Class MessageContext

  extended by com.thetransactioncompany.jsonrpc2.server.MessageContext

public class MessageContext
extends Object

Context information about JSON-RPC 2.0 request and notification messages.

Vladimir Dzhuvinov

Nested Class Summary
 class MessageContext.BasicPrincipal
          Minimal implementation of the Principal interface.
Constructor Summary
          Creates a new JSON-RPC 2.0 request / notification context.
MessageContext(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest httpRequest)
          Creates a new JSON-RPC 2.0 request / notification context from the specified HTTP request.
MessageContext(String clientHostName, String clientInetAddress)
          Creates a new JSON-RPC 2.0 request / notification context.
MessageContext(String clientHostName, String clientInetAddress, boolean secure)
          Creates a new JSON-RPC 2.0 request / notification context.
MessageContext(String clientHostName, String clientInetAddress, boolean secure, String principalName)
          Creates a new JSON-RPC 2.0 request / notification context.
MessageContext(String clientHostName, String clientInetAddress, boolean secure, String[] principalNames)
          Creates a new JSON-RPC 2.0 request / notification context.
Method Summary
 String getClientHostName()
          Gets the host name of the client that sent the request / notification.
 String getClientInetAddress()
          Gets the IP address of the client that sent the request / notification.
 Principal getPrincipal()
          Returns the first authenticated client principal, null if none.
 String getPrincipalName()
          Returns the first authenticated client principal name, null if none.
 String[] getPrincipalNames()
          Returns the authenticated client principal names, null if none.
 Principal[] getPrincipals()
          Returns the authenticated client principals, null if none.
 boolean isSecure()
          Indicates whether the request / notification was received over a secure HTTPS connection.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public MessageContext(String clientHostName,
                      String clientInetAddress,
                      boolean secure,
                      String principalName)
Creates a new JSON-RPC 2.0 request / notification context.

clientHostName - The client host name, null if unknown.
clientInetAddress - The client IP address, null if unknown.
secure - Specifies a request received over HTTPS.
principalName - Specifies the authenticated client principle name, null if unknown. The name must not be an empty or blank string.


public MessageContext(String clientHostName,
                      String clientInetAddress,
                      boolean secure,
                      String[] principalNames)
Creates a new JSON-RPC 2.0 request / notification context.

clientHostName - The client host name, null if unknown.
clientInetAddress - The client IP address, null if unknown.
secure - Specifies a request received over HTTPS.
principalNames - Specifies the authenticated client principle names, null if unknown. The names must not be an empty or blank string.


public MessageContext(String clientHostName,
                      String clientInetAddress,
                      boolean secure)
Creates a new JSON-RPC 2.0 request / notification context. No authenticated client principal is specified.

clientHostName - The client host name, null if unknown.
clientInetAddress - The client IP address, null if unknown.
secure - Specifies a request received over HTTPS.


public MessageContext(String clientHostName,
                      String clientInetAddress)
Creates a new JSON-RPC 2.0 request / notification context. Indicates an insecure transport (plain HTTP) and no authenticated client principal.

clientHostName - The client host name, null if unknown.
clientInetAddress - The client IP address, null if unknown.


public MessageContext()
Creates a new JSON-RPC 2.0 request / notification context. Indicates an insecure transport (plain HTTP) and no authenticated client principal. Not client host name / IP is specified.


public MessageContext(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest httpRequest)
Creates a new JSON-RPC 2.0 request / notification context from the specified HTTP request.

httpRequest - The HTTP request.
Method Detail


public String getClientHostName()
Gets the host name of the client that sent the request / notification.

The client host name, null if unknown.


public String getClientInetAddress()
Gets the IP address of the client that sent the request / notification.

The client IP address, null if unknown.


public boolean isSecure()
Indicates whether the request / notification was received over a secure HTTPS connection.

true If the request was received over HTTPS, false if it was received over plain HTTP.


public Principal getPrincipal()
Returns the first authenticated client principal, null if none.

The first client principal, null if none.


public Principal[] getPrincipals()
Returns the authenticated client principals, null if none.

The client principals, null if none.


public String getPrincipalName()
Returns the first authenticated client principal name, null if none.

The frist client principal name, null if none.


public String[] getPrincipalNames()
Returns the authenticated client principal names, null if none.

The client principal names, null if none.

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