

package metrics

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
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  2. By inheritance
  1. metrics
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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Type Members

  1. class Collection extends AnyRef

  2. class CollectionInterval extends AnyRef

  3. trait Collector extends AnyRef

    Base trait required by all metric types.

  4. case class CollectorConfig(intervals: Seq[FiniteDuration], baseConfig: Config, collectorDefaults: Config) extends Product with Serializable

    A config object passed to new event collectors in addition to their own config.

  5. trait Counter extends Collector

    Metrics Collector which track Long values.

  6. class DefaultHistogram extends Histogram

  7. class DuplicateMetricException extends Exception

  8. class FiniteDurationExpectedException extends Exception

  9. trait Histogram extends Collector

    Metrics Collector which measures the distribution of values.

  10. class IntervalAggregator extends Actor with ActorLogging

  11. class InvalidHostAddressException extends IllegalArgumentException

  12. class LoggerSender extends MetricSender

  13. class LoggerSenderActor extends Actor with ActorLogging with MetricsLogger

    Simple sender that just prints the stats to the log

  14. case class MetricAddress(components: List[String]) extends Product with Serializable

  15. case class MetricContext(namespace: MetricAddress, collection: Collection, tags: TagMap = metrics.this.`package`.TagMap.Empty) extends MetricNamespace with Product with Serializable

  16. trait MetricFormatter[T] extends AnyRef

  17. case class MetricFragment(address: MetricAddress, tags: TagMap, value: MetricValue) extends Product with Serializable

  18. type MetricMap = Map[MetricAddress, ValueMap]

  19. trait MetricNamespace extends AnyRef

    A MetricNamespace is essentially just an address prefix and set of tags.

  20. class MetricReporter extends Actor with ActorLogging

  21. case class MetricReporterConfig(metricSenders: Seq[MetricSender], globalTags: Option[TagGenerator] = scala.None, filters: MetricReporterFilter = MetricReporterFilter.All, includeHostInGlobalTags: Boolean = true) extends Product with Serializable

    Configuration class for the metric reporter

  22. sealed trait MetricReporterFilter extends AnyRef

    Tells a MetricReporter how to filter its Metrics before handing off to a Sender.

  23. trait MetricSender extends AnyRef

  24. class MetricSystem extends MetricNamespace

    The MetricSystem provides the environment for creating metrics and is required to create collectors.

  25. case class MetricSystemConfig(enabled: Boolean, name: String, systemMetrics: SystemMetricsConfig, collectorConfig: CollectorConfig) extends Product with Serializable

    Configuration object for a MetricSystem

  26. type MetricValue = Long

  27. class NopHistogram extends Histogram

  28. case class OpenTsdbSender(host: String, port: Int) extends MetricSender with Product with Serializable

  29. class OpenTsdbSenderActor extends Actor with ActorLogging with MetricsLogger

  30. class OpenTsdbWatchdog extends Actor with ActorLogging

  31. trait Rate extends Collector

    Metrics Collector which increments a value and resets after collection.

  32. implicit final class RichMetricMap extends AnyVal

  33. implicit final class RichTagMap extends AnyVal

  34. class SystemMetricsCollector extends AnyRef

  35. case class SystemMetricsConfig(enabled: Boolean, namespace: MetricAddress) extends Product with Serializable

  36. trait TagGenerator extends AnyRef

  37. type TagMap = Map[String, String]

  38. type ValueMap = Map[TagMap, MetricValue]

Value Members

  1. object Collection

  2. object ConfigHelpers

  3. object Counter

  4. object Histogram

    A Basic log-scale histogram, mainly designed to measure latency

  5. object IntervalAggregator

  6. object LoggerSender extends MetricSender

  7. object MetricAddress extends Serializable

  8. object MetricMap

  9. object MetricReporter

  10. object MetricReporterFilter

  11. object MetricSender

  12. object MetricSystem

    Factory for colossus.metrics.MetricSystem instances

  13. object MetricSystemConfig extends Serializable

  14. object OpenTsdbFormatter extends MetricFormatter[String]

  15. object OpenTsdbWatchdog

  16. object Rate

  17. object TagMap

  18. object ValueMap

  19. package senders

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
