

package source

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait CheckedInversion[T, U] extends Serializable

    Handles the error checking for Injection inversion if check fails, it will throw an unrecoverable exception stopping the job TODO: probably belongs in Bijection

  2. class CodecPailStructure[T] extends PailStructure[T]

    It is quite unlikely for client code to make a CodecPailStructure CodecPailStructure is constructed by PailSource's factory methods.

  3. class CodecSource[T] extends FileSource with Mappable[T]

  4. abstract class DailyPrefixSuffixLzoThrift[T <: TBase[_, _]] extends DailyPrefixSuffixSource with LzoThrift[T]

  5. abstract class DailySuffixLongThriftSequenceFile[V <: TBase[_, _]] extends TimePathedLongThriftSequenceFile[V]

  6. abstract class DailySuffixLzoCodec[T] extends DailySuffixSource with LzoCodec[T]

  7. abstract class DailySuffixLzoProtobuf[T <: Message] extends DailySuffixSource with LzoProtobuf[T]

  8. abstract class DailySuffixLzoThrift[T <: TBase[_, _]] extends DailySuffixSource with LzoThrift[T]

  9. case class DailySuffixLzoTsv(prefix: String, fs: Fields = cascading.tuple.Fields.ALL)(implicit dateRange: DateRange) extends DailySuffixSource with LzoTsv with Product with Serializable

  10. trait ErrorHandlingLzoCodec[T] extends FileSource with LzoCodec[T]

  11. trait ErrorThresholdLzoCodec[T] extends FileSource with ErrorHandlingLzoCodec[T]

  12. abstract class FixedPathLzoProtobuf[T <: Message] extends FixedPathSource with LzoProtobuf[T]

  13. abstract class FixedPathLzoThrift[T <: TBase[_, _]] extends FixedPathSource with LzoThrift[T]

  14. abstract class HourlySuffixLzoCodec[T] extends HourlySuffixSource with LzoCodec[T]

  15. abstract class HourlySuffixLzoProtobuf[T <: Message] extends HourlySuffixSource with LzoProtobuf[T]

  16. abstract class HourlySuffixLzoText extends HourlySuffixSource with LzoText

  17. abstract class HourlySuffixLzoThrift[T <: TBase[_, _]] extends HourlySuffixSource with LzoThrift[T]

  18. case class HourlySuffixLzoTsv(prefix: String, fs: Fields = cascading.tuple.Fields.ALL)(implicit dateRange: DateRange) extends HourlySuffixSource with LzoTsv with Product with Serializable

  19. trait LongThriftTransformer[V <: TBase[_, _]] extends Source

  20. trait LzoCodec[T] extends FileSource with Mappable[T]

  21. trait LzoProtobuf[T <: Message] extends Source with Mappable[T]

  22. trait LzoText extends Source with Mappable[String]

  23. trait LzoThrift[T <: TBase[_, _]] extends Source with Mappable[T]

  24. trait LzoTsv extends Source with DelimitedScheme

  25. trait LzoTypedTsv[T] extends Source with DelimitedScheme with Mappable[T]

  26. class MaxFailuresCheck[T, U] extends CheckedInversion[T, U]

  27. abstract class MostRecentGoodLongThriftSequenceFile[V <: TBase[_, _]] extends MostRecentGoodSource with WritableSequenceFileScheme with Serializable with Mappable[(Long, V)] with LongThriftTransformer[V]

  28. class PailSource[T] extends Source with Mappable[T]

  29. class RichPipeEx extends Serializable

  30. abstract class TimePathedLongThriftSequenceFile[V <: TBase[_, _]] extends TimePathedSource with WritableSequenceFileScheme with Serializable with Mappable[(Long, V)] with LongThriftTransformer[V]

  31. class TsvWithHeader extends FixedPathSource with DelimitedScheme with FieldConversions

    A tsv source with the column name header info.

  32. class TypedRichPipeEx[K, V] extends Serializable

  33. class VersionedKeyValSource[K, V] extends Source with Mappable[(K, V)]

Value Members

  1. object BytesWritableCodec

    Source used to write some type T into a WritableSequenceFile using a codec on T for serialization.

  2. object CodecSource extends Serializable

  3. object LzoCodecSource

    Source used to write some type T into an LZO-compressed SequenceFile using a codec on T for serialization.

  4. object PailSource extends Serializable

    The PailSource enables scalding integration with the Pail class in the dfs-datastores library.

  5. object RichPipeEx extends FieldConversions with TupleConversions with Serializable

  6. object VersionedKeyValSource extends Serializable

    Source used to write key-value pairs as byte arrays into a versioned store.
