



package exceptions

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. abstract class AbstractExceptionMapper[T <: Throwable] extends ExceptionMapper[T]


    AbstractExceptionMapper for usage from Java

  2. case class BadRequestException(mediaType: String, errors: Seq[String]) extends HttpException with Product with Serializable

  3. case class ConflictException(mediaType: String, errors: Seq[String]) extends HttpException with Product with Serializable

  4. class ExceptionManager extends AnyRef


    A class to register com.twitter.finatra.http.exceptions.ExceptionMappers and handle exceptions.

    A class to register com.twitter.finatra.http.exceptions.ExceptionMappers and handle exceptions.

    Given an exception, the ExceptionManager will find an com.twitter.finatra.http.exceptions.ExceptionMapper to handle that particular class of exceptions. If the mapper for that exception isn't registered, the ExceptionManager will try the exception's parent class, and so on, until it reaches the Throwable class. The framework registers a "root" exception mapper over Throwable which will eventually be invoked. Users are free to register their own ExceptionMapper[Throwable] which overrides the "root" exception mapper.

    See also


  5. trait ExceptionMapper[T <: Throwable] extends AnyRef


    An ExceptionMapper converts a T-typed throwable to an HTTP response.

    An ExceptionMapper converts a T-typed throwable to an HTTP response.

    Java users should use the AbstractExceptionMapper.

  6. class ExceptionMapperCollection extends Traversable[Manifest[ExceptionMapper[_]]]


    Represents a collection of com.twitter.finatra.http.exceptions.ExceptionMappers which is a

    Represents a collection of com.twitter.finatra.http.exceptions.ExceptionMappers which is a



    Traversable[Manifest[ExceptionMapper[_]]] }}}

  7. case class ForbiddenException(mediaType: String, errors: Seq[String]) extends HttpException with Product with Serializable

  8. class HttpException extends Exception


    An Exception which will be rendered as an HTTP response.

  9. class HttpNackException extends Exception with NoStackTrace

  10. class HttpResponseException extends Exception with NonRetryableException with NoStackTrace

  11. case class InternalServerErrorException(mediaType: String, errors: Seq[String]) extends HttpException with Product with Serializable

  12. class MaxForwardsExceededException extends Exception


    Denotes that Controller forwarding exceeded the maximum depth.

    Denotes that Controller forwarding exceeded the maximum depth.

    See also



  13. case class MethodNotAllowedException(mediaType: String, errors: Seq[String]) extends HttpException with Product with Serializable

  14. case class NotAcceptableException(mediaType: String, errors: Seq[String]) extends HttpException with Product with Serializable

  15. case class NotFoundException(mediaType: String, errors: Seq[String]) extends HttpException with Product with Serializable

  16. class RouteParamExtractionException extends Exception with NoStackTrace


    Used to denote an exception which occurred during routing while attempting to extract the capture value of a route param from an incoming request URI, e.g., for a defined route: /user/:id, extracting the text "123" from an incoming request URI of /user/123.

    Used to denote an exception which occurred during routing while attempting to extract the capture value of a route param from an incoming request URI, e.g., for a defined route: /user/:id, extracting the text "123" from an incoming request URI of /user/123.

    This exception is handled by the framework but is public to allow users to customize their server behavior via an installed ExceptionMapper over this exception type, if desired. Note, that this exception occurs **before** routing and thus any user-defined ExceptionMapper should be added to an ExceptionManager installed on an com.twitter.finatra.http.filters.ExceptionMappingFilter that is installed with beforeRouting = true.

    class RouteParamExtractionExceptionMapper
      extends ExceptionMapper[RouteParamExtractionException] {
      def toResponse(request: Request, throwable: RouteParamExtractionException): Response  = ???
    val beforeRoutingExceptionManager: ExceptionManager =
      new ExceptionManager(injector, injector.instance[StatsReceiver])
    override def configureHttp(router: HttpRouter) {
        .filter(new ExceptionMappingFilter[Request](beforeRoutingExceptionManager), beforeRouting = true)
    // or without a custom `ExceptionManager` (uses the default configured by the `ExceptionManagerModule`):
    override def configureHttp(router: HttpRouter) {
       .filter[ExceptionMappingFilter[Request]](beforeRouting = true)
  17. case class ServiceUnavailableException(mediaType: String, errors: Seq[String]) extends HttpException with Product with Serializable

  18. class UnsupportedMethodException extends Exception with NoStackTrace


    Used to denote that an incoming request HTTP method (verb) is not supported by a matched route (that is a route exists which matches the incoming request URI but is not defined over the incoming request method).

    Used to denote that an incoming request HTTP method (verb) is not supported by a matched route (that is a route exists which matches the incoming request URI but is not defined over the incoming request method).

    This exception is handled by the framework but is public to allow users to customize their server behavior via an installed ExceptionMapper over this exception type, if desired. Note, that this exception occurs **before** routing and thus any user-defined ExceptionMapper should be added to an ExceptionManager installed on an com.twitter.finatra.http.filters.ExceptionMappingFilter that is installed with beforeRouting = true.

    class UnsupportedMethodExceptionMapper
      extends ExceptionMapper[UnsupportedMethodException] {
      def toResponse(request: Request, throwable: UnsupportedMethodException): Response  = ???
    val beforeRoutingExceptionManager: ExceptionManager =
      new ExceptionManager(injector, injector.instance[StatsReceiver])
    override def configureHttp(router: HttpRouter) {
        .filter(new ExceptionMappingFilter[Request](beforeRoutingExceptionManager), beforeRouting = true)
    // or without a custom `ExceptionManager` (uses the default configured by the `ExceptionManagerModule`):
    override def configureHttp(router: HttpRouter) {
       .filter[ExceptionMappingFilter[Request]](beforeRouting = true)
