

package bipartite

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class BipartiteGraph extends Graph[BipartiteNode]

    NOTE: this data structure could be memory intensive if the max node ID is much larger than the number of elements in the graph, consider using alternative storage.

    NOTE: this data structure could be memory intensive if the max node ID is much larger than the number of elements in the graph, consider using alternative storage. This class represents an array-based bipartite graph. All its nodes are BipartiteNodes. It maintains two types of ID systems: left node ids (< 0) and right node ids (> 0), id value of 0 is not allowed in a Bipartite Graph. Internally it stores two separate arrays, one for left nodes and one for right nodes. The length of the array is the maxNodeId + 1. When a node is being queries, based on the ID value, it converts the ID value to index in the array * (in case of Right, identical; in case of left, the index is id * -1), and retrieves the node object. Edges in the graph fall into two types: from left to right, or from right to left. For example, an edge E that goes from LeftNode A to RightNode B could indicate membership relation. From A's perspective, this is an out-going edge to B, which means A includes B as a member; and similarly from B's perspective, this is an in-coming edge from A, meaning B is included as a member in A. * Another edge E' that goes from B to A, for example, could carry completely different meaning, e.g. followship. From B's perspective, E' is an out-going edge to A, and means that B follows A, and vice versa from A's perspective. E' is an incoming edge, meaning A is followed by B. If a BipartiteGraph is of direction BipartiteLeftToRight or BipartiteRightToLeft, it carries one semantic meaning between the left and right sides; but if the graph is of direction BipartiteBoth, then it could carry two semantic meanings in one graph (e.g. list-to-user membership and user-to-list followship).

  2. case class BipartiteGraphException(e: String) extends Exception with Product with Serializable

  3. trait BipartiteNode extends Node

  4. case class BipartiteSide(nodes: Array[BipartiteNode], numOfNodes: Int, numOfOutEdges: Int) extends Product with Serializable

  5. class IterativeLinkAnalyzer extends AnyRef

    Iteratively analyze links in a bipartite graph.

  6. class LeftNode extends BipartiteNode

    Represents a node on the LHS of a bipartite graph, with a negative node id, all of its in and out edges point to nodes in the RHS, and thus all edge ids have positive values

  7. class RightNode extends BipartiteNode

    Represents a node on the RHS of a bipartite graph, with a positive node id, all of its in and out edges point to nodes in the LHS, and thus all edge ids have values of the real id * -1

  8. case class SuppliedNodeInfo(node: Node, initialIterationWeight: Double) extends Product with Serializable

    The node information supplied to the analyzer.

    The node information supplied to the analyzer. With each node is supplied initialIterationWeight, which is used to initialize the scores of every node at the beginning of every iteration.

Value Members

  1. object BipartiteGraphDir extends Enumeration
