

package node

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait BiDirectionalNode extends Node

    Nodes in the graph that store both directions and whose inEdges (and only inEdges) can be mutated after initialization

  2. trait DynamicNode extends Node

    Represents a dynamic node in a directed graph.

  3. class FillingInEdgesBiDirectionalNode extends BiDirectionalNode

  4. class SynchronizedDynamicNode extends DynamicNode

    A Node supports add and delete operation on its in/out edges.

  5. trait UniDirectionalNode extends Node

    Nodes in the graph that store edges in only one direction (or in the case Mutual Dir graph, both directions have the same edges).

Value Members

  1. object ArrayBasedDirectedNode

  2. object BiDirectionalNode

  3. object FillingInEdgesBiDirectionalNode

  4. object SharedArrayBasedBiDirectionalNode

  5. object SharedArrayBasedDirectedNode

  6. object SharedArrayBasedUniDirectionalNode

    Factory object for creating uni-directional nodes that uses shared array as underlying storage for node's edges, * i.

  7. object SynchronizedDynamicNode

  8. object UniDirectionalNode

    Factory object for creating uni-directional nodes that uses array as underlying storage for node's edges
