Interface HasParameterTypes

All Known Implementing Classes:
AccessTarget.CodeUnitAccessTarget, AccessTarget.CodeUnitCallTarget, AccessTarget.CodeUnitReferenceTarget, AccessTarget.ConstructorCallTarget, AccessTarget.ConstructorReferenceTarget, AccessTarget.MethodCallTarget, AccessTarget.MethodReferenceTarget, JavaCodeUnit, JavaConstructor, JavaMethod, JavaStaticInitializer

@PublicAPI(usage=ACCESS) public interface HasParameterTypes
  • Method Details

    • getParameterTypes

      @PublicAPI(usage=ACCESS) List<JavaType> getParameterTypes()
      the raw parameter types of this object, e.g.
      for a method
      void someMethod(String first, int second) {..}
      this would be the JavaClasses equivalent to [String.class, int.class],
      for a method
      <T> void someMethod(T generic) {..}
      this would be the JavaTypeVariable T.
      Note that for non-generic cases this returns the same as getRawParameterTypes().
    • getRawParameterTypes

      @PublicAPI(usage=ACCESS) List<JavaClass> getRawParameterTypes()
      the raw parameter types of this object, e.g.
      for a method
      void someMethod(String first, int second) {..}
      this would be the JavaClasses equivalent to [String.class, int.class],
      for a method
      <T> void someMethod(T generic) {..}
      this would be the erasure of the generic type variable T, i.e. the JavaClass equivalent to Object.class.
      Note that for non-generic cases this returns the same as getParameterTypes().