A @reset code block can contain try / catch / finally
if the monadic data type supports cats.MonadError.
For example, cats.effect.IO is a monadic data type that supports cats.MonadError,
therefore try / catch / finally expressions can be used inside a @reset code block
whose return type is cats.effect.IO.
import com.thoughtworks.dsl.keywords.Monadic._
import com.thoughtworks.dsl.domains.cats._
import _root_.cats.effect.IO
import com.thoughtworks.dsl.Dsl.reset
val io0 = IO(0)
def dslTryCatch: IO[String] = IO {
try {
s"Division result: ${!io0 / !io0}"
} catch {
case e: ArithmeticException =>
s"Cannot divide ${!io0} by itself"
}: @reset
dslTryCatch.unsafeRunSync() should be("Cannot divide 0 by itself")
The above dslTryCatch method is equivalent to the following code in cats.syntax:
def catsSyntaxTryCatch: IO[String] = {
import _root_.cats.syntax.applicativeError._
io0.flatMap { tmp0 =>
io0.flatMap { tmp1 =>
IO(s"Division result: ${tmp0 / tmp1}")
}.handleErrorWith {
case e: ArithmeticException =>
io0.flatMap { tmp2 =>
IO(s"Cannot divide ${tmp2} by itself")
case e =>
e.raiseError[IO, String]
catsSyntaxTryCatch.unsafeRunSync() should be("Cannot divide 0 by itself")
Trampoline is a monadic data type that performs tail call optimization.
It can be built from a @reset code block within some !-notation,
similar to the each method in
ThoughtWorks Each.
import _root_.cats.free.Trampoline
import _root_.cats.instances.function._
import com.thoughtworks.dsl.keywords.Monadic._
import com.thoughtworks.dsl.domains.cats._
import com.thoughtworks.dsl.Dsl.reset
val trampoline3 = Trampoline.done(3)
def dslSquare = Trampoline.delay {
s"This string is produced by a trampoline: ${!trampoline3 * !trampoline3}"
}: @reset
dslSquare.run should be("This string is produced by a trampoline: 9")
!trampoline3 is a shortcut of !Monadic(trampoline3),
which will be converted to flatMap calls by our DSL interpreter.
Thus, the method dslSquare is equivalent to the following code in cats.syntax:
def catsSyntaxSquare = trampoline3.flatMap { tmp1 =>
trampoline3.flatMap { tmp2 =>
Trampoline.delay {
s"This string is produced by a trampoline: ${tmp1 * tmp2}"
catsSyntaxSquare.run should be("This string is produced by a trampoline: 9")
Contains interpreters to enable !-notation for keywords.Monadic and other keywords in code blocks whose type support cats.FlatMap and cats.MonadError.
杨博 (Yang Bo)
code block can containtry
if the monadic data type supports cats.MonadError. For example, cats.effect.IO is a monadic data type that supports cats.MonadError, thereforetry
expressions can be used inside a@reset
code block whose return type is cats.effect.IO.The above
method is equivalent to the following code in cats.syntax:Trampoline is a monadic data type that performs tail call optimization. It can be built from a
code block within some !-notation, similar to the each method in ThoughtWorks Each.!trampoline3
is a shortcut of!Monadic(trampoline3)
, which will be converted toflatMap
calls by our DSL interpreter. Thus, the methoddslSquare
is equivalent to the following code in cats.syntax: