

package httpx

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class Cookie extends AnyRef

    Scala wrapper around Netty cookies.

  2. class CookieMap extends Map[String, Cookie] with MapLike[String, Cookie, CookieMap]

    Adapt cookies of a Message to a mutable Map where cookies are indexed by their name.

    Adapt cookies of a Message to a mutable Map where cookies are indexed by their name. Requests use the Cookie header and Responses use the Set-Cookie header. If a cookie is added to the CookieMap, a header is automatically added to the Message. You can add the same cookie more than once. Use getAll to retrieve all of them, otherwise only the first one is returned. If a cookie is removed from the CookieMap, a header is automatically removed from the message.

  3. case class FileElement(name: String, content: Buf, contentType: Option[String] = None, filename: Option[String] = None) extends FormElement with Product with Serializable

  4. sealed abstract class FormElement extends AnyRef

  5. abstract class HeaderMap extends Map[String, String] with MapLike[String, String, HeaderMap]

    Mutable message headers map.

    Mutable message headers map.

    Header names are case-insensitive. For example, get("accept") is the same as get("Accept").

    The map is a multi-map. Use getAll() to get all values for a key. Use add() to append a key-value.

  6. case class Http(_compressionLevel: Int = 1, _maxRequestSize: StorageUnit = 5.megabytes, _maxResponseSize: StorageUnit = 5.megabytes, _decompressionEnabled: Boolean = true, _channelBufferUsageTracker: Option[ChannelBufferUsageTracker] = None, _annotateCipherHeader: Option[String] = None, _enableTracing: Boolean = false, _maxInitialLineLength: StorageUnit = 4096.bytes, _maxHeaderSize: StorageUnit = 8192.bytes, _streaming: Boolean = false) extends CodecFactory[Request, Response] with Product with Serializable


    The compression level to use. If passed the default value (-1) then use TextualContentCompressor which will compress text-like content-types with the default compression level (6). Otherwise, use HttpContentCompressor for all content-types with specified compression level.

  7. trait HttpMuxHandler extends Service[Request, Response]

    Trait HttpMuxHandler is used for service-loading HTTP handlers.

  8. class HttpMuxer extends Service[Request, Response]

    A service that dispatches incoming requests to registered handlers.

    A service that dispatches incoming requests to registered handlers. In order to choose which handler to dispatch the request to, we take the path of the request and match it with the patterns of the pre-registered handlers. The pattern matching follows these rules:

    • Patterns ending with "/" use exclusive prefix matching. Eg: the pattern "foo/bar/" matches these paths: "foo/bar/", "foo/bar/baz", etc but NOT "foo/bar" Similarly, the pattern "/" matches all paths
    • Patterns not ending with "/" use exact matching. Eg: the pattern "foo/bar" ONLY matches this path: "foo/bar"
    • Special case: The pattern "" matches only "/" and ""

    NOTE: When multiple pattern matches exist, the longest pattern wins.

  9. class HttpTransport extends Transport[Any, Any]

    A Transport with close behavior managed by ConnectionManager.

  10. class MapHeaderMap extends HeaderMap

    Mutable-Map-backed HeaderMap

  11. class MapParamMap extends ParamMap

    Map-backed ParamMap.

  12. abstract class Message extends HttpMessageProxy

    Rich Message

    Rich Message

    Base class for Request and Response. There are both input and output methods, though only one set of methods should be used.

  13. sealed trait Method extends AnyRef

  14. class MockResponse extends Response

  15. abstract class ParamMap extends Map[String, String] with MapLike[String, String, ParamMap]

    Request parameter map.

    Request parameter map.

    This is a multi-map. Use getAll() get all values for a key.

  16. case class ProxyCredentials(username: String, password: String) extends Product with Serializable

  17. abstract class Request extends Message with HttpRequestProxy

    Rich HttpRequest.

    Rich HttpRequest.

    Use RequestProxy to create an even richer subclass.

  18. class RequestBuilder[HasUrl, HasForm] extends AnyRef

  19. class RequestParamMap extends ParamMap

    HttpRequest-backed param map.

    HttpRequest-backed param map. Handle parameters in the URL and form encoded body. Multipart forms are not supported (not needed, could be abusive).

    This map is a multi-map. Use getAll() to get all values for a key.

  20. abstract class Response extends Message with HttpResponseProxy

    Rich HttpResponse

  21. class SafeHttpServerCodec extends HttpServerCodec

    Convert exceptions to BadHttpRequests

  22. case class SimpleElement(name: String, content: String) extends FormElement with Product with Serializable

  23. case class Status(code: Int) extends Product with Serializable

  24. class TlsFilter extends SimpleFilter[Request, Response]

    Adds the host headers to for TLS-enabled requests.

  25. sealed trait Version extends AnyRef

Value Members

  1. object EmptyParamMap extends ParamMap

    Empty ParamMap

  2. object HeaderMap

  3. object Http extends Serializable

  4. object HttpMuxer extends Service[Request, Response]

    Singleton default multiplex service

  5. object HttpTracing

  6. object MapHeaderMap

  7. object MapParamMap

  8. object MediaType

  9. object Message

  10. object Method

    Scala aliases for HttpMethod.

    Scala aliases for HttpMethod. Java users should use Netty's HttpMethod.

  11. object ParamMap

  12. object ProxyCredentials extends Serializable

  13. object Request

  14. object RequestBuilder

    Factory for com.twitter.finagle.httpx.RequestBuilder instances

  15. object RequestConfig extends Serializable

  16. object Response

  17. object SpnegoAuthenticator

    A SPNEGO HTTP authenticator as defined in, which gets its credentials from a provided CredentialSource...

    A SPNEGO HTTP authenticator as defined in, which gets its credentials from a provided CredentialSource... usually JAAS.

  18. object Status extends Serializable

  19. object TlsFilter

  20. object Version

    Scala aliases for HttpVersion.

    Scala aliases for HttpVersion. Java users should use Netty's HttpVersion

  21. package codec

  22. package filter

  23. package netty

  24. package path

  25. package service

  26. package util
