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com.twitter.finatra.http.annotations - package com.twitter.finatra.http.annotations
commaSeparatedList() - Method in annotation type com.twitter.finatra.http.annotations.QueryParam
Set to true for parameters that are in comma-separated format, so that they will be split before parsing the individual values.


FormParam - Annotation Type in com.twitter.finatra.http.annotations
Marker Annotation for denoting a Jackson "injectable value" which should be obtained from a Finagle HTTP Request form parameter.


Header - Annotation Type in com.twitter.finatra.http.annotations
Marker Annotation for denoting a Jackson "injectable value" which should be obtained from a Finagle HTTP Message header parameter.


JsonIgnoreBody - Annotation Type in com.twitter.finatra.http.annotations
Marker Annotation for denoting that the body of the Finagle HTTP Message should not be parsed as a JSON body.


MessageBodyWriter - Annotation Type in com.twitter.finatra.http.annotations
Marker annotation for Annotation interfaces which define a `MessageBodyWriter` annotation.


QueryParam - Annotation Type in com.twitter.finatra.http.annotations
Marker Annotation for denoting a Jackson "injectable value" which should be obtained from a Finagle HTTP Request query string parameter.


RouteParam - Annotation Type in com.twitter.finatra.http.annotations
Marker Annotation for denoting a Jackson "injectable value" which should be obtained from a Finagle HTTP Request URI path variable.


value() - Method in annotation type com.twitter.finatra.http.annotations.FormParam
An optional field name to use for reading the form parameter from the Finagle HTTP Request.
value() - Method in annotation type com.twitter.finatra.http.annotations.Header
An optional field name to use for reading the header parameter from the Finagle HTTP Message.
value() - Method in annotation type com.twitter.finatra.http.annotations.QueryParam
An optional field name to use for reading the query parameter from the Finagle HTTP Request.
value() - Method in annotation type com.twitter.finatra.http.annotations.RouteParam
An optional field name to use for reading the route parameter from the Finagle HTTP Request.
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