



package exceptions

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class ExceptionManager extends AnyRef


    A class to register com.twitter.finatra.thrift.exceptions.ExceptionMappers and handle exceptions

    A class to register com.twitter.finatra.thrift.exceptions.ExceptionMappers and handle exceptions

    Given an exception, the ExceptionManager will find an com.twitter.finatra.thrift.exceptions.ExceptionMapper to handle that particular class of exceptions. If the mapper for that exception isn't registered, the ExceptionManager will try the exception's parent class, until it reaches a Throwable class. If no Throwable class exception mapper is found, it won't handle the exception. Users are free to register their own ExceptionMapper[Throwable] which will be the root exception mapper.

  2. trait ExceptionMapper[T <: Throwable, Rep] extends AnyRef


    An ExceptionMapper converts a T-typed throwable to a Future[Rep].

  3. class FinatraThriftExceptionMapper extends ExceptionMapper[Exception, ThriftException] with Logging


    A generic com.twitter.finatra.thrift.exceptions.ExceptionMapper over the java.lang.Exception exception type.

    A generic com.twitter.finatra.thrift.exceptions.ExceptionMapper over the java.lang.Exception exception type. This mapper attempts to translate other exceptions to declared finatra-thrift/finatra_thrift_exception.thrift exceptions.

    If you include the finatra-thrift/finatra_thrift_exception.thrift file in your thrift service IDL and declare any of your service methods to throw one or more of the defined thrift exceptions, i.e.,


    using the FinatraThriftExceptionMapper will translate any Throwable into one of the finatra_thrift_exceptions where appropriate for responding to the client.

    Exceptions returned from a thrift service which are not declared in the thrift IDL are returned as a generic TApplicationException.


    In your myservice.thrift, include the finatra-thrift/finatra_thrift_exception.thrift thrift IDL:

    namespace java com.my_org.myservice.thriftjava
    #@namespace scala com.my_org.myservice.thriftscala
    include "finatra-thrift/finatra_thrift_exceptions.thrift"

    Then in your MyService definition, declare methods to throw finatra_thrift_exceptions:

    service MyService {
      string function1(
        1: string msg
      ) throws (
        1: finatra_thrift_exceptions.ServerError serverError,
        2: finatra_thrift_exceptions.UnknownClientIdError unknownClientIdError
        3: finatra_thrift_exceptions.NoClientIdError noClientIdError

    Adding this ExceptionMapper into your server will thus translate any of the handled exceptions into a form that will serialize appropriately to the client.

    Note, you can also mix usage with your own declared exception(s), e.g.,

    exception MyServiceException {
      1: string message

    Then in your MyService definition,

    service MyService {
      string function1(
        1: string msg
      ) throws (
        1: finatra_thrift_exceptions.ServerError serverError,
        2: finatra_thrift_exceptions.UnknownClientIdError unknownClientIdError
        3: finatra_thrift_exceptions.NoClientIdError noClientIdError
        4: MyServiceException myServiceException

    You could then register an additional ExceptionMapper to translate Throwables into MyServiceException as desired or return the exception directly from implemented methods.


    This is only applicable in scala since the FinatraThriftExceptionMapper uses scala generated classes for the exceptions. We recommend for users including the finatra-thrift/finatra_thrift_exception.thrift register this mapper in their scala Servers.

    See also

    Using Finagle Thrift

    Finatra Thrift Exception Mapping

