

package tourist

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class BoolInfoKeeper extends InfoKeeper[Boolean]

  2. trait InfoKeeper[O] extends AnyRef

    Info keeper records info per node id and returns output per node or for all nodes

  3. class IntInfoKeeper extends InfoKeeper[Int]

    An InfoKeeper keeps caller-supplied info per node.

    An InfoKeeper keeps caller-supplied info per node. It provides another method recordInfo() to record a given info for a node.

  4. trait NodeTourist extends AnyRef

    Represents the processing done when visiting a node.

  5. class PathsCounter extends NodeTourist with InfoKeeper[Object2IntMap[DirectedPath]]

    A tourist that keeps track of the paths ending at each node.

    A tourist that keeps track of the paths ending at each node. It keeps at most numTopPathsPerNode paths per node.

    TODO: instead of homeNodeIds, this func should take a function param of Node => Boolean

  6. class PrevNbrComparator extends IntComparator

  7. class PrevNbrCounter extends InfoKeeper[Int2IntMap]

    A NodeTourist that keeps track of the previous immediate neighbor of a given node in visiting sequence.

  8. class VisitsComparator extends IntComparator

  9. class VisitsCounter extends IntInfoKeeper with NodeTourist

    A tourist that keeps counts of the number of times a node has been seen.
