

package mysql

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class BinaryEncodedRow extends Row

    Defines a Row where the data is presumed to be encoded with the mysql binary protocol.

  2. case class ByteValue(b: Byte) extends Value with Product with Serializable

  3. case class Capability(mask: Int) extends Product with Serializable

  4. trait Client extends Closable

  5. class ClientDispatcher extends GenSerialClientDispatcher[Request, Result, Packet, Packet]

    A ClientDispatcher that implements the mysql client/server protocol.

  6. case class CloseRequest(stmtId: Int) extends CommandRequest with Product with Serializable

    A CloseRequest deallocates a prepared statement on the server.

  7. abstract class CommandRequest extends Request

    A command request is a request initiated by the client and has a cmd byte associated with it.

  8. trait Decoder[T <: Result] extends (Packet) ⇒ Try[T]

    A decoder for Results contained in a single packet.

  9. case class DoubleValue(d: Double) extends Value with Product with Serializable

  10. case class EOF(warnings: Short, serverStatus: Short) extends Result with Product with Serializable

  11. case class Error(code: Short, sqlState: String, message: String) extends Result with Product with Serializable

  12. case class ExecuteRequest(stmtId: Int, params: IndexedSeq[Any] = ..., hasNewParams: Boolean = true, flags: Byte = 0) extends CommandRequest with Product with Serializable

    Uses the binary protocol to build an execute request for a prepared statement.

  13. case class Field(catalog: String, db: String, table: String, origTable: String, name: String, origName: String, charset: Short, displayLength: Int, fieldType: Short, flags: Short, decimals: Byte) extends Result with Product with Serializable

  14. case class FloatValue(f: Float) extends Value with Product with Serializable

  15. case class Handshake(username: Option[String] = scala.None, password: Option[String] = scala.None, database: Option[String] = scala.None, clientCap: Capability = Capability.baseCap, charset: Short = ..., maxPacketSize: StorageUnit = ...) extends (HandshakeInit) ⇒ Try[HandshakeResponse] with Product with Serializable

    Bridges a server handshake (HandshakeInit) with a client handshake (HandshakeResponse) using the given parameters.

  16. case class HandshakeInit(protocol: Byte, version: String, threadId: Int, salt: Array[Byte], serverCap: Capability, charset: Short, status: Short) extends Result with Product with Serializable

  17. case class HandshakeResponse(username: Option[String], password: Option[String], database: Option[String], clientCap: Capability, salt: Array[Byte], serverCap: Capability, charset: Short, maxPacketSize: Int) extends Request with Product with Serializable

    Client response sent during connection phase.

  18. class IncompatibleServerError extends Exception

  19. case class IntValue(i: Int) extends Value with Product with Serializable

  20. case class LongValue(l: Long) extends Value with Product with Serializable

  21. case class LostSyncException(underlying: Throwable) extends RuntimeException with Product with Serializable

  22. case class OK(affectedRows: Long, insertId: Long, serverStatus: Int, warningCount: Int, message: String) extends Result with Product with Serializable

  23. case class PrepareOK(id: Int, numOfCols: Int, numOfParams: Int, warningCount: Int, columns: Seq[Field] = immutable.this.Nil, params: Seq[Field] = immutable.this.Nil) extends Result with Product with Serializable

  24. case class PrepareRequest(sqlStatement: String) extends SimpleCommandRequest with Product with Serializable

    Allocates a prepared statement on the server from the passed in query string.

  25. trait PreparedStatement extends AnyRef

    A PreparedStatement represents a parameterized sql statement which may be applied concurrently with varying parameters.

  26. case class QueryRequest(sqlStatement: String) extends SimpleCommandRequest with Product with Serializable

    A QueryRequest is used to send the server a text-based query that is executed immediately.

  27. case class RawValue(typ: Short, charset: Short, isBinary: Boolean, bytes: Array[Byte]) extends Value with Product with Serializable

    A RawValue contains the raw bytes that represent a value and enough meta data to decode the bytes.

  28. sealed trait Request extends AnyRef

  29. sealed trait Result extends AnyRef

  30. case class ResultSet(fields: Seq[Field], rows: Seq[Row]) extends Result with Product with Serializable

  31. trait Row extends AnyRef

    Defines an interface that allows for easily reading the values in a mysql row.

  32. case class ServerError(code: Short, sqlState: String, message: String) extends Exception with Product with Serializable

  33. case class ShortValue(s: Short) extends Value with Product with Serializable

  34. class SimpleCommandRequest extends CommandRequest

    Defines a request that encodes the command byte and associated data into a packet.

  35. class StringEncodedRow extends Row

    Defines a row where the data is presumed to be encoded with the mysql text-based protocol.

  36. case class StringValue(s: String) extends Value with Product with Serializable

  37. case class UseRequest(dbName: String) extends SimpleCommandRequest with Product with Serializable

    A UseRequest is used to change the default schema of the connection.

  38. sealed trait Value extends AnyRef

    Defines a Value ADT that represents the domain of values received from a mysql server.

Value Members

  1. object BigDecimalValue

  2. object Capability extends Serializable

  3. object Charset

  4. object Client

  5. object ClientDispatcher

  6. object CloseStatementOK extends OK

    Used internally to synthesize a response from the server when sending a prepared statement CloseRequest

  7. object Command

  8. object DateValue

  9. object EOF extends Decoder[EOF] with Serializable

    Represents and EOF result received from the server which contains any warnings and the server status.

  10. object EmptyValue extends Value with Product with Serializable

  11. object Error extends Decoder[Error] with Serializable

    Represents the Error Packet received from the server and the data sent along with it.

  12. object Field extends Decoder[Field] with Serializable

    Represents the column meta-data associated with a query.

  13. object Handshake extends Serializable

  14. object HandshakeInit extends Decoder[HandshakeInit] with Serializable

    First result received from the server as part of the connection phase.

  15. object IncompatibleCharset extends IncompatibleServerError with Product with Serializable

  16. object IncompatibleVersion extends IncompatibleServerError with Product with Serializable

  17. object NullValue extends Value with Product with Serializable

  18. object OK extends Decoder[OK] with Serializable

    Represents the OK Packet received from the server.

  19. object PingRequest extends SimpleCommandRequest with Product with Serializable

    A request to check if the server is alive.

  20. object PrepareOK extends Decoder[PrepareOK] with Serializable

    Meta data returned from the server in response to a prepared statement initialization request COM_STMT_PREPARE.

  21. object ResultSet extends Serializable

    Resultset returned from the server containing field definitions and rows.

  22. object TimestampValue

  23. object Type

  24. package transport
