

package controller

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. sealed trait AliveState extends ConnectionState

  2. sealed trait ConnectionState extends AnyRef

  3. abstract class Controller[Input, Output] extends InputController[Input, Output] with OutputController[Input, Output]

    A Controller is a Connection handler that is designed to work with connections involving decoding raw bytes into input messages and encoding output messages into bytes.

  4. case class ControllerConfig(outputBufferSize: Int) extends Product with Serializable

  5. class DisconnectingException extends Exception

  6. class DualSource[T] extends Source[T]

    Wraps 2 sinks and will automatically begin reading from the second only when the first is empty.

  7. class FiniteBytePipe extends InfinitePipe[DataBuffer]

    A pipe designed to accept a fixed number of bytes

  8. class InfinitePipe[T] extends Pipe[T, T]

  9. trait InputController[Input, Output] extends MasterController[Input, Output]

    The InputController maintains all state dealing with reading in messages in a controller.

  10. sealed trait InputState extends AnyRef

  11. class InvalidConnectionStateException extends Exception

  12. class InvalidInputStateException extends Exception

  13. class InvalidOutputStateException extends Exception

    This is thrown anytime we hit a state that shouldn't be possible.

  14. trait MasterController[Input, Output] extends ConnectionHandler

    The base trait inherited by both InputController and OutputController and ultimately implemented by Controller.

  15. trait OutputController[Input, Output] extends MasterController[Input, Output]

    The OutputController maintains all state dealing with writing messages in a controller.

  16. sealed trait OutputResult extends AnyRef

    An ADT representing the result of a pushing a message to write

  17. sealed trait OutputState extends AnyRef

  18. trait Pipe[T, U] extends Sink[T] with Source[U]

    A Pipe is a callback-based data transport abstraction meant for handling streams.

  19. class PipeCancelledException extends Exception with PipeException

    This is a special exception that Input/Output controllers look for when error handling pipes.

  20. sealed trait PipeException extends Throwable

  21. class PipeStateException extends Exception with PipeException

  22. class PipeTerminatedException extends Exception with PipeException

  23. sealed trait PushResult extends AnyRef

  24. trait Sink[T] extends Transport

    A Sink is the write side of a pipe.

  25. trait Source[T] extends Transport

    A Source is the read side of a pipe.

  26. trait StreamMessage extends AnyRef

    trait representing a decoded message that is actually a stream

  27. trait Transport extends AnyRef

  28. class Trigger extends AnyRef

    When a user attempts to push a value into a pipe, and the pipe either fills or was already full, a Trigger is returned in the PushResult.

Value Members

  1. object AliveState

  2. object ConnectionState

  3. object InputState

  4. object OutputResult

  5. object OutputState

  6. object PipeCombinator

  7. object PushResult

  8. object Source
