Interface ClassesShouldConjunction

All Superinterfaces:
ArchRule, CanBeEvaluated, CanOverrideDescription<ArchRule>, HasDescription

@PublicAPI(usage=ACCESS) public interface ClassesShouldConjunction extends ArchRule
Allows to join together any existing ArchCondition of this rule with another ArchCondition via and or or. Note that the behavior is always fully left-associative, i.e. there is no "operator precedence" as for && or ||. Take for example

The semantics of the new condition will be (public OR private) AND haveNameMatching – and not public || (private && haveNameMatching).

Thus, for more complex conditions please consider explicitly joining preconfigured conditions or custom conditions via ArchCondition.and(ArchCondition) and ArchCondition.or(ArchCondition) where you can freely control the precedence via nesting. E.g.

Note that inverting the rule, e.g. via ArchRuleDefinition.noClasses(), will also invert the join operator. I.e. if you define noClasses().should().a().orShould().b() it will mean that all classes must satisfy not(a) AND not(b).