional.Either.Right
TypedPath - Interface in com.swoval.files
A mix-in for an object that represents a file system path.
TypedPaths - Class in com.swoval.files
Provides a default TypedPath implementation.


Unmount - Static variable in class com.swoval.files.apple.Flags.Event
unregister(Path) - Method in interface com.swoval.files.FileTreeRepository
Unregister a path from the cache.
unregister(Path) - Method in interface com.swoval.files.PathWatcher
Stop watching a path.
UserDropped - Static variable in class com.swoval.files.apple.Flags.Event


value - Variable in class com.swoval.files.apple.Flags.Create
verbose(String) - Method in interface com.swoval.logging.Logger
Print a debug message.
VERBOSE - Static variable in class com.swoval.logging.Loggers.Level


warn(String) - Method in interface com.swoval.logging.Logger
Print a warning message.
WARN - Static variable in class com.swoval.logging.Loggers.Level
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