

package binding

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Type Members

  1. trait Binding[+A] extends AnyRef

    A data binding expression that represents a value that automatically recalculates when its dependencies change.

  2. final class FutureBinding[A] extends Binding[Option[Try[A]]]

    A wrapper that wraps scala.concurrent.Future to a Binding.

  3. final class JsPromiseBinding[A] extends Binding[Option[Either[Any, A]]]

    A wrapper that wraps a scala.scalajs.js.Promise to a com.thoughtworks.binding.Binding.

  4. class dom extends Annotation with StaticAnnotation

    Enable XML DOM literal for Binding.

  5. class fxml extends Annotation with StaticAnnotation

    An annotation to convert FXML literals to JavaFX GUI.

Value Members

  1. object Binding extends WithTypeClass[Monad, Binding]

  2. object FutureBinding

  3. object JsPromiseBinding

  4. object Route

  5. object dom

  6. object fxml
